1,930 research outputs found

    A computationally practical simulation estimation algorithm for dynamic panel data models with unobserved endogenous state variables

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    This paper develops a new simulation estimation algorithm that is particularly useful for estimating dynamic panel data models with unobserved endogenous state variables. The new approach can deal with the commonly encountered and widely discussed ``initial conditions problem,'' as well as the more general problem of missing state variables at any point during the sample period. Repeated sampling experiments on a dynamic panel data probit model with serially correlated errors indicate that the estimator has good small sample properties and is computationally practical for use with panels of the size that are likely to be encountered in practice. <br><br> Keywords; initial conditions, missing data, discrete choice, simulation estimation

    A Computationally Practical Simulation Estimation Algorithm for Dynamic Panel Data Models with Unobserved Endogenous State Variables

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    This paper develops a simulation estimation algorithm that is particularly useful for estimating dynamic panel data models with unobserved endogenous state variables. The new approach can easily deal with the commonly encountered and widely discussed “initial conditions problem,” as well as the more general problem of missing state variables during the sample period. Repeated sampling experiments on dynamic probit models with serially correlated errors indicate that the estimator has good small sample properties. We apply the estimator to a model of married women’s labor force participation decisions. The results show that the rarely used Polya model, which is very difficult to estimate given missing data problems, fits the data substantially better than the popular Markov model. The Polya model implies far less state dependence in employment status than the Markov model. It also implies that observed heterogeneity in education, young children and husband income are much more important determinants of participation, while race is much less important.Initial Conditions, Missing Data, Simulation, Female Labor Force Participation Decisions

    Interface originated modification of electron-vibration coupling in resonant photoelectron spectroscopy

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    We present a comprehensive study of the photon energy (hνh \nu) dependent line-shape evolution of molecular orbital signals of large π\pi-conjugated molecules by resonant photoelectron spectroscopy (RPES). A comparison to RPES data of small molecules suggests that the excitation into different vibrational levels on the intermediate state potential energy surface of the electronic excitation is responsible for the observed effect. In this simplified picture of electron-vibration couping the character of the potential energy surfaces involved in the RPES process determines the line-shape of the molecular orbital signal for a particular hνh \nu. We use the sensitivity of this effect to probe the influence of different interfaces on the electron-vibration coupling in the investigated systems. The magnitude of the variation in line-shape throughout the particular hνh \nu region allows to reveal significant differences within the physisorptive regime

    A Computationally Practical Simulation Estimation Algorithm for Dynamic Panel Data Models with Unobserved Endogenous State Variables

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    This paper develops a simulation estimation algorithm that is particularly useful for estimating dynamic panel data models with unobserved endogenous state variables. The new approach can easily deal with the commonly encountered and widely discussed "initial conditions problem," as well as the more general problem of missing state variables during the sample period. Repeated sampling experiments on dynamic probit models with serially correlated errors indicate that the estimator has good small sample properties. We apply the estimator to a model of married women's labor force participation decisions. The results show that the rarely used Polya model, which is very difficult to estimate given missing data problems, fits the data substantially better than the popular Markov model. The Polya model implies far less state dependence in employment status than the Markov model. It also implies that observed heterogeneity in education, young children and husband income are much more important determinants of participation, while race is much less important.simulation, missing data, initial conditions, female labor force participation

    Predictors of student course evaluations.

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    This dissertation explored the relationship between student, course, and instructor-level variables and student course ratings. The selection of predictor variables was based on a thorough review of the extensive body of existing literature on student course evaluations, spanning from the 1920\u27 s to the present day. The sample of student course ratings examined in this study came from the entirety of student course evaluations collected during the fall 2010 and spring 2011 semesters at the College of Education and Human Development at a large metropolitan university in the southern United States. The student course evaluation instrument is composed of 19 statements concerning the instructor\u27s teaching ability, preparation, grading, the course text and organization to which the student rates their agreement with the statement on a 5 point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 Strongly Disagree , Poor , or Very Low to 5 Strongly Agree , Excellent or Very High . In order to assess the relationship between the student, course, and instructor-level variables and the student course rating, hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) analyses were conducted. Most of the variability in student course rating was estimated at the student-level and this was reflected in the fact that most of the statistically significant relationships were found at the student-level. Prior student course interest and the amount of student effort were statistically significant predictors of student course rating in all of the regression models. These findings were supported by previous studies and provide further evidence of such relationships. Additional HLM analyses were conducted to assess the relationship between student course rating and final course grade. Results of the HLM analyses indicated that student course rating was a statistically significant predictor of student course grade. This finding is consistent with the existing literature which posits a weak positive relationship between expected course grade and student course rating

    Relationship of selected student characteristics to student ratings of importance and levels of satisfaction

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    Low graduation and retention rates are problems that many universities and colleges across the country face. Students often leave an institution prematurely, not because of academic difficulties but because of other obstacles that they believe impede their progress. Studying student satisfaction can help to understand what some of these difficulties might be. In order to address this issue, this study examined the relationship between student ratings of importance and student satisfaction with elements of the university environment and student characteristics; There were 1,208 subjects in this study. All subjects were given the Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory during the Spring 2002 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Noel Levitz USA Group, 2001). The data were analyzed with a set of multinomial logistic regression equations with the measurements of importance and satisfaction being the dependent variables and the student characteristics being the independent variables; The most important independent variable influencing student satisfaction was whether the institution was the first, second, or third choice of students when they entered. Student standing was another important variable. As undergraduate students increased in student standing they were more likely to be dissatisfied with campus climate, campus life, registration effectiveness, service excellence, and safety, security, and parKing This is different from what was expected and may be attributable to the study being done at a commuter campus in a large, urban area. Students of color were more likely to be dissatisfied with instructional effectiveness and student centeredness. Female students were more likely to view campus support services, concern for the individual, instructional effectiveness, recruiting and financial aid, registration effectiveness, and safety, security, and parking as more important than male students. Female students were more likely to be more satisfied with campus life and student centeredness than male students were and less satisfied with safety, security, and parking; Other relationships that are important to note because of their lack of significant relationships include the students\u27 age, whether the student returned the next semester, and the students\u27 employment status. These last relationships are surprising because of their lack of significance

    Rote Liste und Artenverzeichnis der Moose Baden-Württembergs

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    Die hier vorgelegte Liste ist als Ergänzung des dreibändigen Grundlagenwerkes „Die Moose Baden-Württembergs“ zu sehen (NEBEL & PHILIPPI 2000, 2001, 2005). In diesem ausführlichen Werk wurde erstmals für alle im Bundesland vorkommenden Moose eine Einstufung in verschiedene Gefährdungskategorien vorgenommen. Diese Einstufungen sind in der vorliegenden Roten Liste zusammengefasst. Da das Erscheinen der ersten beiden Bände des Grundlagenwerks bereits einige Jahre zurückliegt, ergaben sich inzwischen zahlreiche neue Funde zu einzelnen Sippen. Einige Taxa wurden in der letzten Zeit neu für Baden-Württemberg entdeckt, sie fehlen daher in NEBEL & PHILIPPI (2000, 2001), andere mussten aus dem Arteninventar gestrichen werden. Mehrere Sippen, die im Grundlagenwerk noch landesweit als verschollen oder ausgestorben eingestuft wurden (RL 0), ließen sich neuerdings wieder nachweisen. Das Artenverzeichnis wurde daher entsprechend aktualisiert. Ebenso wurden die Gefährdungseinstufungen dem aktuellen Kenntnisstand angepasst. Veränderungen gegenüber dem Grundlagenwerk sind unter anderem in den „Anmerkungen zu einzelnen Sippen“ (siehe Kapitel 13) erläutert. Zu wichtigen neuen Funden werden außerdem genauere Daten mitgeteilt (Fundstelle oder Fundregion, Zeitpunkt der Beobachtung und Finder)

    Monosaccharide transporters in plants: structure, function and physiology

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    AbstractMonosaccharide transport across the plant plasma membrane plays an important role both in lower and higher plants. Algae can switch between phototrophic and heterotrophic growth and utilize organic compounds, such as monosaccharides as additional or sole carbon sources. Higher plants represent complex mosaics of phototrophic and heterotrophic cells and tissues and depend on the activity of numerous transporters for the correct partitioning of assimilated carbon between their different organs. The cloning of monosaccharide transporter genes and cDNAs identified closely related integral membrane proteins with 12 transmembrane helices exhibiting significant homology to monosaccharide transporters from yeast, bacteria and mammals. Structural analyses performed with several members of this transporter superfamily identified protein domains or even specific amino acid residues putatively involved in substrate binding and specificity. Expression of plant monosaccharide transporter cDNAs in yeast cells and frog oocytes allowed the characterization of substrate specificities and kinetic parameters. Immunohistochemical studies, in situ hybridization analyses and studies performed with transgenic plants expressing reporter genes under the control of promoters from specific monosaccharide transporter genes allowed the localization of the transport proteins or revealed the sites of gene expression. Higher plants possess large families of monosaccharide transporter genes and each of the encoded proteins seems to have a specific function often confined to a limited number of cells and regulated both developmentally and by environmental stimuli

    The Volatile Composition of the Split Ecliptic comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3: A Comparison of Fragments C and B

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    The composition of fragments C and B of the Jupiter-family comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (SW3) was investigated in early April of 2006 at IR wavelengths using high-dispersion echelle spectroscopy. Both fragments were depleted in ethane, and C was depleted in most forms of volatile carbon. In particular, fragment C shows a severe depletion of CH_(3)OH but a "normal" abundance of HCN (which has a similar volatility). Thermal processing is a possible explanation, but since fragment B is perhaps sublimating fresher material because of the frequent outbursts and fragmentation, the observed depletions might have cosmogonic implications. The chemistry of the volatile ices in SW3, like in the Oort Cloud comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR), may be associated with sublimation of icy mantles from precometary grains followed by subsequent gas-phase chemistry and recondensation