122 research outputs found

    Supply Chain Governance, Corporate Governance and Firm Supply Performance: A Paradox of Prediction

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    The supply chain management has emerged as a key competitive tool, however, little or no attention has been given to explore the link between supply chain governance, external corporate governance mechanism such as board characteristics and supply chain performance. Therefore, the current study is being carried out explore the relationship among three interlinked phenomena such as external corporate governance, supply chain governance and firm supply performance. It is argued in this study that the supply chain governance mediates the relationship between corporate governance firm supply performance. The SMART-PLS is used to achieve the objective of the current stud. The data is collected from the operation managers, production managers and finance managers of manufacturing firms listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange. The results of the study have shown a great deal of agreement with our proposed hypothesis. Meanwhile the findings have provided support to the predictions of agency theory and resource based theory. The study which is among pioneering studies on the issue will be helpful for policy makers and managers in understanding the role of agency theory in supply chain management

    The relationship between motivation, training, and job suitability with employee performance: a study of employees in the private sector

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    Employee performance is an important factor in the success of an organization in the profit-oriented private sector. Deterioration of performance among employees will affect negatively towards the quality and productivity of the organization. The paper aims to examine the relationship between motivation, training, and job suitability for the performance of employees. A total of 136 respondents was involved in this study through distributed to employees working in a private company in northern Peninsular Malaysia. The findings of the study indicate that there is a moderate and significant correlation between motivation, training, and job suitability with employee performance. The findings reveal motivational factors are the most significant contributing factors to employee performance, which motivation is claimed to be crucial in improving employee performance. Employees will be more enthusiastic and strive to perform their duties if they are motivated. In addition, training and job suitability are also important elements in determining the level of performance among employees

    A Combine Effect of Firm Characteristics and Corporate Social Responsibility on Supply Chain Performance

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    Objective of this study is to examine the role of firm characteristics in supply chain performance (SCP) with mediating role of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Various lower income countries are facing different issues in supply chain which has effect on SCP. These issues are related to the firm characteristics. Firm characteristics include; size and ownership. Additionally, this study examined the mediation effect of CSR between firm characteristics and SCP. 500 questionnaires were distributed to get the response of supply chain employees in Indonesian supply chain companies. The companies only dealing with supply chain were selected to get response. The companies which were involved in other activities are not included in the survey. After data collection, data were examined through structural equation modeling. It is found that firm characteristics have direct relationship with CSR and CSR has direct relationship with SCP. Moreover, CSR playing a mediating role between firm characteristics and SCP

    The Effect of Green Organizational Culture and Green Innovation in influencing Competitive Advantage and Environmental Performance

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    The preset study investigated the role of green organizational culture as the antecedent of both green product and process innovation. In addition, the current examination also analyzed the unique contribution of both product and process innovation in prompting organizational competitiveness and environmental performance in Malaysian companies. In doing so, we apply Partial Least Square equation modeling approach. The results of the examination confirm that green product innovation, green process innovation and competitive advantage have positive and significant influenced by green organizational culture. Moreover, the results of PLS-SEM likewise confirm that competitive advantage is positive and significantly influenced by green product innovation and green process innovation. The outcomes further affirm that competitive advantage has positively and significantly impact on environmental performance in Malaysian manufacturing firms

    The role of renewable, non-renewable electricity consumption and carbon emission in development in Indonesia: Evidence from Distributed Lag Tests

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    The current examination aims to explore the critical relationship of energy, in the form of electricity with economic growth of Indonesia. Contrary to traditional approach of assessing the impact of energy consumption, the present study analyzes the association from production point of view by assessing the impact of electricity production on economic development. In doing so, the current study has adopted the refined methodology of Auto-Regressive Distributed Lags (ARDL) bound testing approach to examine the dynamic relationship among renewable electricity generation, non-renewable electricity generation and economic growth with amplified understanding of the critical association to support the course of economic planning and policy making. The results of ARDL bound testing approach confirm that renewable electricity generation, non-renewable electricity generation and carbon dioxide emission are solid determinants of economic development in Indonesia. Moreover, the results avow that renewable electricity and non-renewable electricity generation have a useful and beneficial outcome on economic development in Indonesia Keywords: Renewable electricity generation, nonrenewable electricity generation, carbon dioxide emission, Indonesia. JEL Classifications: Q42, Q43 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.773

    Determinants of supply chain performance: Moderating role of firm size in tourism hotel industry in Indonesia

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    In recent decade, Supply Chain Management is emphasized for determining the performance of firms in any industry. SCM contribute in enhancing performance of firms to perform better in competitive environment. Current study emphasized on predictors of supply chain performance in tourism industry of Indonesia. Study entails integration with supplier and information sharing to be influential on supply chain performance. The study determined the relationship between exogenous and endogenous variable with the moderating role of firm size. Smart PLS is used to analyze the data collected from respondents associated with tourism industry of Indonesia. Measurement model and structure equation model is used by using PLS to analyze direct effect and to determine moderating role. The study can be considered as empirical work that investigates important factors to be influential on supply chain performance of tourism hotel industry of Indonesia

    The Dynamic Relationship between Natural Gas and Economic Growth: Evidence from Indonesia

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    The aim of the current study is to examine the importance of natural gas energy utilization in influencing economic growth using time series data from 1980 to 2017 in Indonesia. In doing so, the current study has adopted the refined methodology of Auto-Regressive Distributed Lags (ARDL) bound testing approach to examine the dynamic relationship among natural gas and economic growth with amplified understanding of the critical association to support the course of economic planning and policy making. The results of ARDL bound testing approach confirm that capital, labor force and natural gas utilization are strong determinants of economic growth in Indonesia. Likewise, the outcomes affirm that natural gas utilization have a constructive and positive effect on economic growth in Indonesia which implies that the natural gas is the main source of economic growth in Indonesia in the long run and short run. Also, the results of variance decomposition method confirm a bi-directional causal relationship between economic growth, natural gas utilization, labor force and capital in Indonesia. Keywords: Natural gas utilization, economic growth, labor force, Indonesia. JEL Classifications: Q4, O1, O4 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.774