2 research outputs found


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    Recipients of housing assistance for poor people are government assistance programs that have a limited budget so that not all people receive housing assistance. Criteria for recipients of housing assistance can be seen from 13 criteria such as age, education, occupations, income, land ownership, home ownership, number of occupants, roof conditions, wall conditions, floor conditions, ownership of bathrooms, water sources, electricity sources. To get a decent recipient, a Decision Support System (DSS) is needed to make it easier for the government to provide housing assistance for poor people. Fuzzy Method Simple Additive Weighting (F-SAW) is one method in DSS that can help resolve unstructured problems and can accommodate weakness of SAW method in linguistic and numerical assessments. System testing conducted use sensitivity testing that is with change value weight each criteria in a manner gradually. From sensitivity test above that has been done, the most sensitive is education criteria because when tested three times of high weight is changed to very high has experienced one change, low has 4 times changed and very low has 4 times the change, with these changes the results got 90% presentation for education criteria. From the results of comparisons that have been made between Dinas Sosial and system, data quota that deserves to receive housing assistance as much as 30 data from dinas sosial showed that total data quota is 20 which is same with system and 10 data is not same with system.  Penerima bantuan rumah untuk warga yang kurang mampu merupakan program bantuan pemerintah yang memiliki anggaran yang terbatas sehingga tidak semua masyarakat menerima bantuan rumah. Penentuan kriteria penerima bantuan rumah dapat dilihat dari 13 kriteria yaitu umur, pendidikan, pekerjaan, penghasilan, kepemilikan tanah, kepemilkan rumah, jumlah pengghuni, kondisi atap, kondisi dinding, kondisi lantai, kepemilikan kamar mandi, sumber air, sumber listrik. Untuk mendapatkan penerima yang layak diperlukan sebuah Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) agar mempermudah pihak pemerintah dalam memberikan bantuan rumah untuk warga yang kurang mampu. Metode Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting (F-SAW) merupakan salah satu metode dalam SPK yang dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah tidak terstruktur serta dapat mengakomodir kekurangan metode SAW dalam penilaian yang bersifat linguistik dan numerik. Pengujian sistem yang dilakukan menggunakan pengujian sensitivitas yaitu dengan merubah nilai bobot masing-masing kriteria secara bertahap. Dari pengujian sensitifitas diatas yang telah dilakukan, kriteria pendidikan paling sensitif karena saat dilakukan pengujian sebanyak tiga kali dari bobot tinggi diubah menjadi sanggat tinggi mengalami 1 kali perubahan, rendah mengalami 4 kali perubahan dan sangat rendah mengalami 4 kali perubahan, dengan perubahan tersebut didapatkan hasil presentasi 90 % untuk kriteria pendidikan. Dari hasil perbandingan yang telah dilakukan antara Dinas Sosial dan sistem, kuota data yang layak untuk menerima bantuan rumah sebanyak 30 data dari Dinas Sosial menunjukan bahwa total kuota data tersebut 20 yang sama dengan sistem dan 10 data tidak sama dengan sistem. &nbsp

    Implementation of Fuzzy-Simple Additive Weighting (F-SAW) Method for Housing Assistance Recipients System in Amarasi District, Kupang Regency

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    Recipients of housing assistance for poor people are government assistance programs that have a limited budget so that not all people receive housing assistance. Criteria for recipients of housing assistance can be seen from 13 criteria such as age, education, occupations, income, land ownership, home ownership, number of occupants, roof conditions, wall conditions, floor conditions, ownership of bathrooms, water sources, electricity sources. To get a decent recipient, a Decision Support System (DSS) is needed to make it easier for the government to provide housing assistance for poor people. Fuzzy Method Simple Additive Weighting (F-SAW) is one method in DSS that can help resolve unstructured problems and can accommodate weakness of SAW method in linguistic and numerical assessments. System testing conducted use sensitivity testing that is with change value weight each criteria in a manner gradually. From sensitivity test above that has been done, the most sensitive is education criteria because when tested three times of high weight is changed to very high has experienced one change, low has 4 times changed and very low has 4 times the change, with these changes the results got 90% presentation for education criteria. From the results of comparisons that have been made between Dinas Sosial and system, data quota that deserves to receive housing assistance as much as 30 data from dinas sosial showed that total data quota is 20 which is same with system and 10 data is not same with system. &nbsp