65 research outputs found

    Use of vaginal misoprostol before endometrial biopsy in premenopausal women: an observational study

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    Background: It is well-known since long time the beneficial effects of misoprostol particularly as a cervical softening agent in obstetric practice. Keep in view, study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of vaginal misoprostol 400 mcg before endometrial biopsy in premenopausal women.Methods: All the 200 patients were classified into two groups viz. study group (Group I) with 100 patients and control group (Group II) with 100 patients. To Group I patients, 400 mcg of misoprostol was given vaginally, 4 hours prior to the commencement of endometrial biopsy whereas no medication was received by Group II patients.Results: In the present study, the base line cervical dilatation is found to be 5.8±1.3 mm in Group I patients whereas 3.8±0.92 mm in Group II patients which is significantly higher (p<0.05). Only 32 patients in Group I required further dilatation whereas 88 patients in Group II underwent further dilatation. The mean time required for further dilatation in Group I and Group II patients was 42.6±17.4, 64.6±16.8 sec respectively and was significantly higher in Group II patients (p<0.05). Out of 100 patients in Group I, only 2% of patients complained severe pain whereas in Group II 48% of patients experienced intolerable pain and required anesthesia.Conclusions: Vaginal administration of 400 mcg misoprostol 4 hours prior to endometrial biopsy in premenopausal women had a significant effect on cervical resistance and cervical dilatation

    Audit of caesarean deliveries in a tertiary care hospital of northern Andhra Pradesh using modified Robson criteria

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    Background: Today, there is an increased trend in the incidence of caesarean section (CS) rate worldwide particularly in India, even with the lack of evidence supporting considerable maternal and perinatal benefits with higher CS rates. The main objective of our study was to find the incidence of CS rate, auditing the data on the basis of modified Robson criteria, factors responsible for the most common group, to know the changing trends of CS and finally put forth the strategies to reduce CS rate.Methods: This is a retrospective study of 472 CS cases carried out in a tertiary care hospital during the year 2016. All the cases were grouped according to the modified Robson criteria and the data was analyzed. The data were grouped into 3 different slots of 4 months each (FF = first four months; MF = middle four months and LF = last four months of the year 2016).Results: A significant increasing trend was observed in the groups of 2B and 5C where as a significant decreasing trend was noticed in 6C and 7C. The most common indications for caesarean delivery were cephalo-pelvic disproportion (CPD) (28%) and fetal distress (22%) in group 1 whereas in group 2A CPD, fetal distress and failed induction were found to be 12%, 24% and 30% respectively.Conclusions: The change in trend has been noticed in the last few months particularly in 2B and 5C groups suggesting that there is a change in the attitude of obstetricians in conducting caesarean deliveries before the onset of labour rather than performing CS after the onset of labour. Targeting 2B along with 5C would help our efforts in reducing the CS rate

    Pearl Millet: A Climate-Resilient Nutricereal for Mitigating Hidden Hunger and Provide Nutritional Security

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    Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] is the sixth most important cereal crop after rice, wheat, maize, barley and sorghum. It is widely grown on 30 million ha in the arid and semi-arid tropical regions of Asia and Africa, accounting for almost half of the global millet production. Climate change affects crop production by directly influencing biophysical factors such as plant and animal growth along with the various areas associated with food processing and distribution. Assessment of the effects of global climate changes on agriculture can be helpful to anticipate and adapt farming to maximize the agricultural production more effectively. Pearl millet being a climate-resilient crop is important to minimize the adverse effects of climate change and has the potential to increase income and food security of farming communities in arid regions. Pearl millet has a deep root system and can survive in a wide range of ecological conditions under water scarcity. It has high photosynthetic efficiency with an excellent productivity and growth in low nutrient soil conditions and is less reliant on chemical fertilizers. These attributes have made it a crop of choice for cultivation in arid and semi-arid regions of the world; however, fewer efforts have been made to study the climate-resilient features of pearl millet in comparison to the other major cereals. Several hybrids and varieties of pearl millet were developed during the past 50 years in India by both the public and private sectors. Pearl millet is also nutritionally superior and rich in micronutrients such as iron and zinc and can mitigate malnutrition and hidden hunger. Inclusion of minimum standards for micronutrients—grain iron and zinc content in the cultivar release policy—is the first of its kind step taken in pearl millet anywhere in the world, which can lead toward enhanced food and nutritional security. The availability of high-quality whole-genome sequencing and re-sequencing information of several lines may aid genomic dissection of stress tolerance and provide a good opportunity to further exploit the nutritional and climate-resilient attributes of pearl millet. Hence, more efforts should be put into its genetic enhancement and improvement in inheritance to exploit it in a better way. Thus, pearl millet is the next-generation crop holding the potential of nutritional richness and the climate resilience and efforts must be targeted to develop nutritionally dense hybrids/varieties tolerant to drought using different omics approaches

    Discerning combining ability loci for divergent environments using chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) in pearl millet

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    Pearl millet is an important crop for arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Genomic regions associated with combining ability for yield-related traits under irrigated and drought conditions are useful in heterosis breeding programs. Chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) are excellent genetic resources for precise QTL mapping and identifying naturally occurring favorable alleles. In the present study, testcross hybrid populations of 85 CSSLs were evaluated for 15 grain and stover yield-related traits for summer and wet seasons under irrigated control (CN) and moisture stress (MS) conditions. General combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects of all these traits were estimated and significant marker loci linked to GCA and SCA of the traits were identified. Heritability of the traits ranged from 53–94% in CN and 63–94% in MS. A total of 40 significant GCA loci and 36 significant SCA loci were identified for 14 different traits. Five QTLs (flowering time, panicle number and panicle yield linked to Xpsmp716 on LG4, flowering time and grain number per panicle with Xpsmp2076 on LG4) simultaneously controlled both GCA and SCA, demonstrating their unique genetic basis and usefulness for hybrid breeding programs. This study for the first time demonstrated the potential of a set of CSSLs for trait mapping in pearl millet. The novel combining ability loci linked with GCA and SCA values of the traits identified in this study may be useful in pearl millet hybrid and population improvement programs using marker-assisted selection (MAS)

    Harnessing wild relatives of pearl millet for germplasm enhancement: Challenges and opportunities

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    Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] is one of the world’s hardiest warmseason cereal crop and is cultivated mainly in the semi-arid tropics of Asia and Africa for food, feed, fodder, and brewing. It is mainly cultivated for its gluten-free grains with high content and better quality of nutrients. Pearl millet is a resilient crop that can produce grain and biomass under harsh conditions like low fertility, erratic rainfall, acidic and saline soils, and the hottest climates. However, biotic stresses such as downy mildew and blast diseases and abiotic stresses, especially drought and seedling- and flowering-stage heat stress, pose constant threat to the realization of yield potential of this crop. To make further improvement in threshold level of abiotic and biotic stress tolerance, breeders are looking for novel genes in diverse germplasm sources. Crop wild relatives (CWRs) could be a source of novel genes that are important for diversification of the genetic base of pearl millet. A stage-gate process is proposed for the efficient management of prebreeding programs using CWRs as a source of germplasm diversity and improvement. This article explains the various strategies for capturing and using alleles for climate resilience traits improvement. This article covers breeders’ perspectives on importance of using CWRs as germplasm source for crop improvement. This article also describes the availability of CWRs, characterization of new traits and the strategies to be applied for the identification and introduction of genes of interest in elite breeding lines and commercial varieties and hybrids of pearl millet

    Breeding Drought-Tolerant Pearl Millet using conventional and genomic approaches: Achievements and prospects

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    Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] is a C4 crop cultivated for its grain and stover in crop-livestock-based rain-fed farming systems of tropics and subtropics in the Indian subcontinent and sub-Saharan Africa. The intensity of drought is predicted to further exacerbate because of looming climate change, necessitating greater focus on pearl millet breeding for drought tolerance. The nature of drought in different target populations of pearl millet-growing environments (TPEs) is highly variable in its timing, intensity, and duration. Pearl millet response to drought in various growth stages has been studied comprehensively. Dissection of drought tolerance physiology and phenology has helped in understanding the yield formation process under drought conditions. The overall understanding of TPEs and differential sensitivity of various growth stages to water stress helped to identify target traits for manipulation through breeding for drought tolerance. Recent advancement in high-throughput phenotyping platforms has made it more realistic to screen large populations/germplasm for drought-adaptive traits. The role of adapted germplasm has been emphasized for drought breeding, as the measured performance under drought stress is largely an outcome of adaptation to stress environments. Hybridization of adapted landraces with selected elite genetic material has been stated to amalgamate adaptation and productivity. Substantial progress has been made in the development of genomic resources that have been used to explore genetic diversity, linkage mapping (QTLs), marker-trait association (MTA), and genomic selection (GS) in pearl millet. High-throughput genotyping (HTPG) platforms are now available at a low cost, offering enormous opportunities to apply markers assisted selection (MAS) in conventional breeding programs targeting drought tolerance. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, micro-environmental modeling, and pearl millet whole genome re-sequence information covering circa 1,000 wild and cultivated accessions have helped to greater understand germplasm, genomes, candidate genes, and markers. Their application in molecular breeding would lead to the development of high-yielding and drought-tolerant pearl millet cultivars. This review examines how the strategic use of genetic resources, modern genomics, molecular biology, and shuttle breeding can further enhance the development and delivery of drought-tolerant cultivars

    Deciphering Genotype-By-Environment Interaction for Target Environmental Delineation and Identification of Stable Resistant Sources Against Foliar Blast Disease of Pearl Millet

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    Once thought to be a minor disease, foliar blast disease of pearl millet, caused by Magnaporthe grisea, has recently emerged as an important biotic constraint for pearl millet production in India. The presence of a wider host range as well as high pathogenic heterogeneity complicates host–pathogen dynamics. Furthermore, environmental factors play a significant role in exacerbating the disease severity. An attempt was made to unravel the genotype-by-environment interactions for identification and validation of stable resistant genotypes against foliar blast disease through multi-environment testing. A diversity panel consisting of 250 accessions collected from over 20 different countries was screened under natural epiphytotic conditions in five environments. A total of 43 resistant genotypes were found to have high and stable resistance. Interestingly, most of the resistant lines were late maturing. Combined ANOVA of these 250 genotypes exhibited significant genotype-by-environment interaction and indicated the involvement of crossover interaction with a consistent genotypic response. This justifies the necessity of multi-year and multi-location testing. The first two principal components (PCs) accounted for 44.85 and 29.22% of the total variance in the environment-centered blast scoring results. Heritability-adjusted genotype plus genotype x environment interaction (HA-GGE) biplot aptly identified “IP 11353” and “IP 22423, IP 7910 and IP 7941” as “ideal” and “desirable” genotypes, respectively, having stable resistance and genetic buffering capacity against this disease. Bootstrapping at a 95% confidence interval validated the recommendations of genotypes. Therefore, these genotypes can be used in future resistance breeding programs in pearl millet. Mega-environment delineation and desirability index suggested Jaipur as the ideal environment for precise testing of material against the disease and will increase proper resource optimization in future breeding programs. Information obtained in current study will be further used for genome-wide association mapping of foliar blast disease in pearl millet

    Variety AHB 1269Fe (MH 2185)

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    Pearl millet Varietal Identification Committee in its annual meet on 22nd-24th March, 2018, during the 53rd Annual Pearl Millet Workshop at ARS, Jodhpur, identified MH 2185 as “biofortified pearl millet hybrid AHB 1269Fe” for its high grain Fe combined with high grain and stover yield. MH 2185 is a cross between male-sterile line ICMA1 98222 (female parent) and restorer AUBI 1105 (male parent). The line ICMA1 98222 is based on A1 source of cytoplasmic malesterility developed at ICRISAT, Patancheru. Hybrid MH 2185 was tested in the All India Coordinated Pearl Millet Improvement Project (AICRP-PM) trials during 2015-2017 seasons at 36 locations (12 locations each in 2015, 13 locations in 2016 and 11 locations in 2017) together with 6 controls, 86M86, 86M01, MPMH 17, HHB-67 Improved, Pratap, and Dhanashakti. While the first five controls are commercially released highyielding hybrid cultivars, Dhanashakti is an improved version of open pollinated variety (OPV) ICTP8203 with high grain Fe (71 ppm). AHB 1269Fe hybrid was jointly developed and sponsored to AICRP-PM for evaluation by National Agriculture Research Project Aurangabad, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani and International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Aric Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, India

    Combining ability and heterosis studies for grain iron and zinc concentrations in pearl millet [Cenchrus americanus (L). Morrone]

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    Iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) deficiency has been identified as a major food-related health issue, affecting two billion people globally. Efforts to enhance the Fe and Zn content in food grains through plant breeding are an economic and sustainable solution to combat micronutrient deficiency in resource-poor populace of Asia and Africa. Pearl millet, Cenchrus americanus (L). Morrone, considered as a hardy nutri-cereal, is the major food crop for millions of people of these nations. As an effort to enhance its grain mineral content, an investigation was conducted using line × tester analysis to generate information on the extent of heterosis, gene action, combining ability for grain yield potential, and grain mineral nutrients (Fe and Zn). The partitioning of variance attributable to parents indicated that the lines and testers differed significantly for the traits studied. For most of the attributes, hybrids that were superior to the parents in the desired direction in terms of per se performance were identified. The analysis of combining ability variance indicated the preponderance of both additive and non-additive genetic effects. Thus, reciprocal recurrent selection can be used to develop a population with high–grain Fe and Zn contents. The Fe and Zn content in grain exhibited a highly significant and positive association between them, whereas the Fe and Zn contents individually showed a negative, albeit weak, correlation with grain yield and a moderate positive relation with grain weight. This indicates that mineral nutrient contents in grains can be improved without significant compromise on yield. The consistency of these trends across the environment suggests that these findings could be directly used as guiding principles for the genetic enhancement of Fe and Zn grain content in pearl millet

    Deciphering Genomic Regions for High Grain Iron and Zinc Content Using Association Mapping in Pearl Millet

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    Micronutrient malnutrition, especially deficiency of two mineral elements, iron [Fe] and zinc [Zn] in the developing world needs urgent attention. Pearl millet is one of the best crops with many nutritional properties and is accessible to the poor. We report findings of the first attempt to mine favorable alleles for grain iron and zinc content through association mapping in pearl millet. An association mapping panel of 130 diverse lines was evaluated at Delhi, Jodhpur and Dharwad, representing all the three pearl millet growing agro-climatic zones of India, during 2014 and 2015. Wide range of variation was observed for grain iron (32.3–111.9 ppm) and zinc (26.6–73.7 ppm) content. Genotyping with 114 representative polymorphic SSRs revealed 0.35 mean gene diversity. STRUCTURE analysis revealed presence of three sub-populations which was further supported by Neighbor-Joining method of clustering and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). Marker-trait associations (MTAs) were analyzed with 267 markers (250 SSRs and 17 genic markers) in both general linear model (GLM) and mixed linear model (MLM), however, MTAs resulting from MLM were considered for more robustness of the associations. After appropriate Bonferroni correction, Xpsmp 2261 (13.34% R2-value), Xipes 0180 (R2-value of 11.40%) and Xipes 0096 (R2-value of 11.38%) were consistently associated with grain iron and zinc content for all the three locations. Favorable alleles and promising lines were identified for across and specific environments. PPMI 1102 had highest number (7) of favorable alleles, followed by four each for PPMFeZMP 199 and PPMI 708 for across the environment performance for both grain Fe and Zn content, while PPMI 1104 had alleles specific to Dharwad for grain Fe and Zn content. When compared with the reference genome Tift 23D2B1-P1-P5, Xpsmp 2261 amplicon was identified in intergenic region on pseudomolecule 5, while the other marker, Xipes 0810 was observed to be overlapping with aspartic proteinase (Asp) gene on pseudomolecule 3. Thus, this study can help in breeding new lines with enhanced micronutrient content using marker-assisted selection (MAS) in pearl millet leading to improved well-being especially for women and children
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