17 research outputs found

    Internet of Things and libraries

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    Internet has taken a giant leap forward from ‘Internet of communication’ to ‘Internet of Things’, making it possible to connect objects and transfer data with or without human intervention. This is likely to revolutionize the way we live. Like other service industries, it has a huge potential in betterment of library services. An attempt has been made to explain what is ‘Internet of Things’, the technology and its growth, examples from service industries and deliberate on it’s possible impact on libraries and identify potential library areas where it can be implemented effectively

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    Not AvailableHarvel De Bouxo Rio Grande (HDBRG) tobacco is grown in the Guntur tract of Andhra Pradesh and is used in cigarette blends. The report that HDBRG tobacco is a rich source of solanesol has prompted to take up detailed investigations on the chemical quality parameters, lipophilic constituents and neutral volatile compounds responsible for flavour. HDBRG was found to be high in nicotine (2.9- 4.9%); low in reducing sugars (0.5 – 0.9%) and chlorides (0.2 – 0.3%). In respect of nutrient composition, the total nitrogen was high (2.9 – 3.8%), potassium was medium (0.7 – 1.7%) and phosphorus was low (~ 0.2%). Solanesol content in the samples varied from 1.60 to 2.80% with mean values of 1.97 and 2.46% for the seasons 2009-10 and 2010-11, respectively. Total hexane solubles or petroleum ether extractives (PEE) content in HDBRG tobacco was high (~ 10%) and solanesol accounted for ~ 25% of the extract. Further investigations were initiated for characterization of the non-polar and polar fractions which account for 5.8 – 8.3% and 1.1 – 2.1% of the hexane extract, respectively employing techniques like GC-MS and LC-MS. In the neutral volatile fraction, neophytadiene, megastigmatrienone isomers, duvatrienediol, thunbergol, dibutylphthalate, solanone, (E,E)-farnesylacetone, 4- oxo-beta-isodamascol and phenylacetaldehyde accounted for ~96% of the compounds. Nerolidol (0.7%), rishitin (0.7%), neryl acetone (0. 5%), (12z)- abienol (0.3%), phenylethyl alcohol (0.3%), indole (0.2%), viridiflorol (0.2%), 3-hydroxysolavetivone (0.1%), â-damascone (0.03%) and 14-labdien-8-ol (0.05%) are the other important flavour compounds identified. It is inferred from the data that presence of higher levels of these compounds could be attributed to higher nitrogen and nicotine contents in HDBRG leaf thus indicating their positive impact on the smoke flavour.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableHarvel De Bouxo Rio Grande (HDBRG) tobacco is grown in the Guntur tract of Andhra Pradesh and is used in cigarette blends. The report that HDBRG tobacco is a rich source of solanesol has prompted to take up detailed investigations on the chemical quality parameters, lipophilic constituents and neutral volatile compounds responsible for flavour. HDBRG was found to be high in nicotine (2.9- 4.9%); low in reducing sugars (0.5 – 0.9%) and chlorides (0.2 – 0.3%). In respect of nutrient composition, the total nitrogen was high (2.9 – 3.8%), potassium was medium (0.7 – 1.7%) and phosphorus was low (~ 0.2%). Solanesol content in the samples varied from 1.60 to 2.80% with mean values of 1.97 and 2.46% for the seasons 2009-10 and 2010-11, respectively. Total hexane solubles or petroleum ether extractives (PEE) content in HDBRG tobacco was high (~ 10%) and solanesol accounted for ~ 25% of the extract. Further investigations were initiated for characterization of the non-polar and polar fractions which account for 5.8 – 8.3% and 1.1 – 2.1% of the hexane extract, respectively employing techniques like GC-MS and LC-MS. In the neutral volatile fraction, neophytadiene, megastigmatrienone isomers, duvatrienediol, thunbergol, dibutylphthalate, solanone, (E,E)-farnesylacetone, 4oxo-beta-isodamascol and phenylacetaldehyde accounted for ~96% of the compounds. Nerolidol (0.7%), rishitin (0.7%), neryl acetone (0. 5%), (12z)abienol (0.3%), phenylethyl alcohol (0.3%), indole (0.2%), viridiflorol (0.2%), 3-hydroxysolavetivone (0.1%), â-damascone (0.03%) and 14-labdien-8-ol (0.05%) are the other important flavour compounds identified. It is inferred from the data that presence of higher levels of these compounds could be attributed to higher nitrogen and nicotine contents in HDBRG leaf thus indicating their positive impact on the smoke flavour.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableIn order to generate information on a broad spectrum of leaf chemical constituents and smoke constituents in HDBRG tobacco, leaf samples were collected during 2009-10 and 2010-11 seasons from bulk crop grown at CTRI Research Station, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh for analysis. Carbonyls ranged from 590.8 to 770.5 mg/100 g with an overall mean of 678.3 mg/100 g. The mean carotenoid content was in the range of 0.55 to 0.68 mg/g. The levels of chlorogenic acid (5.66 mg/g) and rutin (6.01 mg/g) were on a par and the total polyphenol content was ~1.2%. Total volatile bases (TVB) content was higher (1.05%) and comparatively total volatile acids (TVA) content was lower (0.68%). Malic acid (2.75%) was the important non-volatile acid followed by oxalic (2.30%) and citric (1.87%) acids. Among the volatile acids, isovaleric acid (47.66%) and β-methyl valeric acid (24.92%) were the major acids. Palmitic, linolenic and linoleic acids accounted for 81% of the fatty acid fraction. The proportion of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids was 55 and 45%, respectively. In the smoke, tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide values were 19.42, 3.05 and 15.02 mg/ cig, respectively. Higher carbonyl content compared to other non-FCV tobacco types, higher proportion of isovaleric acid and β-methyl valeric acid and lower citric acid level in the non-volatile acid fraction can be considered as the positive attributes of HDBRG tobacco smoking quality.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableIn order to generate information on a broad spectrum of leaf chemical constituents and smoke constituents in HDBRG tobacco, leaf samples were collected during 2009-10 and 2010-11 seasons from bulk crop grown at CTRI Research Station, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh for analysis. Carbonyls ranged from 590.8 to 770.5 mg/100 g with an overall mean of 678.3 mg/100 g. The mean carotenoid content was in the range of 0.55 to 0.68 mg/g. The levels of chlorogenic acid (5.66 mg/g) and rutin (6.01 mg/g) were on a par and the total polyphenol content was ~1.2%. Total volatile bases (TVB) content was higher (1.05%) and comparatively total volatile acids (TVA) content was lower (0.68%). Malic acid (2.75%) was the important non-volatile acid followed by oxalic (2.30%) and citric (1.87%) acids. Among the volatile acids, isovaleric acid (47.66%) and β β β β β-methyl valeric acid (24.92%) were the major acids. Palmitic, linolenic and linoleic acids accounted for 81% of the fatty acid fraction. The proportion of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids was 55 and 45%, respectively. In the smoke, tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide values were 19.42, 3.05 and 15.02 mg/ cig, respectively. Higher carbonyl content compared to other non-FCV tobacco types, higher proportion of isovaleric acid and β β β β β-methyl valeric acid and lower citric acid level in the non-volatile acid fraction can be considered as the positive attributes of HDBRG tobacco smoking quality.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableHarvel De Bouxo Rio Grande (HDBRG) tobacco, popularly known as HD Burley tobacco, which is a high yielding, sun-cured, burley type of tobacco grown under irrigated conditions in the heavy black soils of Andhra Pradesh and used in blend in cigarette manufacture. It has specific characteristics of responding to nitrogen fertilization, producing the highest biomass and seed. Lipophilic constituents play an important role in quality/aroma of tobacco. Representative cured leaf samples of HDBRG tobacco were analyzed for lipophilic constituents by soxhlet hexane extraction, alkaline hydrolysis and fractionation by column chromatography. The total hexane extractables in HDBRG tobacco was high (9.94%) and solanesol accounted for 24.24% of the extract. The general lipid profile of fractions indicated the presence of alkanes, fatty acids, sterols, terpenes and fatty alcohols. In the non-polar fraction, the odd-numbered paraffinic homologues were predominant, accounting for ~66% of the fraction. In respect of the combined total of normal and iso alkanes, the relative content of hentriacontane was the highest (~40%) followed by dotriacontane (~19%). In the polar fraction of the hydrolysate from powder, the proportion of saturated fatty acids (C14:0 + C15:0 + C16:0 + C17:0 + C18:0) was ~58%, while that of unsaturated fatty acids (C18:2 + C18:3) was ~42%. Palmitic acid (C16:0: 585 μg/g) was the major fatty acid. In terms of relative contents, stigmasterol (41.6%) was the major phytosterol, followed by campesterol (20.8%), cholesterol (20.4%), β- sitosterol (12.5%) and fucosterol (5.1%). HDBRG tobacco had higher levels of α-tocopherol (vitamin E) (50.7%) and fatty alcohols. The LC-MS analysis of solanesol in the APCI ( + ) mode revealed abundant stable (M - H2O + H) ion (m/z at 613.7) with low abundance of other fragmentation ions thus confirming the presence of solanesol in the fractions. The results showed that, higher levels of total hexane solubles and solanesol in the fraction are the characteristic features of this tobacco. Among the lipids, isohentriacontane, palmitic acid, stigmasterol, α-tocopherol and solanesol were the principal constituents in the respective groups.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableHarvel De Bouxo Rio Grande (HDBRG) tobacco, popularly known as HD Burley tobacco, which is a high yielding, sun-cured, burley type of tobacco grown under irrigated conditions in the heavy black soils of Andhra Pradesh and used in blend in cigarette manufacture. It has specific characteristics of responding to nitrogen fertilization, producing the highest biomass and seed. Lipophilic constituents play an important role in quality/aroma of tobacco. Representative cured leaf samples of HDBRG tobacco were analyzed for lipophilic constituents by soxhlet hexane extraction, alkaline hydrolysis and fractionation by column chromatography. The total hexane extractables in HDBRG tobacco was high (9.94%) and solanesol accounted for 24.24% of the extract. The general lipid profile of fractions indicated the presence of alkanes, fatty acids, sterols, terpenes and fatty alcohols. In the non-polar fraction, the odd-numbered paraffinic homologues were predominant, accounting for ~66% of the fraction. In respect of the combined total of normal and iso alkanes, the relative content of hentriacontane was the highest (~40%) followed by dotriacontane (~19%). In the polar fraction of the hydrolysate from powder, the proportion of saturated fatty acids (C14:0 + C15:0 + C16:0 + C17:0 + C18:0) was ~58%, while that of unsaturated fatty acids (C18:2 + C18:3) was ~42%. Palmitic acid (C16:0: 585 μg/g) was the major fatty acid. In terms of relative contents, stigmasterol (41.6%) was the major phytosterol, followed by campesterol (20.8%), cholesterol (20.4%), β β β β βsitosterol (12.5%) and fucosterol (5.1%). HDBRG tobacco had higher levels of α α α α α-tocopherol (vitamin E) (50.7%) and fatty alcohols. The LC-MS analysis of solanesol in the APCI ( + ) mode revealed abundant stable (M-H2O + H) ion (m/z at 613.7) with low abundance of other fragmentation ions thus confirming the presence of solanesol in the fractions. The results showed that, higher levels of total hexane solubles and solanesol in the fraction are the characteristic features of this tobacco. Among the lipids, isohentriacontane, palmitic acid, stigmasterol, α α α α α-tocopherol and solanesol were the principal constituents in the respective groups.Not Availabl