11 research outputs found

    Convolutional neural network-based model for web-based text classification

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    There is an increasing amount of text data available on the web with multiple topical granularities; this necessitates proper categorization/classification of text to facilitate obtaining useful information as per the needs of users. Some traditional approaches such as bag-of-words and bag-of-ngrams models provide good results for text classification. However, texts available on the web in the current state contain high event-related granularity on different topics at different levels, which may adversely affect the accuracy of traditional approaches. With the invention of deep learning models, which already have the capability of providing good accuracy in the field of image processing and speech recognition, the problems inherent in the traditional text classification model can be overcome. Currently, there are several deep learning models such as a convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and long-short term memory that are widely used for various text-related tasks; however, among them, the CNN model is popular because it is simple to use and has high accuracy for text classification. In this study, classification of random texts on the web into categories is attempted using a CNN-based model by changing the hyperparameters and sequence of text vectors. We attempt to tune every hyperparameter that is unique for the classification task along with the sequences of word vectors to obtain the desired accuracy; the accuracy is found to be in the range of 85–92%. This model can be considered as a reliable model and applied to solve real-world problem or extract useful information for various text mining applications

    Improvisation of classification performance based on feature optimization for differentiation of Parkinson’s disease from other neurological diseases using gait characteristics

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    Most neurological disorders that include Parkinson’s disease (PD) as well as other neurological diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Huntington’s disease (HD) have some common abnormalities regarding the movement, vocal, and cognitive behaviors of sufferers. Variations in the manifestation of these types of abnormality help distinguish one disorder from another. In this study, differentiation was performed based on the gait characteristics of patients afflicted by different neurological disorders. In the recent past, many researchers have applied different machine learning and feature selection techniques to the classification of different groups of patients based on common abnormalities. However, in an era of modernization where the focus is on timely low-cost automatization and pattern recognition, such techniques require improvisation to provide high performance. We attempted to improve the performance of such techniques using different feature optimization methods, such as a genetic algorithm (GA) and principal component analysis (PCA), and applying different classification approaches, i.e., linear, nonlinear, and probabilistic classifiers. In this study, gait dynamics data of patients suffering with PD, ALS, and HD were collated from a public database, and a binary classification approach was used by taking PD as one group and adopting ALS+HD as another group. Performance comparison was achieved using different classification techniques that incorporated optimized feature sets obtained from GA and PCA. In comparison with other classifiers using different feature sets, the highest accuracy (97.87%) was obtained using random forest combined with GA-based feature sets. The results provide evidence that could assist medical practitioners in differentiating PD from other neurological diseases using gait characteristics

    Detection of Parkinson’s Disease from 3T T1 Weighted MRI Scans Using 3D Convolutional Neural Network

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    Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disease that affects the aging population and is caused by a progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). With the onset of the disease, the patients suffer from mobility disorders such as tremors, bradykinesia, impairment of posture and balance, etc., and it progressively worsens in the due course of time. Additionally, as there is an exponential growth of the aging population in the world the number of people suffering from Parkinson’s Disease is increasing and it levies a huge economic burden on governments. However, until now no therapeutic method has been discovered for completely eradicating the disease from a person’s body after it’s onset. Therefore, the early detection of Parkinson’s Disease is of paramount importance to tackle the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in patients to serve them with a better life. In this study, 3T T1-weighted MRI scans were acquired from the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) database of 406 subjects from baseline visit, where 203 were healthy and 203 were suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. Following data pre-processing, a 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture was developed for learning the intricate patterns in the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans for the detection of Parkinson’s Disease. In the end, it was observed that the developed 3D CNN model performed superiorly by completely aligning with the hypothesis of the study and plotted an overall accuracy of 95.29%, average recall of 0.943, average precision of 0.927, average specificity of 0.9430, f1-score of 0.936, and Receiver Operating Characteristic—Area Under Curve (ROC-AUC) score of 0.98 for both the classes respectively

    Critical Dimensions of Blockchain Technology Implementation in the Healthcare Industry: An Integrated Systems Management Approach

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    In the digital era, almost every system is connected to a digital platform to enhance efficiency. Although life is thus improved, security issues remain important, especially in the healthcare sector. The privacy and security of healthcare records is paramount; data leakage is socially unacceptable. Therefore, technology that protects data but does not compromise efficiency is essential. Blockchain technology has gained increasing attention as it ensures transparency, trust, privacy, and security. However, the critical factors affecting efficiency require further study. Here, we define the critical factors that affect blockchain implementation in the healthcare industry. We extracted such factors from the literature and from experts, then used interpretive structural modeling to define the interrelationships among these factors and classify them according to driving and dependence forces. This identified key drivers of the desired objectives. Regulatory clarity and governance (F2), immature technology (F3), high investment cost (F6), blockchain developers (F9), and trust among stakeholders (F12) are key factors to consider when seeking to implement blockchain technology in healthcare. Our analysis will allow managers to understand the requirements for successful implementation

    Factors Affecting ESG towards Impact on Investment: A Structural Approach

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    Recent disasters have emphasized the need for further action to protect businesses and society from long-term sustainability threats. We believe that the crisis is hastening nascent ESG trends, and that the increased focus on a company’s environmental and social impact will last long after crises have passed. We refined three fundamental concepts that guide our thinking on investing based on environmental, social, and governance factors as our approach to sustainable investing has evolved. The ESG factor assessments are more of an inherent aspect of a sound investment process than a separate investment discipline. When ESG variables are considered, the focus is on long-term risk adjusted investment returns. Investors should choose the strategy that best matches with their goals and interests. ESG investing is not a simple yes or no answer. The research gap extracted from the previous studies is to determine the relationship among the influencing factors of ESG and its priority with their driving and dependence capabilities. We used an ISM Approach to uncover the interrelationships and influencing behavior among the elements for considering ESG in investment after conducting a thorough literature research and consulting with experts. Here interpretive structural modeling (ISM) was used to explore the links among such extracted factors and its interdependencies. There was also focus on the short-term and long-term factors to achieve our desired objective. Our research will assist businesses in attracting and obtaining finance. The results of this analysis will be helpful for leaders to understand the impact of ESG on the investment aspects of an organization

    Forecast the Exacerbation in Patients of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Clinical Indicators Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Preventing exacerbation and seeking to determine the severity of the disease during the hospitalization of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients is a crucial global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease (GOLD); this option is available only for stable-phase patients. Recently, the assessment and prediction techniques that are used have been determined to be inadequate for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. To magnify the monitoring and treatment of acute exacerbation COPD patients, we need to rely on the AI system, because traditional methods take a long time for the prognosis of the disease. Machine-learning techniques have shown the capacity to be effectively used in crucial healthcare applications. In this paper, we propose a voting ensemble classifier with 24 features to identify the severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. In our study, we applied five machine-learning classifiers, namely random forests (RF), support vector machine (SVM), gradient boosting machine (GBM), XGboost (XGB), and K-nearest neighbor (KNN). These classifiers were trained with a set of 24 features. After that, we combined their results with a soft voting ensemble (SVE) method. Consequently, we found performance measures with an accuracy of 91.0849%, a precision of 90.7725%, a recall of 91.3607%, an F-measure of 91.0656%, and an AUC score of 96.8656%, respectively. Our result shows that the SVE classifier with the proposed twenty-four features outperformed regular machine-learning-based methods for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. The SVE classifier helps respiratory physicians to estimate the severity of COPD patients in the early stage, consequently guiding the cure strategy and helps the prognosis of COPD patients

    A Validation Study of Freezing of Gait (FoG) Detection and Machine-Learning-Based FoG Prediction Using Estimated Gait Characteristics with a Wearable Accelerometer

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    One of the most common symptoms observed among most of the Parkinson’s disease patients that affects movement pattern and is also related to the risk of fall, is usually termed as “freezing of gait (FoG)”. To allow systematic assessment of FoG, objective quantification of gait parameters and automatic detection of FoG are needed. This will help in personalizing the treatment. In this paper, the objectives of the study are (1) quantification of gait parameters in an objective manner by using the data collected from wearable accelerometers; (2) comparison of five estimated gait parameters from the proposed algorithm with their counterparts obtained from the 3D motion capture system in terms of mean error rate and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (PCC); (3) automatic discrimination of FoG patients from no FoG patients using machine learning techniques. It was found that the five gait parameters have a high level of agreement with PCC ranging from 0.961 to 0.984. The mean error rate between the estimated gait parameters from accelerometer-based approach and 3D motion capture system was found to be less than 10%. The performances of the classifiers are compared on the basis of accuracy. The best result was accomplished with the SVM classifier with an accuracy of approximately 88%. The proposed approach shows enough evidence that makes it applicable in a real-life scenario where the wearable accelerometer-based system would be recommended to assess and monitor the FoG

    A Supervised Machine Learning Approach to Detect the On/Off State in Parkinson’s Disease Using Wearable Based Gait Signals

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    Fluctuations in motor symptoms are mostly observed in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. This characteristic is inevitable, and can affect the quality of life of the patients. However, it is difficult to collect precise data on the fluctuation characteristics using self-reported data from PD patients. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a suitable technology that can detect the medication state, also termed the “On”/“Off” state, automatically using wearable devices; at the same time, this could be used in the home environment. Recently, wearable devices, in combination with powerful machine learning techniques, have shown the potential to be effectively used in critical healthcare applications. In this study, an algorithm is proposed that can detect the medication state automatically using wearable gait signals. A combination of features that include statistical features and spatiotemporal gait features are used as inputs to four different classifiers such as random forest, support vector machine, K nearest neighbour, and Naïve Bayes. In total, 20 PD subjects with definite motor fluctuations have been evaluated by comparing the performance of the proposed algorithm in association with the four aforementioned classifiers. It was found that random forest outperformed the other classifiers with an accuracy of 96.72%, a recall of 97.35%, and a precision of 96.92%

    Blockchain-Based Model to Improve the Performance of the Next-Generation Digital Supply Chain

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    In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, all aspects of the industrial domain are being affected by emerging technologies. Digitalization of every process is taking place or under process. One of the most important components common to every domain is the supply chain process. Organizations employ a digital supply chain to track the delivery of their products or materials. The digital supply chain is still suffering from a few issues such as no provenance, less transparency, and a trust issue. Blockchain technology, one of the emerging technologies, can be integrated with the supply chain to deal with the existing issues and to improve its performance. In this paper, a model is proposed to integrate blockchain technology with the supply chain to improve performance. The proposed model uses the combination of the Ethereum blockchain and the interplanetary file system to maintain the traceability, transparency, and trustworthiness of the supply chain