22 research outputs found

    Effect of Sodium Valproate pretreatment on Apomorphine and Dexamphetamine induced Stereotyped Behavior in rats.

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    Sodium valproate a broad spectrum antiepileptic elevates the brain GABA levels. Studies have suggested regulatory role of GABA on dopaminergic neurons, which is evident by behavioral studies in animals that reveal functional interaction between GABAergic and DAergic systems. Hyperfunctioning of DAergic system in rats is responsible for occurrence of stereotyped behavior (SB) in them. Drugs like apomorphine (Apo) and amphetamine induce SB by acting directly or indirectly. GABA, by acting at different sites has shown to influence the dopaminergically mediated behaviors. Hence the study was taken up to investigate the effect of sodium valproate pretreatment on apomorphine and dexamphetamine induced SB in rats. Pretreatment with 100 to 400mg/kg sodium valproate did not antagonize the apomorphine induced SB, however pretreatment with 100 to 400mg/kg sodium valproate significantly antagonized SB induced by 10 & 15mg/kg dexamphetamine

    A comparative survey study on current prescribing trends in non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs among practitioners in private set up and tertiary care teaching rural hospital

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    Background: The study was conducted to compare the current prescribing trends of Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) among private practitioners and practitioners at tertiary care teaching rural hospital. Methods: The prospective survey study was carried out by obtaining response to feedback questionnaire related to use of NSAIDs from 25 private & 25 tertiary care practitioners.Results: NSAIDs use was routine amongst private (66%) and tertiary care (77.6%) practitioners. Preferences of tertiary care practitioners were paracetamol (36%), diclofenac (20%), aceclofenac (20%), ibuprofen (20%) and etoricoxib (4%) while that of private practitioners were ibuprofen (40%), paracetamol (32%), diclofenac (16%) and aceclofenac (12%). Use of Fixed Dose Combinations (FDC) was 72% in private and 68% in tertiary care practitioners. While prescribing FDCs, private practitioners preferred NSAIDs + NSAIDs (100%) over NSAIDs + muscle relaxants (44.44%), NSAIDs + Serratiopeptidase (55.56%), and NSAIDs + antacids (44.44%) similarly tertiary care practitioners also preferred NSAIDs + NSAIDs (100%) over NSAIDs + muscle relaxants (47.06%), NSAIDs + Serratiopeptidase (36%), and NSAIDs + antacids (28%). Of the NSAIDs + NSAIDs combination ibuprofen + paracetamol (70%) was preferred by private practitioners and diclofenac + paracetamol (61%) by tertiary practitioners. Paracetamol was safely used during pregnancy by both groups. Adverse effects observed included gastritis (98%), urticaria (32%), and anaphylaxis (2%), although no fatality was observed.Conclusion: Not much of a difference was observed in prescribing habits of both groups. Though beneficial and routinely prescribed, NSAIDs with equal risk potential were observed to be cautiously used with appropriate knowledge amongst both the groups.

    A survey study on use of over the counter (OTC) drugs among medical students, nursing and clerical staff of a tertiary care teaching rural hospital

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    Aim: The study was conducted to evaluate use of over the counter (OTC) drugs among the medical students, nursing and clerical staff of tertiary care teaching rural hospital to determine the awareness and disadvantages on use of OTC.Methods: Responses to a feedback questionnaire covering various aspects on usage of OTC drugs were obtained from 100 medical students, 100 nursing and 100 clerical staff.Results: Among 300 respondents, 84% used OTC, commonly purchased by self. Majority of them started self medication within 2 days of their illness. The frequently reported illness that prompted self-medication included headache, cough and cold, fever, generalised weakness, acidity, dysmenorrhoea, and sleep disturbances. Majority of them obtained OTC by mentioning name of drug (81%), 35% by telling symptom and 15% by showing old prescription. We found that 87% people share OTC among relatives and friends.Conclusions: Usage of OTC was highest amongst medical students and nursing staff. Time consumption for consultation, the consultation fees and frequent visits were the commonly mentioned reasons for self medication. It was analysed that none of the clerical staff were aware of the drug, dose, frequency of administration and adverse reactions. While very little awareness of medication was found even among nursing staff and medical students. Therefore it is suggested that the public has to be educated on the type of illnesses to be self-diagnosed and medicated, dangers of OTC on misuse which would possibly lead to delay in detection of more serious underlying ailment and timely medication

    Comparative study to evaluate the awareness about anemia and its complications, among undergraduate and postgraduate medical students- a cross sectional survey study

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    Background: Anemia is a condition in which numbers of red blood cells or their oxygen carrying capacity is insufficient to meet the physiologic needs which vary by age, sex, altitude, smoking and pregnancy status. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia in the world. Aim of the study was to compare and evaluate awareness about anemia and its complications among the undergraduate and postgraduate medical students.Methods: A prospective, cross sectional, questionnaire based, survey study was carried out at S.B.K.S. Medical institute and RC, Vadodara. The well-defined, structured questionnaire was prepared, distributed and collected when it was duly filled by undergraduate and postgraduate students. The questionnaire was mainly based upon basic knowledge of anemia, its investigations, treatment, and complications. The answers were evaluated in a structured format and further depending on the scores the participants were grouped as poor (70%). Later, it was subjected to Chi-square test and p value <0.05 were considered to be significant.Results: This study shows that the basic knowledge of anaemia and knowledge pertaining to treatment of anaemia is lacking in undergraduate students as compared to postgraduate students. However it was observed in both the study groups that knowledge about various aspects of anaemia is not optimal.Conclusions: It is a need of hour to impart knowledge of common disorders including anemia to both undergraduate and postgraduate students for the larger benefit of society

    A prospective survey study on premenstrual syndrome in young and middle aged women with an emphasis on its management

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    Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is defined as the recurrence of psychological and physical symptoms in the luteal phase, which remit in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Symptoms of which fall in three domains: emotional, physical and behavioural e.g. irritability, anger, headache, fatigue, food cravings etc. The survey study of was conducted among 50 young & 50 middle aged women of S.B.K.S Medical Institute and Research Centre to find the prevalence of premenstrual syndrome with an emphasis on its management. Responses to a feedback questionnaire covering various aspects related PMS were obtained from 50 participants belonging to each group. The participants belonged to different range of literacy. It was found that 42% faced PMS regularly, while 58% occasionally. Of the 100 participants 68% suffered with backache, 64% leg cramps, 62% fatigue, breast tenderness and anger whereas 58% suffered with anxiety and generalized body ache. Of all the sufferers only 34% had received the treatment for PMS. Irrespective of the age PMS is common problem faced by women. With our study we observed that literacy has not mattered in the management of this health problem. Since there are reports stating that the severity of PMS can hamper the daily routine and even lead to suicidal tendency, it is essential that awareness programs need to be conducted to address the importance of managing the issue by pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods

    A prospective study on the use of magnesium sulfate in prevention and management of eclampsia with emphasis on adverse drug reactions

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    Introduction: The hypertensive disorders in pregnancy are the leading causes of maternal and perinatal mortality. Management of preeclampsia and eclampsia remains controversial even today. Several drugs with different regimens are available at present. As a consequence; women are treated in various ways by different regimens.Aim: Our work aimed to study the use of various magnesium sulfate regimens used in management of eclampsia in a tertiary care teaching rural hospital.Methods: A prospective, observational, non-interventional study was carried out among the eclamptic patients admitted to obstetrics ward. After explaining the purpose and method of study, through the patient information sheet, patients willing to sign the informed consent form were enrolled for the study. Relevant data was gathered from their case files and by direct interview with the patients that were recorded in the case record form.Results: Of the 35 cases of eclampsia recorded during the study period, we observed that all the patients were treated with Pritchard’s regimen of Magnesium Sulfate. It was noticed that there was improvement in all the patients with no adverse drug reactions recorded during the time of management.Conclusion: Maternal and perinatal mortality can be reduced to major extent by prevention of eclampsia. Prompt diagnosis and institution of therapy by selecting an ideal anticonvulsant is essential as the maternal and perinatal mortality progressively rises with increase no of convulsions. Magnesium Sulfate is a potent anticonvulsant with mild antihypertensive activity with less adverse effects.

    Drug utilization in clinical conditions: an update on its essentials

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    Drug utilization studies may be defined as studies of the marketing, distribution, prescription and use of drugs in a society, with special emphasis on the resulting medical, social and economic consequences. Drug utilization studies can provide highly valuable information, at a reasonable price, on the costs and effects (harmful and beneficial) of drugs. Such studies make available much useful information including indirect data on morbidity, the pharmaceutical component of the treatment cost of an illness, therapeutic compliance, the incidence of adverse reactions, the effectiveness of drug consumption and the choice of comparators. This information can be of great use in the subsequent elaboration of pharmacoeconomy studies, or in the selection of problematic areas in which these studies may be applied. Pharmacoeconomy studies, in turn, can be used to discover the economic repercussions of inappropriate prescribing and to quantify the cost effectiveness of various therapeutic interventions.The use of drug utilization studies in conjunction with pharmacoeconornic analysis can result in more cost effective utilization of medicines and a better utilization of pharmacoeconomy methods, both of which contribute to a more rational use of drugs

    Pharmacological Overview for Therapy of Gout and Hyperuricemia

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    Hyperuricemia &amp; gout are disease conditions marked by over production and reduced excretion of uric acid. These conditions are linked with unhealthy lifestyle, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Metabolic syndrome, Cardiovascular &amp; Chronic renal disease. Thus controlling &amp; monitoring uric acid level becomes important. Development in the technology have led to greater insights into the pathophysiology of gout &amp; hyperuricemia. Now we have a better understanding of involvement of interleukin 1β in inflammatory process of gout. Thus with better understanding newer therapeutic targets are being explored for treatment of gout &amp; hyperuricemia. The armamentarium of drugs being used in therapy of acute gout here been expanded with recent addition by interleukin-1 inhibitors especially for refractory patients and patients with comorbidities. &nbsp;As these new therapies are evolving we need to focus on improving the use of Allopurinol through patient education and training of physicians in order to minimize development of Allopurinol hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS). Further pretesting of Human leukocyte Antigen- B ( HLA-B*5801*) should be considered in Asian population. Febuxostat being critically new drug needs cautious approach, proper education of patients and Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) reporting. With entry of Pegloticase there is a new class of drug added for treating hyperuricemia.&nbsp

    Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic characterisation of RBx 7796: A novel 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor

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    Objective: RBx 7796, a 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, was evaluated in in vivo efficacy models, in vitro ADME and in vivo pharmacokinetic models. Method: RBx 7796 was evaluated for inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase enzyme and release of LTB4 from isolated rat and human neutrophils. RBx 7796 was tested in allergic bronchoconstriction model in Balb/c mice and LPS induced airway hyperreactivity model in rats. RBx 7796 was evaluated for metabolic stability in liver microsomes and cytochrome P450 inhibition potential. Pharmacokinetic profile of RBx 7796 was also determined in rat and dog. Results: RBx 7796 inhibited 5-lipoxygenase enzyme and inhibited release of LTB4 from neutrophils. RBx 7796 also inhibited early and late airway reactivity following allergen challenge in mouse model. LPS induced increase in airway reactivity was blocked by RBx 7796. Compound was found to be stable in liver microsomes and devoid of major cytochrome P450 inhibition potential. The oral bioavailability of RBx 7796 in rat and dog was 83% and 47 %, respectively. Following repeated daily administration, compound did not exhibit any sign of accumulation and/or tendency to induce its own metabolism. Conclusion: The results suggest that RBx 7796 is an inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase enzyme that is orally efficacious in two different models of airway reactivity. The molecule also demonstrated acceptable pharmacokinetic profile warranting further development. © 2008 Birkhaueser