11 research outputs found

    La Figura del demonio nella canzone sarda “Confessore e penitente”

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    La figura del demonio si ritrova nella letteratura dotta ufficiale cristiano-cattolica e nella cultura popolare. In Sardegna esiste una vasta produzione di testi in dialetto che presentano la figura del diavolo vista secondo angolazioni diverse. In questa: sede esamineremo uno di questi testi; si tratta di una canzone intitolata “Confessore e Penitente” pubblicata ad Oristano nel 1899. Il testo della canzone è stampato su un foglio volante di autore anonimo; nell'ultima pagina riporta il nome del rivenditore, la data e il luogo di edizione. L'argomento trattato è la confessione di un pastore, descritta ironicamente sotto forma di dialogo tra confessore e penitente

    Formamidines with antinociceptive and antiinflammatory activities

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    Pursuing our investigations on 7-amino-2,3-polymethyleneindole derivatives, a set of 7-(dimethylaminomethylene)-amino-2,3-polymethyleneindoles, together with some other aryl or cycloalkyl substituted formamidines, were prepared and tested for analgesic and antiinflammatory activities. Several compounds resulted endowed with one or both of these activities; the indole derivatives 1 and 2 exhibited a good degree of both of them

    Cyclopentenyl ethylamines active on CNS

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    Two new cyclopentenylethylamines were prepared and were submitted to a pharmacological screening together with some others previously described and now reprepared. All compounds exhibited different degrees of depressive activity on CNS and good analgesic activity. Compound 5, bearing a phenyl group on the carbon atom to which the amino group is connected, appears rather interesting being the most active as analgesic and the least toxic. Compounds 2 and 3 are able to antagonize in a certain degree lethal doses of physostigmine and also, respectively, of pentylenetetrazole and strychnine

    Effect of Helichrysum italicum in promoting collagen deposition and skin regeneration in a new dynamic model of skin wound healing

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    Natural products have many healing effects on the skin with minimal or no adverse effects. In this study, we analyzed the regenerative properties of a waste product (hydrolate) derived from Helichrysum italicum (HH) on scratch-tested skin cell populations seeded on a fluidic culture system. Helichrysum italicum has always been recognized in the traditional medicine of Mediterranean countries for its wide pharmacological activities. We recreated skin physiology with a bioreactor that mimics skin stem cell (SSCs) and fibroblast (HFF1) communication as in vivo skin layers. Dynamic culture models represent an essential instrument for recreating and preserving the complex multicellular organization and interactions of the cellular microenvironment. Both cell types were exposed to two different concentrations of HH after the scratch assay and were compared to untreated control cells. Collagen is the constituent of many wound care products that act directly on the damaged wound environment. We analyzed the role played by HH in stimulating collagen production during tissue repair, both in static and dynamic culture conditions, by a confocal microscopic analysis. In addition, we performed a gene expression analysis that revealed the activation of a molecular program of stemness in treated skin stem cells. Altogether, our results indicate a future translational application of this natural extract to support skin regeneration and define a new protocol to recreate a dynamic process of healing

    Myrtle-Functionalized Nanofibers Modulate Vaginal Cell Population Behavior While Counteracting Microbial Proliferation

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    Vaginal infections affect millions of women annually worldwide. Therapeutic options are limited, moreover drug-resistance increases the need to find novel antimicrobials for health promotion. Recently phytochemicals were re-discovered for medical treatment. Myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) plant extracts showed in vitro antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties thanks to their bioactive compounds. The aim of the present study was to create novel nanodevices to deliver three natural extracts from leaves, seeds and fruit of myrtle, in vaginal milieu. We explored their effect on human cells (HeLa, Human Foreskin Fibroblast-1 line, and stem cells isolated from skin), resident microflora (Lactobacillus acidophilus) and on several vaginal pathogens (Trichomonas vaginalis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, Candida kefyr, Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, Candida krusei). Polycaprolactone-Gelatin nanofibers encapsulated with leaves extract and soaked with seed extracts exhibited a different capability in regard to counteracting microbial proliferation. Moreover, these nanodevices do not affect human cells and resident microflora viability. Results reveal that some of the tested nanofibers are interesting candidates for future vaginal infection treatments

    Donne e societĂ  in Sardegna: ereditĂ  e mutamento: materiali e strumenti di ricerca

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    Negli anni 1979/80, per una esigenza di confronto interdisciplinare sulla problematica femminile e di apporto alla applicazione corretta delle leggi che riguardavano in particolare le donne, viene organizzato dalle docenti della Facoltà di Magistero per le discipline di Storia Contemporanea, Istituzioni di Diritto Pubblico e Legislazione Scolastica, Psicologia, Pedagogia e Antropologia Culturale, il lO Seminario interdisciplinare con relazioni tenute da gruppi di studio di docenti e studentesse sulle leggi degli anni '70: divorzio, nuovo diritto di famiglia, legge sui consultori, legge di parità sul lavoro, sulla maternità consapevole e i progetti di legge contro la violenza sessuale. In questa direzione, nell'anno seguente, viene individuato il tema dei consultori familiari in Sardegna al fine di mettere a confronto le diverse realtà dell'Isola e, di questo secondo Seminario, vengono poi pubblicati gli atti sul libro Il Consultorio Familiare in Sardegna a cura di Rina Fancellu, edizioni di Iniziative Culturali. Negli anni 1985/86 il gruppo si allarga ed organizza, nell'ambito della collaborazione tra il Dipartimento di Economia, Istituzioni e Società ed il Dipartimento di Storia, un altro Seminario dal titolo Mutamenti istituzionali e culturali nella divisione dei ruoli sessuali dal secondo dopoguerra ad oggi, che è stato riproposto l'anno successivo (1986/87) privilegiando la Sardegna come campo della ricerca. Su questi temi riguardanti i mutamenti istituzionali e culturali nella divisione dei ruoli sessuali in Sardegna, presentiamo questa pubblicazione che comprende sull 'argomento materiali e strumenti di ricerca. Il criterio seguito è quello interdisciplinare tra materiale storico-legislativo, antropologico, psicologico, socioeconomico

    Different response of intracerebroventricular cadmium administration on blood pressure in normal and low urinary kallikrein rats

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    Cadmium intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration, at definite concentrations, induces a dose-dependent increase in the systemic blood pressure. Kallikreins are suggested to be important regulators of cardiovascular function. We evaluated the effects of 10 μg i.c.v. cadmium on mean blood pressure (MBP) and several urinary parameters such as 24 h urine volume, sodium and potassium excretion and osmolality in a rat strain inbred for low urinary kallikrein and in normal-kallikrein Wistar rats. Low-kallikrein rats (LKR) showed an increase in MBP that, after an initial peak (27% from baseline), persisted higher than basal levels (10%) over 24 h. In normal-kallikrein rats (NKR) a different reaction of blood pressure to cadmium was observed, causing a temporary increase (26% from baseline) of the systemic blood pressure, that returned to normal values within 2 h. In addition, LKR showed a considerable reduction in the urinary volume (UV; 43.0±20 ml/24 h versus 13.2±6 ml/24 h, P < 0.006), with an increase in the urinary osmolality (UOsm; 500±210 mOsm/l versus 1391±245 mOsm/l, P < 0.0002). Sodium (UNa; 1761±432 μEq/24 h versus 1156±522 μEq/24 h, P < 0.03) and potassium excretion (UK; 2186±482 μEq/24 h versus 936±299 μEq/24 h, P < 0.0006) were both significantly reduced. No changes in UV, UOsm and UK were observed in normal urinary kallikrein rats with the exception of UNa excretion that was significantly increased (667±274 μEq/24 h versus 1725±300 μEq/24 h, P < 0.03). These results suggest that a genetically determined defect in urinary kallikrein excretion leads to a different hypertensive response to i.c.v. cadmium and to a different renal excretion of electrolytes. Perhaps the differences of blood pressure response could be due, at least in part, to a different sensitivity of LKR to cadmium: this implies a complex and articulate hypertensive effect of cadmium involving more systems than those supposed so far

    IBS clinical management in Italy: The AIGO survey

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    Background: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most frequent functional gastrointestinal disorder, both in primary and secondary care. Aims: (1) To describe diagnostic tools and treatments suggested to IBS patients by Italian gastroenterologists; (2) To evaluate patients’ quality of life and psychological involvement and the relationship of these factors with symptom severity. Methods: Twenty-six gastroenterologists recorded the demographic and clinical data of 677 IBS patients. Diagnostic and treatment measures taken in the previous year and those suggested by gastroenterologists were analysed. Results: IBS with constipation was found in 43.4%, with diarrhoea in 21.6%, mixed-IBS in 35.0%. Routine blood tests, ultrasonography, colonoscopy, barium enema and CT were more frequently requested in the previous year than by the gastroenterologists (p < 0.001). Colonoscopy (11%), and ultrasonography (20.4%) were also suggested by the gastroenterologists in a non-negligible number of patients. Abdominal pain and distension, bowel dissatisfaction, anxiety and depression were more severe in females than in males. Quality of life decreased with increasing IBS-symptom severity. Conclusions: IBS diagnosis is still largely based on exclusion criteria even if gastroenterologists try to improve diagnostic appropriateness. However, therapy remains symptom-based also in the gastroenterological setting even if gastroenterologists use a wide variety of approaches, including innovative therapies such as linaclotide and psychotherapy

    Natural Compounds and PCL Nanofibers: A Novel Tool to Counteract Stem Cell Senescence

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    Tissue homeostasis mainly depends on the activity of stem cells to replace damaged elements and restore tissue functions. Within this context, mesenchymal stem cells and fibroblasts are essential for maintaining tissue homeostasis in skin, in particular in the dermis. Modifications in collagen fibers are able to affect stem cell features. Skin properties can be significantly reduced after injuries or with aging, and stem cell niches, mainly comprising extracellular matrix (ECM), may be compromised. To this end, specific molecules can be administrated to prevent the aging process induced by UV exposure in the attempt to maintain a youngness phenotype. NanoPCL-M is a novel nanodevice able to control delivery of Mediterranean plant myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) extracts. In particular, we previously described that myrtle extracts, rich in bioactive molecules and nutraceuticals, were able to counteract senescence in adipose derived stem cells. In this study, we analyzed the effect of NanoPCL-M on skin stem cells (SSCs) and dermal fibroblasts in a dynamic cell culture model in order to prevent the effects of UV-induced senescence on proliferation and collagen depot. The BrdU assay results highlight the significantly positive effect of NanoPCL-M on the proliferation of both fibroblasts and SSCs. Our results demonstrate that-M is able to preserve SSCs features and collagen depot after UV-induced senescence, suggesting their capability to retain a young phenotype

    Smart nanofibers with natural extracts prevent senescence patterning in a dynamic cell culture model of human skin

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    Natural cosmetic products have recently re-emerged as a novel tool able to counteract skin aging and skin related damages. In addition, recently achieved progress in nanomedicine opens a novel approach yielding from combination of modern nanotechnology with traditional treatment for innovative pharmacotherapeutics. In the present study, we investigated the antiaging eect of a pretreatment with Myrtus communis natural extract combined with a polycaprolactone nanofibrous scaffold (NanoPCL-M) on skin cell populations exposed to UV. We set up a novel model of skin on a bioreactor mimicking a crosstalk between keratinocytes, stem cells and fibroblasts, as in skin. Beta-galactosidase assay, indicating the amount of senescent cells, and viability assay, revealed that fibroblasts and stem cells pretreated with NanoPCL-M and then exposed to UV are superimposable to control cells, untreated and unexposed to UV damage. On the other hand, cells only exposed to UV stress, without NanoPCL-M pretreatment, exhibited a significantly higher yield of senescent elements. Keratinocyte-based 3D structures appeared disjointed after UV-stress, as compared to NanoPCL-M pretreated samples. Gene expression analysis performed on dierent senescence associated genes, revealed the activation of a molecular program of rejuvenation in stem cells pretreated with NanoPCL-M and then exposed to UV. Altogether, our results highlight a future translational application of NanoPCL-M to prevent skin aging