1 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Dengan Menggunakan Metode Fault Tree Analysis Untuk Meminimumkan Cacat Pada Crank Bed Di Lini Painting PT. Sarandi Karya Nugraha

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    [Quality Control Analysis Using Fault Tree Analysis to minimize Defects OnCrank Bed In Painting Line at PT. Sarandi Karya Nugraha] PT. Sarandi Karya Nugraha is a company engaged in the field of hospital furniture appliance. The object of research is in the process of crankbed painting. The percentage of product defects in the painting division in the period January 2014 - August 2015 to reach 11%. Whereas provisions that the company have is the amount of the product defect does not exceed 3% of the products produced. This problem relates to the quality of the company\u27s products can cause the increasing of production costs due to produce a new one and rework. It can also lead to loss of customers due to the disappointment of a bad product. This research was conducted to find the biggest problems that lead to defects of crankbed and find the root of the problem. Pareto diagrams are used to see what the biggest problems that cause defects in the painting process. From 36 352 products that are produced, there is 11% of defective products produced are 4,081 products where the biggest flaw is the paint rough by 6%. Having obtained a rough paint as a producer of the largest number of defects, sought the root causes of rough paint using Fault Tree Analysis. After creating an FTA, I obtained four minimal cut-set (the root of the problem), not having a periodic training, the working environment is a mess, the operator does not use the APD, and the operator does not apply the SOP wholefully. Due the roots of the problem, Proposed improvements that have been prepared are Acquisition training periodically for operator painting, Counseling and implementation of 5S, Doing the field inspection and periodic evaluation of the operator, Sticking to the rules shall use PPE, work evaluation periodically to measure the performance of operators, attachment of SOP painting in the area working process of painting, scheduling process of paint, wait process (curing time), and the drying process (oven)