721 research outputs found

    Elemental Spiking Neuron Model for Reproducing Diverse Firing Patterns and Predicting Precise Firing Times

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    In simulating realistic neuronal circuitry composed of diverse types of neurons, we need an elemental spiking neuron model that is capable of not only quantitatively reproducing spike times of biological neurons given in vivo-like fluctuating inputs, but also qualitatively representing a variety of firing responses to transient current inputs. Simplistic models based on leaky integrate-and-fire mechanisms have demonstrated the ability to adapt to biological neurons. In particular, the multi-timescale adaptive threshold (MAT) model reproduces and predicts precise spike times of regular-spiking, intrinsic-bursting, and fast-spiking neurons, under any fluctuating current; however, this model is incapable of reproducing such specific firing responses as inhibitory rebound spiking and resonate spiking. In this paper, we augment the MAT model by adding a voltage dependency term to the adaptive threshold so that the model can exhibit the full variety of firing responses to various transient current pulses while maintaining the high adaptability inherent in the original MAT model. Furthermore, with this addition, our model is actually able to better predict spike times. Despite the augmentation, the model has only four free parameters and is implementable in an efficient algorithm for large-scale simulation due to its linearity, serving as an element neuron model in the simulation of realistic neuronal circuitry

    The 9 and 18 Micron Luminosity Function of Various Types of Galaxies with AKARI: Implication for the Dust Torus Structure of AGN

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    We present the 9 and 18 micron luminosity functions (LFs) of galaxies at 0.006 < z < 0.8 (with an average redshift of ~ 0.04) using the AKARI mid-infrared all-sky survey catalog. We selected 243 galaxies at 9 micron and 255 galaxies at 18 micron from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopy region. These galaxies were then classified by their optical emission lines, such as the line width of H_alpha or by their emission line ratios of [OIII]/H_beta and [NII]/H_alpha into five types: Type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGN) (Type 1); Type 2 AGN (Type 2); low-ionization narrow emission line galaxies (LINER); galaxies with both star formation and narrow-line AGN activity (composite galaxies); and star-forming galaxies (SF). We found that (i) the number density ratio of Type 2 to Type 1 AGNs is 1.73 +/- 0.36, which is larger than a result obtained from the optical LF and (ii) this ratio decreases with increasing 18 micron luminosity.Comment: 38 pages, 19 figures, and 7 tables, accepted for publication in PAS

    Development of ion beam figuring system with electrostatic deflection for ultraprecise X-ray reflective optics

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    We developed an ion beam figuring system that utilizes electrostatic deflection. The system can produce an arbitrary shape by deterministically scanning the ion beam. The scan of the ion beam, which can be precisely controlled using only an electrical signal, enables us to avoid degradation of the mirror shape caused by imperfect acceleration or deceleration of a mechanically scanning stage. Additionally, this surface figuring method can easily be combined with X-ray metrology because the workpiece remains fixed during the figuring. We evaluated the figuring accuracy of the system by fabricating a plano-elliptical mirror for X-ray focusing. A mirror with a shape error of 1.4 nm root mean square (RMS) with a maximum removal depth of 992 nm, which corresponds to figuring accuracy of 0.14% RMS, was achieved. After the second shape corrections, an elliptical shape with a shape error of approximately 1 nm peak-to-valley, 0.48 nm RMS could be fabricated. Then, the mirror surface was smoothed by a low-energy ion beam. Consequently, a micro-roughness of 0.117 nm RMS, measured by atomic force microscopy, was achieved over an area of 1 × 1 μm2.Jumpei Yamada, Satoshi Matsuyama, Yasuhisa Sano, and Kazuto Yamauchi, "Development of ion beam figuring system with electrostatic deflection for ultraprecise X-ray reflective optics", Review of Scientific Instruments 86, 093103 (2015) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4929323

    Wavefront restoration from lateral shearing data using spectral interpolation

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    Although a lateral-shear interferometer is robust against optical component vibrations, its interferogram provides information about differential wavefronts rather than the wavefronts themselves, resulting in the loss of specific frequency components. Previous studies have addressed this limitation by measuring four interferograms with different shear amounts to accurately restore the two-dimensional wavefront. This study proposes a technique that employs spectral interpolation to reduce the number of required interferograms. The proposed approach introduces an origin-shift technique for accurate spectral interpolation, which in turn is implemented by combining two methods: natural extension and least-squares determination of ambiguities in uniform biases. Numerical simulations confirmed that the proposed method accurately restored a two-dimensional wavefront from just two interferograms, thereby indicating its potential to address the limitations of the lateral-shear interferometer.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamic finite element analysis and moving particle simulation of human enamel on a microscale

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    Background: The study of biomechanics of deformation and fracture of hard biological tissues involving organic matrix remains a challenge as variations in mechanical properties and fracture mode may have time-dependency. Finite element analysis (FEA) has been widely used but the shortcomings of FEA such as the long computation time owing to re-meshing in simulating fracture mechanics have warranted the development of alternative computational methods with higher throughput. The aim of this study was to compare dynamic two-dimensional FEA and moving particle simulation (MPS) when assuming a plane strain condition in the modeling of human enamel on a reduced scale. Methods: Two-dimensional models with the same geometry were developed for MPS and FEA and tested in tension generated with a single step of displacement. The displacement, velocity, pressure, and stress levels were compared and Spearman[U+05F3]s rank-correlation coefficients R were calculated (p<0.001). Results: The MPS and FEA were significantly correlated for displacement, velocity, pressure, and Y-stress. Conclusions: The MPS may be further developed as an alternative approach without mesh generation to simulate deformation and fracture phenomena of dental and potentially other hard tissues with complex microstructure.Yamaguchi S., Coelho P.G., Thompson V.P., et al. Dynamic finite element analysis and moving particle simulation of human enamel on a microscale. Computers in Biology and Medicine 55, 53 (2014); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2014.10.005