32 research outputs found

    Arginylation-Dependent Neural Crest Cell Migration Is Essential for Mouse Development

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    Coordinated cell migration during development is crucial for morphogenesis and largely relies on cells of the neural crest lineage that migrate over long distances to give rise to organs and tissues throughout the body. Recent studies of protein arginylation implicated this poorly understood posttranslational modification in the functioning of actin cytoskeleton and in cell migration in culture. Knockout of arginyltransferase (Ate1) in mice leads to embryonic lethality and severe heart defects that are reminiscent of cell migration–dependent phenotypes seen in other mouse models. To test the hypothesis that arginylation regulates cell migration during morphogenesis, we produced Wnt1-Cre Ate1 conditional knockout mice (Wnt1-Ate1), with Ate1 deletion in the neural crest cells driven by Wnt1 promoter. Wnt1-Ate1 mice die at birth and in the first 2–3 weeks after birth with severe breathing problems and with growth and behavioral retardation. Wnt1-Ate1 pups have prominent defects, including short palate and altered opening to the nasopharynx, and cranial defects that likely contribute to the abnormal breathing and early death. Analysis of neural crest cell movement patterns in situ and cell motility in culture shows an overall delay in the migration of Ate1 knockout cells that is likely regulated by intracellular mechanisms rather than extracellular signaling events. Taken together, our data suggest that arginylation plays a general role in the migration of the neural crest cells in development by regulating the molecular machinery that underlies cell migration through tissues and organs during morphogenesis

    Quantitative monitoring of pluripotency gene activation after somatic cloning in cattle

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    The development of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos critically depends on appropriate reprogramming and expression of pluripotency genes, such as Pou5f1/POU5F1 (previously known as Oct4/OCT4). To study POU5F1 transcription activation in living bovine SCNT embryos without interference by maternal POU5F1 mRNA, we generated chromosomally normal fetal fibroblast donor cells stably carrying a mouse Pou5f1 promoter-driven enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter gene at a single integration site without detectable EGFP expression. Morphologic and quantitative analyses of whole-mount SCNT embryos by confocal microscopy revealed robust initial activation of the Pou5f1 reporter gene during the fourth cell cycle. In Day 6 SCNT embryos EGFP expression levels were markedly higher than in Day 4 embryos but varied substantially between individual embryos, even at comparable cell numbers. Embryos with low EGFP levels had far more morphologically abnormal cell nuclei than those with high EGFP levels. Our data strongly suggest that bovine SCNT embryos consistently start activation of the POU5F1 promoter during the fourth cell cycle, whereas later in development the expression level substantially differs between individual embryos, which may be associated with developmental potential. In fibroblasts from phenotypically normal SCNT fetuses recovered on Day 34, the Pou5f1 reporter promoter was silent but was activated by a second round of SCNT. The restoration of pluripotency can be directly observed in living cells or SCNT embryos from such Pou5f1-EGFP transgenic fetuses, providing an attractive model for systematic investigation of epigenetic reprogramming in large mammals

    Quantitative monitoring of pluripotency gene activation after somatic cloning in cattle

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    The development of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos critically depends on appropriate reprogramming and expression of pluripotency genes, such as Pou5f1/POU5F1 (previously known as Oct4/OCT4). To study POU5F1 transcription activation in living bovine SCNT embryos without interference by maternal POU5F1 mRNA, we generated chromosomally normal fetal fibroblast donor cells stably carrying a mouse Pou5f1 promoter-driven enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter gene at a single integration site without detectable EGFP expression. Morphologic and quantitative analyses of whole-mount SCNT embryos by confocal microscopy revealed robust initial activation of the Pou5f1 reporter gene during the fourth cell cycle. In Day 6 SCNT embryos EGFP expression levels were markedly higher than in Day 4 embryos but varied substantially between individual embryos, even at comparable cell numbers. Embryos with low EGFP levels had far more morphologically abnormal cell nuclei than those with high EGFP levels. Our data strongly suggest that bovine SCNT embryos consistently start activation of the POU5F1 promoter during the fourth cell cycle, whereas later in development the expression level substantially differs between individual embryos, which may be associated with developmental potential. In fibroblasts from phenotypically normal SCNT fetuses recovered on Day 34, the Pou5f1 reporter promoter was silent but was activated by a second round of SCNT. The restoration of pluripotency can be directly observed in living cells or SCNT embryos from such Pou5f1-EGFP transgenic fetuses, providing an attractive model for systematic investigation of epigenetic reprogramming in large mammals

    The View of Children in the “Revisions of the Course of Study for Elementary Schools: Arts and Crafts Edition”: Analysis of Versions Heisei 20 and Heisei 29

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    図画工作科教育ではこれまで,児童の発達をテーマとした児童観に関する研究が多く行われてきた。しかし,先行研究では学習指導要領解説に記述された児童観に焦点を当てた研究はほとんど行われてこなかった。そこで,本研究では平成20年版,平成29年版『小学校学習指導要領解説 図画工作編』における児童観の観点及び両文書の比較による記述内容の変化を明らかにすることを目的とした。KJ法を用いた分類・整理の結果,児童観は【友人関係】,【言語活動】,【材料用具との関わり】,【経験・体験との関わり】,【技能】,【興味関心・意欲】,【対象への関わり】,【思考過程】の8種類の観点で述べられていた。また,児童観に関する記述内容の変化として,「形」,「色」,「イメージ」の文言が含まれた文章の増加,日常生活と図画工作科の関わりに関する文章の増加,複数の資質・能力を関係づける文章の増加の3点が特徴として挙げられた。This study aims to clarify the view of children described in the “Revisions of the Course of Study for Elementary Schools: Arts and Crafts Edition,” covered in Heisei 20 and Heisei 29 versions. In this study, the authors used an affinity diagram to categorize the views of children, considering aspects of friendship, language activity, materials and tools, relationship to their own experience, skills, curiosity and motivation, relationship to the target, and thinking process. In our discussion, we compare the views of children in lower grades, middle school years, and the senior year and show differences in their content according to developmental stage

    Conditional Tek Promoter-Driven Deletion of Arginyltransferase in the Germ Line Causes Defects in Gametogenesis and Early Embryonic Lethality in Mice

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    Posttranslational protein arginylation mediated by Ate1 is essential for cardiovascular development, actin cytoskeleton functioning, and cell migration. Ate1 plays a role in the regulation of cytoskeleton and is essential for cardiovascular development and angiogenesis—capillary remodeling driven by in-tissue migration of endothelial cells. To address the role of Ate1 in cytoskeleton-dependent processes and endothelial cell function during development, we produced a conditional mouse knockout with Ate1 deletion driven by Tek endothelial receptor tyrosine kinase promoter expressed in the endothelium and in the germ line. Contrary to expectations, Tek-Ate1 mice were viable and had no visible angiogenesis-related phenotypes; however, these mice showed reproductive defects, with high rates of embryonic lethality in the second generation, at stages much earlier than the complete Ate1 knockout strain. While some of the early lethality originated from the subpopulation of embryos with homozygous Tek-Cre transgene—a problem that has not previously been reported for this commercial mouse strain—a distinct subpopulation of embryos had lethality at early post-implantation stages that could be explained only by a previously unknown defect in gametogenesis originating from Tek-driven Ate1 deletion in premeiotic germs cells. These results demonstrate a novel role of Ate1 in germ cell development

    Identification of Genes Required for Neural-Specific Glycosylation Using Functional Genomics

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    Glycosylation plays crucial regulatory roles in various biological processes such as development, immunity, and neural functions. For example, α1,3-fucosylation, the addition of a fucose moiety abundant in Drosophila neural cells, is essential for neural development, function, and behavior. However, it remains largely unknown how neural-specific α1,3-fucosylation is regulated. In the present study, we searched for genes involved in the glycosylation of a neural-specific protein using a Drosophila RNAi library. We obtained 109 genes affecting glycosylation that clustered into nine functional groups. Among them, members of the RNA regulation group were enriched by a secondary screen that identified genes specifically regulating α1,3-fucosylation. Further analyses revealed that an RNA–binding protein, second mitotic wave missing (Swm), upregulates expression of the neural-specific glycosyltransferase FucTA and facilitates its mRNA export from the nucleus. This first large-scale genetic screen for glycosylation-related genes has revealed novel regulation of fucTA mRNA in neural cells

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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