7,099 research outputs found

    Anisotropic magnetic fluctuations in the ferromagnetic superconductor UCoGe studied by angle-resolved ^{59}Co NMR

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    We have carried out direction-dependent ^{59}Co NMR experiments on a single crystal sample of the ferromagnetic superconductor UCoGe in order to study the magnetic properties in the normal state. The Knight shift and nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate measurements provide microscopic evidence that both static and dynamic susceptibilities are ferromagnetic with strong Ising anisotropy. We discuss that superconductivity induced by these magnetic fluctuations prefers spin-triplet pairing state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    An Efficient Algorithm for Enumerating Chordless Cycles and Chordless Paths

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    A chordless cycle (induced cycle) CC of a graph is a cycle without any chord, meaning that there is no edge outside the cycle connecting two vertices of the cycle. A chordless path is defined similarly. In this paper, we consider the problems of enumerating chordless cycles/paths of a given graph G=(V,E),G=(V,E), and propose algorithms taking O(E)O(|E|) time for each chordless cycle/path. In the existing studies, the problems had not been deeply studied in the theoretical computer science area, and no output polynomial time algorithm has been proposed. Our experiments showed that the computation time of our algorithms is constant per chordless cycle/path for non-dense random graphs and real-world graphs. They also show that the number of chordless cycles is much smaller than the number of cycles. We applied the algorithm to prediction of NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectra, and increased the accuracy of the prediction

    Preliminary experimental results of gas recycling subsystems except carbon dioxide concentration

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    Oxygen concentration and separation is an essential factor for air recycling in a controlled ecological life support system (CELSS). Furthermore, if the value of the plant assimilatory quotient is not coincident with that of the animal respiratory quotient, the recovery of oxygen from the concentrated CO2 through chemical methods will become necessary to balance the gas contents in a CELSS. Therefore, oxygen concentration and separation equipment using Salcomine and O2 recovery equipment, such as Sabatier and Bosch reactors, were experimentally developed and tested

    Development of an intense positron source using a crystal--amorphous hybrid target for linear colliders

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    In a conventional positron source driven by a few GeV electron beam, a high amount of heat is loaded into a positron converter target to generate intense positrons required by linear colliders, and which would eventually damage the converter target. A hybrid target, composed of a single crystal target as a radiator of intense gamma--rays, and an amorphous converter target placed downstream of the crystal, was proposed as a scheme which could overcome the problem.This paper describes the development of an intense positron source with the hybrid target. A series of experiments on positron generation with the hybrid target has been carried out with a 8--GeV electron beam at the KEKB linac. We observed that positron yield from the hybrid target increased when the incident electron beam was aligned to the crystal axis and exceeded the one from the conventional target with the converter target of the same thickness, when its thickness is less than about 2 radiation length. The measurements in the temperature rise of the amorphous converter target was successfully carried out by use of thermocouples. These results lead to establishment to the evaluation of the hybrid target as an intense positron source.Comment: 17pages, 10figure

    Polarization Measurement in Heavy Ion Scattering

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    開始ページ、終了ページ: 冊子体のページ付

    Superconductivity induced by longitudinal ferromagnetic fluctuations in UCoGe

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    From detailed angle-resolved NMR and Meissner measurements on a ferromagnetic (FM) superconductor UCoGe (T_Curie ~ 2.5 K and T_SC ~ 0.6 K), we show that superconductivity in UCoGe is tightly coupled with longitudinal FM spin fluctuations along the c axis. We found that magnetic fields along the c axis (H || c) strongly suppress the FM fluctuations and that the superconductivity is observed in the limited magnetic field region where the longitudinal FM spin fluctuations are active. These results combined with model calculations strongly suggest that the longitudinal FM spin fluctuations tuned by H || c induce the unique spin-triplet superconductivity in UCoGe. This is the first clear example that FM fluctuations are intimately related with superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in PR