79 research outputs found

    The Function of Religious Language in the Media: A Comparative Analysis of the Japanese, German and American Newspaper Coverage about the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

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    When an incident or event in a certain region will be reported by the mass media in a different language, the choice of expressions, the perspective and aim of their message will differ. This study analyzes the news coverage of events related to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in German, American and Japanese newspapers. It will aim to uncover expressional differences in the coverage on a similar topic reported in different languages. This research especially focuses on the use of religious language in the coverage, which in this paper refers to religious metaphors and symbols originating from a Christian context. Previous research shows that the use of religious language in the media, affects consumers mentally and emotionally. Based on that theory, this study compares how religious language is used in the coverage and tries to clarify the functions of religious expressions through a critical discourse analysis. The results show that religious language appears continuously in German and American news reports related to the disaster. Religious language is mostly used symbolically as well as metaphorically in order to illustrate the destruction caused by the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster, while at the same time conveying emotions such as the fear of the victims. It is also used to describe the difficulties, suffering and hope of the people in the disaster-hit area. Moreover religious language provokes emotions in the readers and makes it easier for them to understand the situation in Japan as well as the feelings of the disaster refugees.  A difference between the German and American news coverage was seen in the description of the situation at the nuclear power plant and the state of the victims in Fukushima and the Tohoku region. In Germany, religious language can change the viewpoint of and provoke emotions in the readers. It is also employed to emphasize domestic social and political problems related to German energy policy

    Developing a Teaching Plan for the Social Studies of a Junior High School Focused on Inquiring What is a Good Society : Based on the Learning Principles of the New Course of Studies.

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    本研究は,平成20年3月に改訂された中学校学習指導要領のもとでの中学校社会科の単元開発のあり方を,公民的分野の内容(4)-イ「よりよい社会を目指して」を取り上げて具体的に示そうとするものである。今回の学習指導要領改訂では,中学校社会科には目標レベルの変化はほとんど見られず,一見,改訂は小幅なものにとどまったかに思われる。しかしながら,内容を検討すると,地理,歴史,公民の三分野ともに学習原理に関わる大きな転換がなされていることが分かり,それを見逃すと改訂の本質は見えない。本研究では,新学 習指導要領の学習原理として特に注目されている探究活動の充実に焦点をしぼり,学習原理の転換がいかになされたかということに加えて,具体的にいかなる授業づくりが求められるかを事例に基づいて明らかにした

    A Typing the Theories of Teaching of History as the Social Studies in Secondary School

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    本研究は、現代歴史授業の改善を目指して、現在主張されている多様な社会科歴史授業構成論を類型化してその特徴を明らかにしようとするものである。一般的伝統的な歴史授業については歴史的事象に関する知識の暗記にとどまり社会認識の形成に至っていないことや、価値注入教育に陥っていること等が問題点として指摘されている。それらを克服するものとして社会科歴史が唱えられている。本研究では社会科歴史授業構成論として、社会科学科歴史論、理論批判学習としての歴史教育論、解釈批判学習としての歴史教育論、社会的判断力育成を目指した歴史教育論、社会形成力育成を目指した歴史教育論を取り上げて、その目標、方法、内容について分析・検討を行った。The Purpose of this study is to type the theories of teaching of history as the Social Studies in Secondary School, which is today discussed in the Japan Social Studies Research Association. A common traditional strategy of teaching of history has a lot of problems, that is to force students to memorize many information about hisorical events and to infuse a particular concept of value into the student's mind. In this paper I analyze five strategies as the theories of teaching of history as the Social Studies, that is the teaching history as social sciences education, the history study based on theory criticism, the history study based on interpretation criticism, the approach to counter-socialization through teaching history and the teaching history as social construction

    The Development of the Social Studies Lesson Plan Focusing on Understanding Public Welfare: A Case of a Tentative Lesson Plan "What is Public Welfare?"

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    Identification and functional characterization of uric acid transporter Urat1 (Slc22a12) in rats

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    AbstractUric acid transporter URAT1 contributes significantly to reabsorption of uric acid in humans to maintain a constant serum uric acid (SUA) level. Since alteration of SUA level is associated with various diseases, it is important to clarify the mechanism of change in SUA. However, although expression of mRNA of an ortholog of URAT1 (rUrat1) in rats has been reported, functional analysis and localization have not been done. Therefore, rat rUrat1 was functionally analyzed using gene expression systems and isolated brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMVs) prepared from rat kidney, and its localization in kidney was examined immunohistochemically. Uric acid transport by rUrat1 was chloride (Cl−) susceptible with a Km of 1773μM. It was inhibited by benzbromarone and trans-stimulated by lactate and pyrazinecarboxylic acid (PZA). Cl− gradient-susceptible uric acid transport by BBMVs showed similar characteristics to those of uric acid transport by rUrat1. Moreover, rUrat1 was localized at the apical membrane in proximal tubular epithelial cells in rat kidney. Accordingly, rUrat1 is considered to be involved in uric acid reabsorption in rats in the same manner as URAT1 in humans. Therefore, rUrat1 may be a useful model to study issues related to the role of human URAT1

    A Case Study Considering the Relationship between Children's Welfare and Injuries during School Hours and the Type of Clothing They Wear : Sports Wear Worn during P.E. Class for Example

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    学校教育の今日的課題として,子どもの健康・安全保障のための教職員の役割の明確化と 学校全体の取組体制の整備・充実が求められている。本共同研究は,この課題を考えるため に,教師の指導の下で行われる教科の中で,最も傷病の発生数の多い「体育(保健体育)」 の授業時間に着用を義務づけられている体操服(学校体操服)を取り上げ,わが国の学校教 育と体操服の歴史的考察および岡山県における学校体操服の現状と評価を調査・被服科学の 実験結果から試み,“子どもの健康と安全を守るための環境としての被服と教職員の役割” について検討したものである

    A case of mucinous adenocarcinoma of the duodenum and literature review of 16 cases reported in Japan

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     Primary mucinous adenocarcinoma of the duodenum is rare. Here we report a case we recently encountered, and we review 16 cases reported in Japan. An 82-year-old Japanese woman was admitted to our hospital complaining of abdominal pain and heartburn. An endoscopic examination revealed a Type 2 tumor in the descending limb of the duodenum, and endoscopically obtained specimens revealed a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. We performed a curative pancreatoduodenectomy with lymph node resection, and the surgical specimen revealed that the duodenum was the primary site of the mucinous adenocarcinoma. The patient is currently alive > 1 year after the operation without any evidence of recurrence. Of the 16 patients reviewed, all patients had advanced tumors those depth were T3-T4. 9 patients had lymph node metastasis and 4 patients had peritoneal dissemination at the time of surgery. Since mucinous adenocarcinoma of the duodenum is often progressive cancer at a diagnosis, which is tend to have a worse prognosis than other histological types

    Development of multiple regions tracking system to reduce inter and intra-fractional error for proton therapy

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    PTCOG49 - 49th Annual Meeting of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group Scientific Meeting, 2010This is to certificate of the Outstanding Poster Award of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group, Scientific Meeting, 2010. (Category: Physics, 5/21/2010