949 research outputs found

    An interesting case of suicidal poisoning

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    Aconite is one of the most poisonous known herbs. It has been known to be used as a homicidal poison from long time in history. However this is rarely known to be used as suicidal poison. Poisoning with aconite is usually fatal and death commonly occurs due to arrhythmias and cardiotoxicity. We report a case of attempted suicidal poisoning by aconite where patient survived in spite of documented cardiotoxic effects of the poison

    Two Warehouses Inventory Model with Quadratic Demand and Maximum Life Time

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    This paper deals with a two warehouses inventory model with quadratic demand. Due to some seasonal products, all time retailers not fulfill the demand of customers, so to solve this difficulty retailer storage some product for future sales in out of season. Here we consider two warehouses system, Own Warehouse (OW) and Rent Warehouse (RW). This paper considers maximum life time for the products and shortages are not allowed. Mathematical model of this paper is proposed to obtain the total cycle time and minimum inventory cost. A numerical example is give to validate this proposed model

    Evaluation of Economic Losses due to Coccidiosis in Poultry Industry in India

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    Coccidiosis is an old parasitic disease, prevalent all over the country and has a significant impact on poultry production. In this paper, economic loss to poultry industry has been estimated considering the major economic parameters. The estimation has revealed that commercial broiler industry is a major sufferer due to coccidiosis wherein 95.61 per cent of the total economic loss occurs due to the disease. The commercial layer industry shares 3.53 per cent economic loss, mainly due to cost of chemoprophylaxis and reduced egg production. A comparison across economic traits has revealed that loss is maximum due to reduced body weight gain, followed by increased FCR (23.74%) and chemoprophylaxis (2.83%) in the total loss due to coccidiosis in broiler industry of India. The overall comparison of economic traits for all the types of poultry sector it has shown that reduced body wt gain and increased FCR are the major parameters from which 68.08 per cent and 22.70 per cent annual loss has occurred in the total loss from coccidiosis in India during the year 2003-04. The total loss due to coccidiosis has been found to be of Rs 1.14 billion (approx) for the year 2003-04. The study has observed that generation of this data across different geographical regions will be helpful to conclude about the global economic loss due to coccidiosis in the poultry industry.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    A Two Warehouse Inventory Model with Stock-Dependent Demand and variable deterioration rate

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    In this paper we discuss a two warehouses inventory model for non-instantaneous deteriorating items. Throughout last so many years, mostly researchers have consideration to the situation where the demand rate is dependent on the level of the on-hand inventory. For inventory systems, such as fashionable commodities, the length of the waiting time for the next replenishment would determine whether the backlogging will be accepted or not. In real life situation, enterprises usually buy more goods than can be stored in their own warehouses (OW) for future production or sales. The surplus quantities are frequently stored in an extra storage space, represented by rented warehouses (RW).The rented warehouse is considered to charge high unit holding cost than the own warehouse. The necessary and sufficient conditions of the existence and uniqueness of the optimal solution are shown. We determine the optimal replenishment policy for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with partial backlogging and stock-dependent demand

    Lime Slurry Injection, Lime Piles and Stone Columns for Improvement of Soft Soils − Field Trials

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    Scarcity of good land available for construction has resulted in development of a number of techniques for improvement of ground. If properly treated, most soils can be made into useful construction materials. Two case histories arc presented utilizing two different kinds of ground improvement techniques. Field scale trials are conducted to reinforce deep deposit of soft marine clay with stone columns and a road embankment made with black cotton soil modified with lime columns and pressure injection of lime slurry. Both techniques resulted in significant improvement in strength and settlement characteristics

    Surgical management of proximal tibial fractures with locking compression plate

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    Background: Incidence of proximal tibial fractures is increasing due to increasing incidence of road traffic accidents (RTA). Knee joint being one of the major weight bearing joint of the body, appropriate management of fracture around it will be of paramount importance in maintaining mobility. The recent development of locking compression plate (LCP) has revolutionized the treatment of proximal tibial fractures by overcoming the few drawbacks of conventional buttress plate.Methods: We studied 30 patients involving proximal tibial fracture manged using LCP [23 patients with minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis, (MIPO) technique and 7 patients with Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) technique]. We followed up all the patients until complete union of fractures.Results: The average time for union of fracture was 14 weeks (range: 12-24 weeks). Overall 96.7% patients had acceptable outcome (70% excellent and 26.7% good). Patients treated with MIPO technique healed earlier and more frequently had excellent results than those treated with ORIF. A total of four patients had complications (knee joint stiffness in 1, postoperative loss of reduction in 1, infection in 1 and knee instability in 1). Conclusions: Locking compression plate system acts as a good biological fixation for proximal tibial fractures even in difficult fracture situations. MIPO technique offers faster healing and better outcome than ORIF in patients with proximal tibial fractures

    Study of sickle cell anaemia with clinical and hematological correlation

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    Background: Sickle cell anaemia is a hemoglobinopathy with the production of abnormal hemoglobin, HbS which when exposed to hypoxemia produces sickling of RBC. Severity of the disease depends on the percentage of HbS. Rise in the levels of Hb F is associated with less intense clinical course. Drugs targeted at increasing levels of HbF have prognostic significance. The aim of the study is to analyse the age, sex distribution, clinical, hematological and electrophoretic appearances and to compare with other studies.Methods: 300 sickle cell positive patients, both male and females who attended OPD were studied with all the clinical findings  and hematological parameters. 52 cases were subjected to electrophoresis.Results: Males were 154 and females were 146. Degree of anaemia was severe in females when compared to males. Of 52 cases subjected for electrophoresis 36 were homozygous, 15 were heterozygous and 1 case Sickle thalassemia. 7 cases showed HbF above 5%.Conclusions: Most of the patients were under 40 yrs suggesting decreased survival after that age.  An increased level of HbF was associated with better prognosis suggesting the need to target at drugs which increase HbF

    A clinico-pathological study of pigmented cutaneous lesions: a one-year prospective study in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Pigmented lesions are group of lesions which have melanocytic proliferation with very common clinical presentation. Diagnosing these pigmented lesions and differentiating cutaneous melanocytic lesions from non-melanocytic lesions poses a great challenge for the pathologist.Methods: A Prospective study was conducted for one year from June 2016 to June 2017 sent to the Department of Pathology, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam, a tertiary care centre in southern India consisting of 44 pigmented lesions. Specimens were formalin fixed and the tissue was adequately processed for histopathological examination. The sections were stained routinely with hematoxylin and eosin stain and examined under light microscopy.Results: Out of 44 cases, 24 cases were cutaneous melanocytic lesions which include benign naevi 22 (50%) and 2 (4.6%) malignant melanoma cases. The other 20 cases were cutaneous non melanocytic lesions which include 5 (11.4%) pigmented seborrheic keratosis, 6 (13.7%) pigmented basal cell carcinoma, 1 (2.3%) pigmented actinic keratosis and 8 (18%) cases of naevus sebaceous. Most common effected age group was <21 years (31.81%), male: female ratio is 1:2 and most common site involved was face 29 cases (65.9%). Most common pigmented lesions were benign melanocytic nevi 22 (50%) followed by naevus sebaceous 8 (18%) cases. 32 (72.71%) cases were consistent with both clinico-histopathological correlation.Conclusions: Benign melanocytic nevi are most common lesions obtained, seborric keratosis and pigmented basal cell carcinoma were most common mimickers of melanocytic lesions, hence a careful histopathological diagnosis is important


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    Objective: This is a longitudinal observation looking for the emergence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in a rapid response police unit. Methods: After taking informed consent, measurements were taken of blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, and fasting blood glucose periodically in 2019, 2021, and 2023 in January. 146 police officers enrolled out of 148 screened and 117 completed the study. Results: In four years, the proportion of individuals with MetS values exceeding the norm increased by 20-30% for each component with 56 new cases of impaired metabolic parameters and 13 new cases of MetS observed among 110 previously unaffected police officers. Conclusion: A significant increase in the number of Metabolic Syndrome was found, particularly via its effects on blood lipid levels in police personnel which a highly stressful for professionals. Future longitudinal studies with continuous stress monitoring and comparing with a control will more in-depth knowledge into it
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