48 research outputs found

    Encertar la regi贸 de Tarragona

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    El Mas de les Figures

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    From Text on Paper to Digital Poetry: Creativity and Digital Literary Reading Practices in Initial Teacher Education

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    The new contexts of literary education allow for the creation of digital reading and writing practices related to what specialised literature calls digital literature. Among these practices and with an eminently theoretical content and with an example of this content, in this paper, we want to focus our gaze on cyberpoetry, conceived as an exercise in literary creativity that firstly involves use of technology and specific software for the digital creation of poetic texts and, last but not least, knowledge and mastery of poetic language and the literary conventions linked thereto. From this point of view, in initial teacher training, we work with future teachers to create cyberpoems with a dual purpose: on the one hand, to reflect on what literary reading in digital format entails and to rehearse reading mediation processes that can be carried out with this type of literature, and, on the other, to begin in the digital creation of cyberpoems that, later, may be presented and worked in a real context of the school classroom. In this paper, we present digital practices of literary reading that have been created by student teachers in initial training. The creation of these practices has been carried out with the Genially tool. For data collection, the URL of each creation is accessed in order to analyse them. The analysis of the data follows the parameters of the qualitative methodology, specifically based on three categories of analysis for each digital creation: multimodality, hypertextuality and the interaction of each digital reading proposal. The conclusions of all this allow us to affirm that the creation of cyberpoems is an exercise in literary creativity that has to take into account the digital dimension of the literary text and its reading comprehension in a multimodal environment. Thus, the teacher in initial training carries out a digital literary mediation exercise, of a creative type, which he will later carry out in his pedagogical practice.This research has been funded by the AGAUR (Ag猫ncia de Gesti贸 d鈥橝juts Universitaris i de Recerca) under Grant 2020 ARMIF0002

    El c贸mic como lectura cr铆tica de la historia en la construcci贸n de la identidad y la diversidad territorial

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    This article approaches a genre little studied in the academic field: comics and historical comics in particular, that is, comics that use history with a capital H as a backdrop to explain and disseminate ideas. We analyse how comic features favour the dissemination of concepts such as historical memory and it is an ideal tool to establish an ideology. In the present case, we are dealing with the comic in the Catalan language that deals with the medieval history of Catalonia with the objective of verifying, on the one hand, the ideological intentionality that is hidden behind the narration and selection of some specific events and characters of Catalan history to divulge a certain idea of territorial and identity construction and, on the other hand, to propose a model for analysing comics both from the literary point of view, from the narrative structures, and from the visual point of view.El presente art铆culo se aproxima a un g茅nero poco estudiado en el 谩mbito acad茅mico como es el c贸mic y en particular el c贸mic hist贸rico, es decir el que utiliza la historia con may煤sculas como tel贸n de fondo para explicar y difundir ideas. Observamos como las caracter铆sticas del c贸mic favorecen la divulgaci贸n de conceptos como el de memoria hist贸rica y es una herramienta id贸nea para establecer una ideolog铆a. En el caso que nos ocupa tratamos el c贸mic en lengua catalana que versa sobre la historia medieval de Catalunya con los objetivos de comprobar, por un lado, la intencionalidad ideol贸gica que se esconde tras la narraci贸n y selecci贸n de unos hechos y unos personajes concretos de la historia catalana para divulgar una determinada idea de construcci贸n territorial e identitaria y, por el otro, proponer un modelo de an谩lisis del c贸mic tanto desde el punto de vista literario, de las estructuras narrativas, como desde el punto de vista visual

    芦Llibre de les b猫sties禄 (1287-1289) of Ramon Llull: analysis of children and youth adaptations

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    This paper analyses 6 of the several adaptations for children and young people of Llibre de les B猫sties that have been published this year on the occasion of the Any Llull (2015-2016). After introducing the person of Llull as a well known writer in medieval times and providing a context for Llibre de les B猫sties in his literary production, the paper focuses on the extratextual and textual paratexts of the 6 adaptations analysed here. Having done that we can estate, on the one hand, the target reader of each adaptation and on the other hand, to what extent the message conveyed in his book can be grasped by young readers of the 21st century