593 research outputs found

    Derivation of the total twist from Chern-Simons theory

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    The total twist number, which represents the first non-trivial Vassiliev knot invariant, is derived from the second order expression of the Wilson loop expectation value in the Chern-Simons theory. Using the well-known fact that the analytical expression is an invariant, a non-recursive formulation of the total twist based on the evaluation of knot diagrams is constructed by an appropriate deformation of the knot line in the three-dimensional Euclidian space. The relation to the original definition of the total twist is elucidated.Comment: 26 page

    Grain levels in English path curvature descriptions and accompanying iconic gestures

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    This paper confirms that the English verb system (similar to the Finnish, Dutch and Bulgarian verb systems [22], [17]) represents path curvature at three different grain levels: neutral path curvature, global path curvature and local path curvature. We show that the three-grain-level hypothesis makes it possible to formulate constraints on English sentence structure and makes it possible to define constructions in English that refer to path curvature. We furthermore demonstrate in an experiment that the proposed English lexicalization pattern regarding path curvature in tandem with the spatial information shown to English speakers correctly predicts their packaging of grain levels in iconic gestures. We conclude that the data studied confirm Nikanne and Van der Zee’s *22] three-grain-level hypothesis in relation to English and Kita and ÖzyĂŒrek’s [11] Interface Hypothesis in relation to gesture production

    Stand und Möglichkeiten zur Weiterentwicklung des Technologietransfers an der Hochschule Wismar

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    Die Wissensgesellschaft ist inzwischen RealitĂ€t. Wettbewerbsvorteile und hohe Wertschöpfung werden ĂŒber VorsprĂŒnge in Wissen und dessen Anwendung erreicht. Reiche Regionen existieren dort, wo innovative Cluster bestehen. Technologietransfer entstand aus der Notwendigkeit, an Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen vorhandenes Wissen besser umzusetzen - das Wissen von Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen zu Unternehmen zu "transferieren". Im ersten Ansatz ist also Technologietransfer eine "Vermarktung" von Wissen. Aber wie im Marketing anderer GĂŒter auch ist dieser Prozess nicht einseitig, sondern Anbieter und Kunde entwickeln gegenseitige AbhĂ€ngigkeiten. Wenn auch in der Grundlagenforschung noch der Ansatz der "unabhĂ€ngigen", nicht auf Anwendung zielenden Forschung existiert, so wird in den meisten FĂ€llen der potentielle Kunde in Überlegungen mit einbezogen werden mĂŒssen, wenn am Ende das "Produkt" der ForschungstĂ€tigkeit nicht unverkĂ€uflich sein soll. Klar zeigt sich in den letzten Jahren dieses komplexere Herangehen an das Marketing von Wissen in Förderbedingungen, die inzwischen eine Verwertung der Forschungsergebnisse, die Nachhaltigkeit und in vielen FĂ€llen die Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen fordern

    A Motivational Determinant of Facial Emotion Recognition : Regulatory Focus Affects Recognition of Emotions in Faces

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    Funding: The research was supported by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO, project 452-07-006). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Stand und Möglichkeiten zur Weiterentwicklung des Technologietransfers an der Hochschule Wismar

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    Die Wissensgesellschaft ist inzwischen RealitĂ€t. Wettbewerbsvorteile und hohe Wertschöpfung werden ĂŒber VorsprĂŒnge in Wissen und dessen Anwendung erreicht. Reiche Regionen existieren dort, wo innovative Cluster bestehen. Technologietransfer entstand aus der Notwendigkeit, an Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen vorhandenes Wissen besser umzusetzen – das Wissen von Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen zu Unternehmen zu "transferieren". Im ersten Ansatz ist also Technologietransfer eine "Vermarktung" von Wissen. Aber wie im Marketing anderer GĂŒter auch ist dieser Prozess nicht einseitig, sondern Anbieter und Kunde entwickeln gegenseitige AbhĂ€ngigkeiten. Wenn auch in der Grundlagenforschung noch der Ansatz der "unabhĂ€ngigen", nicht auf Anwendung zielenden Forschung existiert, so wird in den meisten FĂ€llen der potentielle Kunde in Überlegungen mit einbezogen werden mĂŒssen, wenn am Ende das "Produkt" der ForschungstĂ€tigkeit nicht unverkĂ€uflich sein soll. Klar zeigt sich in den letzten Jahren dieses komplexere Herangehen an das Marketing von Wissen in Förderbedingungen, die inzwischen eine Verwertung der Forschungsergebnisse, die Nachhaltigkeit und in vielen FĂ€llen die Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen fordern. --

    Newcomer conformity: How self-construal affects the alignment of cognition and behavior with group goals in novel groups.

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    The present research is the first to examine the impact of self-construal on newcomers’ motivation to conform with the goals of a novel group.We argue that when social identity (i.e., individuals’ concern for a specific group) has not yet been developed, newcomers rely on self-construal (i.e., individuals’ chronic concern for ingroups and connectedness with others in general) to derive norms for group-serving vs. self-serving behavior. Results of an experiment (N = 157) supported this prediction: Self-construal moderated the relationship between group goals and individual goals (cognitive conformity) as well as the relationship between group goals and members’ effort (behavioral conformity). Specifically, low independent and high interdependent self-construal was associated with greater cognitive and behavioral alignment of the self with the group compared to high independent and low interdependent self-construal. Findings are discussed regarding the role of self-construal as a precedent of conformity

    Das Marketingniveau in der Kunststoffbranche Westmecklenburgs

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    Exploring the impact of innovation in promoting sustainable tourism development: The role of key stakeholders on the top of the south aquaculture and seafood trail in Nelson/Marlborough, New Zealand

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    Contemporary tourism planning recognises that an integrated and sustainable development approach includes the participation of local communities and residents. Community level innovation and leadership is also important in creating and implementing new ideas as part of the development process. The purpose of this study was to evaluate stakeholder perspectives regarding community capacity to link tourism and aquaculture opportunities in the Nelson/Marlborough Region on the South Island of New Zealand. In 2005 the Marine Farming Association developed and published the “Top of the South Aquaculture and Seafood Trail” as a brochure for tourists to promote a positive image of aquaculture in the region. The Trail integrates local tourism providers, restaurants, accommodations, seafood retail, as well as harvesting and processing businesses (mussel farms) as part of a themed driving route. There is a strong economic dependence on aquaculture and tourism in the region with both industries generating a combined $402 million annually in the Nelson Region alone. In conducting the research, 22 local stakeholders were interviewed regarding their perceptions about strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities associated with the Trail as part of a mixed method, case study approach. The results demonstrated that tourism in the region was well developed, that there were weaknesses in networking and collaboration, that there were gaps between perceptions of the aquaculture and tourism industries and that the role of the university has been important in building community capacity for research and strategic planning linked to the trail

    Prevention or Promotion? : Predicting Author's Regulatory Focus

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    People differ fundamentally in what motivates them to pursue a goal and how they approach it. For instance, some people seek growth and show eagerness, whereas others prefer security and are vigilant. The concept of regulatory focus is employed in psychology, to explain and predict this goal-directed behavior of humans underpinned by two unique motivational systems – the promotion and the prevention system. Traditionally, text analysis methods using closed-vocabularies are employed to assess the distinctive linguistic patterns associated with the two systems. From an NLP perspective, automatically detecting the regulatory focus of individuals from text provides valuable insights into the behavioral inclinations of the author, finding its applications in areas like marketing or health communication. However, the concept never made an impactful debut in computational linguistics research. To bridge this gap we introduce the novel task of regulatory focus classification from text and present two complementary German datasets – (1) experimentally generated event descriptions and (2) manually annotated short social media texts used for evaluating the generalizability of models on real-world data. First, we conduct a correlation analysis to verify if the linguistic footprints of regulatory focus reported in psychology studies are observable and to what extent in our datasets. For automatic classification, we compare closed-vocabulary-based analyses with a state-of-the-art BERT-based text classification model and observe that the latter outperforms lexicon-based approaches on experimental data and is notably better on out-of-domain Twitter data
