4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Uniformity, Variability, and Stability of Agronomic Traits of Doubledd Haploid Rice Lines Resulting From Anther Culture

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    Sasmita P. 2010. Evaluation of uniformity, variability, and stability of agronomic traits of doubled haploid rice lines resultingfrom anther culture. Nusantara Bioscience 2: 67-72. The formation of doubled haploid lines in anther culture aims to accelerate theacquisition of pure lines. Selection of the desired traits can be done directly to the progeny of anther culture results at early generations.This experiment aims to determine agronomic traits , uniformity, and stability of the doubled haploid lines, and obtain the putativedoubled haploid lines as the material for further evaluation to obtain expected lines. The first experiments used completely randomizeddesign which was repeated five times. The treatments were 111 doubledd haploid lines of first generation of anther culture results(DH1). The second experiment used split plot design with the main plot treatments were doubled haploid lines resulting from antherculture and the sub plot treatment were the second generation of doubled haploid lines (DH2) until the fifth generation (DH5). Theresults show that each plant within the same line have uniform agronomic traits, while the plants between different lines have differentagronomic traits. The results of further evaluation on three out of 111 doubled haploid lines derived from the second to fifth generationsshow no difference between generations for each trait of the same lines. The results also show that the agronomic traits of the doubledhaploid line were stable from generation to generation

    Characterization of Local Rice, Pegagan (Siputih) on Lowland Swamp Agroecosystems in South Sumatra

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    The Pegagan rice (Siputih) is one of local rice lowland specific in South Sumatra. This rice is rarely grown by farmers. Identification was carried out at lowland Agroecosystem in Ogan Komering Ilir Distric of South Sumatra Province. The purpose of this study was to characterize on morphological and agronomic characters. The study was conducted by planting and observing the local rice Pegagan (Siputih) which collected from five different districts (Tanjung Raja, Indralaya, Jejawi, SP Padang, and Kayuagung). All materials were tested using Randomized Block Design Complete with four replications. Each plot size 5 m × 5 m, number of seeds/holes 2–3 rod, a spacing of 25 cm × 25 cm. The characterization was done based on Rice Characterization and Evaluation Guide of the National Commission for Rice Germplasm. Morphological characters were presented in qualitative data and analyzed by Mode (Mo) analysis, while the agronomic characters were showed on quantitative data and analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The observation and analysis were indicated that the five local rice Pegagan (Siputih) which collected from 5 different district were showed no diversity, both on morphology and agronomic characters. Paralele on characterization planting, roughing was done and detected 0.15% mixed with others varieties and 1.85% plant have the deviation characters

    Detection and Control Bacteria Cause Grain Rot Burkholderia Glumae on Rice

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    Burkholderia glumae, before mid-2018, is categorized as plant quarantine pest A2 Group 1 that its existence has been detected in Indonesia. B. glumae has been known to spread in the central production of rice in Java, Sumatra, Borneo dan Sulawesi. This review aimed to explain the strategies for B. glumae detection through its characteristics and to prevent the divergence of this bacterium in Indonesia. The previous studies reported that the bacteria could reduce yield up to 75% and caused the decrease of weight-grain or the increase of empty grain. The disease intensity is affected by environmental and physiological factors such as warm temperature at nighttime and high rainfall intensity. The optimum temperature for the development of the disease is 30–35°C. Moreover, the pathogen could survive at a temperature of 41°C. The tropical area of 32-36°C are suitable for B. glumae. Recently, the effective control of the disease in the field has not been found yet. Meanwhile, early detection of the disease is not yet determined, even though it is necessary to prevent its spread in rice cultivation in Indonesia. Detection of the disease by Agricultural Quarantine Agency as a frontline is needed to check the entry of the disease carried by the import activities of the seed. Detection in the suspected field by protection institutes through frequent surveillance in central production areas of rice should be considered as an important task.. The effective techniques to prevent B. glumae are the use of resistant varieties, the practice of seed treatments (using antibacterial, bactericide, heat treatment or plant extract), and the application of oxolinic acid to the crops