9 research outputs found

    Phenological Investigations on External Morphological Development and Growth of Japanese Larch Strobili and Cones : Fundamental Studies for Crossing of Larches, 1

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    In order to obtain fundamental knowledge of the male and female strobili and cones, various investigations were carried out on Japanese larch at Yamabe, Hokkaido, on the basis of the criteria previously determined for each of their characters from the point of view of the reproductive phenology. Measurement of size and weight were regularly maintained. The results of these investigations are shown together with a common axis of abscissa marked with calendric time in a figure, and those of the measurements in another (Figs. 2 and 3). Collective consideration on them gives a well-defined image to the reproductive cycle of this species in Hokkaido. This cycle shown as a circular calendar (Fig. 4) can be divided into several characteristic periods, and serves as a guide for undertaking breeding in the natural conditions.カラマツ類亀雑のための基瀎的な研究の䞀぀ずしおカラマツの花郚の季節的時期的な発育過皋を調べた。調査芳察は東京倧孊北海道挔習林山郚苗畑内の着花促進詊隓䞭の怍栜朚が1968幎に倚量の球花を着けたのでそのうちの1本を察象に4月初めより翌幎1月たで続けられた。圢質ごずに埓来甚いられおきたあるいは新たに決めた方法によっお衚瀺し1図にたずめお盞互の間の時間的な関係がみられるようにしたFig. 2。たた倧きさ重さ等の蚈枬できる䞀郚の圢質に぀いおもその時間的な倉化を調べたFig. 3Table。以䞊の結果を綜合しおカラマツの生殖的サむクルをいく぀かの期間段階に区切るこずもできる。ここではその各期間を䞀぀の円呚䞊に配列しお円圢のカレンダヌを䜜぀たFig. 4。このカレンダヌには文献に基いお若干の噚官圢成孊的時点を加え空癜の䞀郚を埋めた。これによ぀お山郚ひいおは道倮地区でのカラマツの生殖暊に䞀通りの像を䞎えるこずができる。今埌平行しおあるいは別途に行われた実隓ないし芳察の結果をこれず比范するこずによ぀お幎による差異を考慮に入れおもなお亀配から採皮に至る過皋の各々の段階で行うべき凊理や操䜜の適期を刀定する基準を瀺すこずができるず期埅しおいる。䟋えばいく぀かの圢質が雌花の受粉可胜期間を瀺す目印ずなりうる

    カラマツ花郚発育の季節的掚移 : カラマツ類亀雑のため基瀎的研究1

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    In order to obtain fundamental knowledge of the male and female strobili and cones, various investigations were carried out on Japanese larch at Yamabe, Hokkaido, on the basis of the criteria previously determined for each of their characters from the point of view of the reproductive phenology. Measurement of size and weight were regularly maintained. The results of these investigations are shown together with a common axis of abscissa marked with calendric time in a figure, and those of the measurements in another (Figs. 2 and 3). Collective consideration on them gives a well-defined image to the reproductive cycle of this species in Hokkaido. This cycle shown as a circular calendar (Fig. 4) can be divided into several characteristic periods, and serves as a guide for undertaking breeding in the natural conditions.カラマツ類亀雑のための基瀎的な研究の䞀぀ずしおカラマツの花郚の季節的時期的な発育過皋を調べた。調査芳察は東京倧孊北海道挔習林山郚苗畑内の着花促進詊隓䞭の怍栜朚が1968幎に倚量の球花を着けたのでそのうちの1本を察象に4月初めより翌幎1月たで続けられた。圢質ごずに埓来甚いられおきたあるいは新たに決めた方法によっお衚瀺し1図にたずめお盞互の間の時間的な関係がみられるようにしたFig. 2。たた倧きさ重さ等の蚈枬できる䞀郚の圢質に぀いおもその時間的な倉化を調べたFig. 3Table。以䞊の結果を綜合しおカラマツの生殖的サむクルをいく぀かの期間段階に区切るこずもできる。ここではその各期間を䞀぀の円呚䞊に配列しお円圢のカレンダヌを䜜぀たFig. 4。このカレンダヌには文献に基いお若干の噚官圢成孊的時点を加え空癜の䞀郚を埋めた。これによ぀お山郚ひいおは道倮地区でのカラマツの生殖暊に䞀通りの像を䞎えるこずができる。今埌平行しおあるいは別途に行われた実隓ないし芳察の結果をこれず比范するこずによ぀お幎による差異を考慮に入れおもなお亀配から採皮に至る過皋の各々の段階で行うべき凊理や操䜜の適期を刀定する基準を瀺すこずができるず期埅しおいる。䟋えばいく぀かの圢質が雌花の受粉可胜期間を瀺す目印ずなりうる

    Phenological Investigations on External Morphological Development and Growth of Japanese Larch Strobili and Cones : Fundamental Studies for Crossing of Larches, 1

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    Introduction Trial of Three Abies Species Native to Honshu into Hokkaido : On the Growth of Their Nursery Stocks

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    Seed lots of the following three species of Abies native to Honshu were raised for a new trial of introduction at the nursery of the Tokyo University Forest in Hokkaido, Yamabe, Furano: A. homolepis (H), A. mariesii (M) and A. veitchii (V) (Table 1). A few provenances or mother trees were chosen for each species, referring to the results of preliminary trials24). Observations and measurements were made on the growth (height and diameter), the period of opening of buds, the formation of lammas shoots, the extent of injury by late frosts, and the mortality, in their nursery stage (Table 2). The main parts of the results obtained may be summarized as follows

    Studies on Hybrid Frequencies of the Interspecific Crossing between Dahurian Larch and Japanese Larch

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    グむマツずカラマツずの間で倩然雑皮が生成される割合に皮々の倉動がみられるこずに぀いおその原因あるいは関連する芁因を究明するためのいく぀かの実隓ず調査を行い以䞋の諞点を明らかにした。1䞡皮を混怍した雑皮採皮林のそれぞれの採皮朚から自然受粉皮子を採取しお播皮育苗し埗られた苗を調べたずころグむマツの家系には玄50幎による倉動範囲21.374.7カラマツの家系にには玄3018.536.0の雑皮苗を含んでいた。It is well known that the hybrid ratio, which here means a frequency of hybrid seedlings within any progeny family, of a progeny produced by open-pollination of Kurile larch (sometimes replaced by Saghalien larch) and Japanese larch greatly varies with years, sites and/or trees. A series of surveys and experiments through artificial pollination carried out in search of main causes and related factors, which affect or determine this phenomenon, have made clear the following facts

    Morphological and Habitual Characteristics of Natural Hybrids between Saghalien Spruce (Picea glehnii) and Yezo Spruce (P. jezoensis)

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    東京倧孊北海道挔習林における1982幎以来のアカ゚ゟマツず゚ゟマツの節間雑皮に関する調査研究の䞀環ずしお倩然林における倩然雑皮の探玢ず諞圢質の調査及び雑皮怍栜朚の生長及び偎枝圢成状態などの芳察調査を行った結果以䞋の諞点が明らかになった。1北海道内のアカ゚ゟマツず゚ゟマツの混生する倩然林で1986幎から1988幎にかけお14地域25カ所においお䞡皮の倩然雑皮の探玢調査を行い山郚2カ所勇駒別矎瑛眮戞の5林分から蚈9個䜓の掚定倩然雑皮を抜出するこずができた。2そのうち4個䜓は開花期針葉の気孔列数などの各圢質及び1幎生枝の有毛性等で䞡皮の䞭間的特城を倚く有するタむプg×jAであった。䞀方残り5個䜓ぱゟマツずは1幎生枝の有毛性ず針葉䞊面の気孔列数によっお容易に区分されるが゚ゟマツ寄りの特城の匷いものg×jBであった。3これら䞡タむプのうちg×jAは諞圢質が人工林遞抜の掚定g×jF1によく䞀臎した。たたg×jBはF1×jに察応するものず掚定された。41982幎に北海道挔習林苗畑においお抜出した雑皮怍栜朚は暹霢1214幎生時においお䞡皮より生長が優れおいる。たたg×jは䞻条の圓幎䌞長郚分に偎枝を圢成する個䜓が少なくその点゚ゟマツに近い圢状である。A project, carried on in the Tokyo University Forest in Hokkaido since 1982, to search for natural hybrids between Saghalien spruce (Picea glehnii: g) and Yezo spruce (P. jezoensis: j) and to perform some few studies on them, has made clear the followings. 1. Careful searches into natural forests, in which both species grow mixed or next stand each other, were carried out in 25 locations in 14 districts, Hokkaido, during the period from 1986 till 1988. And nine trees to be identified as natural hybrids were sifted out from five stands in Yamabe (two stands), Yukomanbetu, Biei and Oketo. 2. Among them, four individuals lie between both species in such characteristics as the time of bud-opening, the abundance and arrangement of stomatal lines and other characters of needles, the hairiness of current-year branchlets and others (hereafter these called g×jA type). The other five (g×jB type) represent features very similar to those of Yezo spruce, though easily distinguished form this by the pubescence of current-year branchlets and less abundance of stomatal lines on the upper surface of needles. 3. g×jA individuals are well coincident in many characteristics to g×jF1 individuals found in the sample plantation, while the g×jB are supposed as offsprings of F1 backcrossed to Yezo spruce, i.e., F1×j. 4. Those seedlings selected as hybrids out of the stock families in the nursery in 1982 and planted in the experimental fields represent better growth than both parental species at the ages of 12 and 14 years. But they are similar to Yezo spruce in the scarce formation of lateral branchlets on the current-year growth of main axes

    The Influence of Large-sized Wheel-type Forestry Machines on the Residual Forest Land : A case study of selection cutting operations on a natural forest in Hokkaido

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    北海道の倩然林内においおフェラヌバンチャおよびグラップルスキッダによる材積䌐採率54の択䌐䜜業および党朚集材䜜業が林地残存朚倩然曎新怍生などに䞎える圱響に぀いお䌐採時ずその埌4幎間にわたり調査を行った。その結果1残存朚本数の54になんらかの損傷が生じ地衚面積の56が攪乱された。2小埄朚は臎呜的損傷ずなる確率が高く䞭・倧埄朚では郚分的損傷に留たるこずが倚い。3䌐採朚からの距離が近いほど損傷を受ける確率が高い。4䌐採4幎埌に健党な状態にある暹朚は䌐採前の蓄積の14にすぎず30は枯死したか衰匱した状態にある。5䌐出に䌎う地衚攪乱はダケカンバの曎新には効果が期埅されるが針葉暹の埌継朚確保のためには䞍十分である。以䞊のこずから倧圢車䞡系林業機械による択䌐䜜業ず党朚集材では残存した森林に察する圱響が倧きく針葉暹は成長を増進できずに衰匱しお広葉暹が優占する疎林ずなる。地衚は攪乱されるものの回埩の早いクマむザサに芆われるため針葉暹の倩然曎新は期埅できない。持続的森林経営のためには埌継暹の怍え蟌みが必芁である。倧圢機械による䌐出䜜業を促進するためには損傷朚の発生を少なくするため䌐採朚呚蟺の残存朚に配慮しおフェラヌバンチャの䌐採朚たでの移動方法や䌐倒方法グラップルスキッダの走行ルヌトを改善する必芁がある。A continuous research program into the influence of selection cutting and whole tree logging using a feller buncher and a grapple skidder on forest land, residual trees, natural regeneration and vegetation has been carried out over four years after cutting in a natural forest in Hokkaido. The results obtained were as follows: 1) 54% of the residual trees suffered from some damage and 56% of the surface of the forest land was disturbed. 2) In the case of small trees, the probability of fatal damage was high. Middle or large trees were damaged partially. 3) The closer to the felled tree, the higher the probability of damage. 4) The volume of healthy trees was only 14% of the stand volume before cutting, 30% of the stand volume was dead or declining because of logging damage. 5) The surface idsturbance by logging is expected to allow the natural regeneration of Betula ermanii, but it is not sufficient to ensure a coniferous succession. Accordingly, in case of selection cutting operations and whole tree logging using a large-sized wheel-type forestry machine, the influence is too severe on the residual stands. In particular, coniferous trees declined and in the future the forest will be an open forest covered with broad-leaved tress. The natural regeneration of conifers is not expected in spite of surface disturbance by logging because of the quick recovery of Sasa senanensis. So artificial planting of succeeding trees is needed for sustainable forest management. In order to promote the mechanization of logging operations, improvements in the routes of machine movement and the method of tree felling considering residual trees are indispensable

    Long-term phenology data on woody plants at The University of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest from 1930 to 2010

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    地球枩暖化自䜓泚目され始めたのが1980 幎代に入っおからであるため気候倉動の研究に資する長期デヌタは䞖界的にも限られおいる。東京倧孊北海道挔習林では1930 幎から暹朚のフェノロゞヌを調査しおきた。しかし元デヌタが公衚された最初の8 幎間を陀くず解析した結果が公衚されたのみで倖郚の研究者が貎重な長期デヌタを利甚できる状況になかった。䞀方で元デヌタが郚分的に玛倱した期間があり調査察象個䜓の継続性に぀いおも未敎理の状態で内郚の研究者でも解析できる状況になかった。そこで本報告ではしばしば倉曎された調査項目や調査個䜓ず個䜓数芳枬者を敎理しお時系列デヌタの接続性を怜蚎した。そしおできる限り調査個䜓すべおの元デヌタを数倀デヌタずしお公衚した。The number of long-term datasets available for research into climate change is limited because global warming has only been a major research subject since the 1980s. The University of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest (UTHF) has accumulated phenology data of woody plants since 1930. However, researchers outside the UTHF have not been able to utilize these valuable long-term data because only analyzed data have been published, with the exception of the first 8 years when original data were published. Also, it is even difficult for researchers at the UTHF to use these data because the continuity of the time-series is not clear and because the original data for the 13 years from 1938 to 1950 was lost. In this paper, the continuity of the long-term time-series data was clarified by organizing observed events, observed species and individuals, the number of individual trees for each species, and observers, which have been frequently changed. We have tried to publish the original numerical data (=dates) for all the individual trees that have been observed