92 research outputs found
Mineral Dissolution/Precipitation During CO2 Injection into Coal Reservoir: A Laboratory Study
AbstractCO2 Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) has been performed on Kushiro coal. The results showed there were slightly changes in major metal oxide due to mineral dissolution/precipitation during CO2 injection. To predict mineral dissolution/precipitation in the field scale and for long geologic period of time, numerical simulations using GMG-GEM simulator were carried out. The numerical simulation was only focused on the calcite that showed to dissolve in the near injection well area (higher pressure) as well as to precipitate at some distance from the injection well when injection of CO2 was stopped
This presents study investigate the effect of swelling on gas production performances at coal reservoirs during CO2-ECBMR processes. The stressdependent permeability-models to express effect of coal matrix shrinkage/swelling using Palmer and Mansoori (P&M) and Shi and Durucan (S&D) models were constructed based on present experimental results for typical coal reservoirs with the distance of 400 to 800 m between injection and production wells. By applying the P&M and S&D models, the numerical simulation results showed that CH4 production rate was decreasing and peak production time was delayed due to effect of stress and permeability changes caused by coal matrix swelling. The total CH4 production ratio of swelling effect/no-swelling was simulated as 0.18 to 0.95 for permeability 1 to 100 mD, respectively. It has been cleared that swelling affects gas production at permeability 1 to 15 mD, however, it can be negligible at permeability over 15 mD
The early Middle Miocene Ngrayong Formation, an important reservoir of North East Java Basin, is well exposed in the central anticlinal part of Madura Island. The purpose of current study is to classify the depositional environments of the study area based on the characteristics and geometry of sedimentary facies. In the Madura island, the thicker clastics and deeper carbonates of Ngimbang Formation and Kujung Formation of Late Oligocene-Early Miocene deposited in the northeast-southwest asymmetrical half grabens. After the deposition of Kujung Formation, the basin morphology developed nearly eastwest trending shelf edge and the deposition of Tuban Formation began. The fine grained complex of Tuban Formation was followed by the Ngrayong Sandstones deposition. The depositional model of Ngrayong Formation is being producing of wide variety of depositional environments. Large scale cross-bedded sandstones and bioturbated massive sandstones with thin to medium bedded argillaceous limestone that outcrop in the northern part of the study area are deposited in costal environment. The heterolithic sandstone with planar and trough cross-lamination, fine grained sandstone with interlaminated structure and bioclastic carbonate exposed in the central part of the study area are deposited in upper shallow marine area. Dark grey siltstones and mudstones deposited in lower shallow marine area are well exposed in southern part of the study area. In conclusion, Ngrayong Formation in Madura area is developed in three depositional units which are coastal, upper shallow marine and lower shallow marine
Nanocomposite and Nanofluids: Towards a Sustainable Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage
Large volumes of unconventional fossil resource are untapped because of the capillary forces, which kept the oil stranded underground. Furthermore, with the increasing demand for sustainable energy and the rising attention geared towards environment protection, there is a vital need to develop materials that bridge the gap between the fossil and renewable resources effectively. An intensive attention has been given to nanomaterials, which from their native features could increase either the energy storage or improve the recovery of fossil energy. The present chapter, therefore, presents the recent advancements of nanotechnology towards the production of unconventional resources and renewable energy. The chapter focuses primarily on nanomaterials applications for both fossils and renewable energies. The chapter is not intended to be an exhaustive representation of nanomaterials, rather it aims at broadening the knowledge on functional nanomaterials for possible engineering applications
Economical Considerations on CCS System for Geological Uncertainty and Injection Failure
In this study, an operation research on the performances of Tomakomai CCS project has been carried out for investigating the permeability uncertainty and the failures on CO2 operation and transportation. Firstly, economical effects of estimation error in aquifer permeability were investigated by using a reservoir block modeling based on numerical simulation results on CO2 injection rate. Secondary, economic loss resulted from failure of CO2 injection was evaluated by assuming periodical injection halts. It is clear that CO2 buffers, such as sphere gas tanks, should be installed to store CO2 on the CCS process which can temporarily store CO2 after it is captured when a trouble on transportation or injection processes occurs. Without a buffer, releasing the captured CO2 to the atmosphere due to system failure or trouble in injection will add to capture costs, or will result in carbon tax or opportunity loss on CCS. The larger size of CO2 buffer volume can potentially withstand against long-term trouble, however the larger buffer volume needs larger cost for initial construction and maintenance. The study also present the optimum CO2 buffer volume based on economical evaluations for a commercial CCS model based on several simulations performed with and without CO2 buffer in the system.
Keywords: CCS; Uncertainty; Economic Evaluations; Permeability; CO2 Buffer
JEL Classifications: Q35; Q41; Q5
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Hydromechanical Response of Low Permeable Rocks during Injection of supercritical CO2
In designing carbon capture and geological storage, the long-term behavior of stored CO2 in the underground geological formation is a crucial issue to be carefully considered. This is because of the fact that the injection of CO2 into the formation would impact rock formation integrity, reactivating pre-existing fractures and reopening seal that eventually lead to potential CO2 leakage to the underlying groundwater containing layers and the surface. Therefore, the deformation of the reservoir rock during injection of supercritical CO2 needs to be well understood and defined while designing the project. \ud
In this paper, we developed an experimental design using a newly developed flow pump permeability test to measure the change of strain and stress on the Ainoura sandstone cores under the injection of supercritical CO2. The experiment was set up to reproduce the similar condition of deep underground reservoir with 20 MPa confining pressure, 10 MPa pore pressure, 35??C temperature and 3 ??l/min CO2 injection rate. As CO2 was injected to the specimen, the hydraulic pressure increased and generated a stress alteration. The strain in the core was monitored. The injection was halted at 15.3 MPa hydraulic pressures over the period of 565.9 hours since the hydraulic pressure can reach the confining pressure applied on the core and this may break the silicon on the rubber sleeves covering the core. Therefore, in order to model the hydromechanical response of the core during the injection as well as to predict the strain propagated beyond the injection period measured in the experiment, a numerical investigation using coupling hydromechanical simulation was conducted. In this exercise, we employed a two phase flow reservoir simulator of TOUGH2 (ECO2N) coupled with rock mechanics computation of FLAC3D. A core specimen, with the rock properties and initial conditions similar to the experimental data, was generated and supercritical CO2 injection with a constant rate of 3.56??10-8 kg/s was simulated. It was observed that, the increased hydraulic pressure and strain shown in the numerical simulation have well agreement with the experimental result. The results also indicated that, during injection, the hydraulic pressure on the core increased transiently, and became constant at almost 60 MPa over the period of 5833 hours. The core specimen deformed elastically due to the increase of pore pressure caused by injection. The deformation of the specimen would not propagate failure even if the pore pressure exceeds the confining pressure applied on it. The results confirmed that the injection of supercritical CO2 into low permeable rocks has considerable effects on the integrity of low permeable rocks even at low flow rates
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