366 research outputs found


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    In JA, the education activities have already been obviously given an important position, and as its remarkable evidence, furthermore, here, is a well-known saying as follows; “The cooperative-society activities are, that is to say, educational activities themselves”. However, those edubational activities in many JA are not yet warking efficiently enough and are generally no better than superficial ones. This paper takes up the Hadanoshi Agricultural Cooperative association, in order to consider the task for developing educational activities which are especially designed for JA. For promoting the autonomy of the union members, we pointed out as following. It is essential for the executives and the staff members to do effective educational activities, which can motivate the union members for learning and make them take the initiative. In order to do so, it is also necessary for the executives and staff members to positvepy create the basis and the opportunities of “the emergence of germination”. Moreover it is also important for them to promote the union members' informational interaction and,properly as a facilitator, to take over the helm of the Ba Which promotes the union member's autonomy so that they can develop not ordinary “cantrolling”but new “supportive”educational activities. For the permanent development of JA, it is indispensable that the exccutives and staff members should place then educational activities into the first and most important position and furthermore to activate. In addition to that the executives and staff members need to renew their understanding of the fact the union members are groups of diversities, so it is necessary to spread educational activities for the union menbers which can rouse the union member's motivation for learning.JA においては,教育活動の重要性についてはかねてより明確に位置づけられており,これは「協同組合運動は教 育運動である」といわれていることがすべてを物語っている.しかし,全般的に見ると美辞麗句を連ねただけの空疎 な状況となっている.本稿では,JA が実施している組合員教育を「場」という概念でとらえ,秦野市農業協同組合 (以下,JA はだのと略す)の事例を参考に,JA に求められる組合員教育活動のあり方について考察した. 自律的組合員の育成を目指すには,組合員の学習意欲を喚起し,イニシアティブを発揮できるような組合員教育活 動にすることを指摘した.そのためには,積極的に萌芽の創発の基盤ときっかけづくりを行っていく必要がある.ま た,役職員はファシリテーターとして適切なかじ取りを行い,組合員の情報的相互作用を促進し,自律性が育まれよ うに,「管理」型から「支援」型の組合員教育を展開することを指摘した. JA が永続・発展していくためには,組合員教育を最重要活動として明確に位置づけ,活発化していかなければな らない.役職員は組合員が多様な集団であるということを再認識したうえで,組合員の学習意欲を喚起する組合員教 育活動を展開していく必要がある

    Genomic Approaches Enable Evaluation of the Safety and Quality of Influenza Vaccines and Adjuvants

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    Vaccination is an effective means for prevention of the progression and spread of influenza virus infection. Nonetheless, there is a risk of adverse reactions, such as pain and fever, during the vaccination. In addition, because people from a wide age range, that is, from children to the elderly, are inoculated with vaccines, safety confirmation of these vaccines is important. Safety assessments of a vaccine, in the form of quality controls, have been carried out on animals. For example, the abnormal toxicity test is based on body weight changes as a toxicity index, and the leukopenic toxicity test can evaluate hematological toxicity. Meanwhile, since the 2000s, safety evaluation of drugs and chemicals by the genomic approach has been conducted frequently. The benefits with respect to safety evaluation are high sensitivity and abundant information about toxicity profiles. In this chapter, we describe the genes that are helpful as safety assessment markers and their usefulness for safety testing and vaccine development. In addition, this information may provide toxicity profiles, help understand the reactogenicity of nasal vaccines or adjuvants, and explain the prospects of genomic analyses in the development of novel vaccines and adjuvants

    キュウセイキ オヨビ アキュウセイキ リハビリテーション

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    The circumstance of medicine for brain stroke have been changing last two years.Stroke patient can’t complete their treatment only with ordinary medical insurance.Medical doctors for brain stroke have to prepare another choice, for example, care insurance.Next 10 years, department of brain stroke should serve high qualified rehabilitationfrom acute phase, and treat patiens with both of medical and care insurance. TokushimaMedical Institutes should understand such circumstance, and try to unify one big networksystem for brian stroke patients, beyond ordinary relationship between private and public

    Cholesterol uptake of isolated rat hepatocytes is accelerated by several kinds of phosphatidylcholine

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    AbstractUptake of cholesterol by isolated rat hepatocytes in a serum-free medium was remarkably enchanced by dispersion with several kinds of phosphatidylcholine. Of the various phosphatidylcholines tested, dilinoylphosphatidylcholine had the strongest accelerating effect, while dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine was the weakest. The abilities to accelerate cholesterol uptake were in proportion to the content of unsaturated fatty acid in the phosphatidylcholine used. It was confirmed by electron microscopy that there is no relation between the size of the cholesterol-phosphatidylcholine complex and uptake. These data suggest that recognition of unsaturated fatty acids in phosphatidylcholine by isolated cells enhances uptake of cholesterol.Cholesterol uptake(Isolated rat hepatocyte)PhosphatidylcholineUnsaturated fatty acidDioleoylphosphatidylcholineDipalmitoylphosphatidylcholin

    Effects of Abrupt Feed Change on the Rumen Contents

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    飼料の急変にもとずく飼養条件の変化が,反芻家畜第1胃内に生息する微生物および胃内水溶液の成分組成に及ぼす影響について検討した. 1. プロトゾア数は,同一飼料給与下では一定値を示す傾向があり,配合飼料給与時で160~180万/ml,Haycubeおよび稲わら給与時で50~60万/ml,配合飼料・Haycube混合給与時で220~240万/mlであった.飼料を切り変えることによリプロトゾアは急激し,切り変え後3~5日目に最低値を示し,以後は漸次増加して約1ケ月でその飼料の示す固有数となった. 2. 胃内水溶液中の炭水化物,窒素,VFAおよびリボフラビン含量は,飼料成分の相差および飼料の切り変えにもとづく飼養条件の変化に対して,大きな影響は受けず,比較的一定値を示し,炭水化物220~320μg/ml,窒素900~1400μg/ml,VFA50~100μmoles/mlそしてリボフラビン0.4~0.6μg/mlであった.The study, on which four series of abrupt feed change [I. Formula feed→Haycube (alfalfa), II. Haycube→Formula feed, III. Formula feed→Rice straw, and IV. Rice straw→Formula feed+ Haycube(1:1)] was done in order to investigate the role of protozoan microorganisms in the nutrition and the physiology of the sheep rumen. The number of protozoa in the rumen decreased in each case of abrupt feed change and showed a minimum within 3-5 days. Later the protozoan number increased gradually and attained the typical value of the particular feed in 30-35 days. The chemical composition in the rumen liquid withdrawn 16 hours after feed supply was comparatively constant despite the large difference of feed composition and abrupt change of the feed throughout the experiment. The values of carbohydrate, nitrogen, VFA and riboflavin were 220-320 µg, 900-1400 µg, 50-100 µmoles and 0.4-0.6 µg per millilter of the rumen liquid respectively

    Entrepreneur Education to Foster Manager Ability in Agricultural High School

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     Many farmers have put a special emphasis on improvements in production and cultivation techniques. Recentry, however, excellent agricultural administrators in management have started to appear. Their common feature is that they have an entrepreneurial spirit. This entrepreneurial spirit is an important element in business. In this thesis, we take up an actual case at Takamatsu Agricultural High School, and consider it from the point of view of exposure to risk and a chance for gaining experiences in failure. This consideration is based on the idea of “PDCA”.  In this case, the risk was considered at the “Plan” stage. Extrinsic motivation shifted to intrinsic motivation. In addition, we pointed out that they failed at the “Do” stage, bat this was picked up at the “Check” stage, and they learned from the failure at the “Action” stage.  An approach like this case links the academic training with the realworld, and it supplements vocational education at agricultural high schools. Moreover, it can be appreciated as an approach that goes back to the starting point of vocational education

    Effects of Starvation on Rumen Liquid and Amino Acids of Blood Serum in Sheep

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    めん羊2頭を8日間絶食させ,絶食が第1胃内容液および血中遊離アミノ酸に及ぼす影響を検討した. 1. 絶食により胃内容液諸成分はVFA,アンモニア,全窒素および全糖とも経時的に減少した.胃内pHは絶食により上昇し,8日後にはpH8.0に近ずいた. 2. 遊離アミノ酸総量は,血液中では8日間の絶食によっても減少しなかったが,胃内上澄液では絶食4日後にすでに絶食前値の1/10以下となった.血中遊離アミノ酸組成は,絶食により,リジン,グリシンが増加し,グルタミン酸,アラニンが減少した.胃内上澄液では,グルタミン酸,バリン,ロイシンの割合が増加し,リジン,アスパラギン酸,アラニンの割合が減少した. 3. 不可欠アミノ酸の可欠アミノ酸に対する比(E:N Ratio)は絶食により血液で0.87から1.15へと増加したが,胃内上澄液では0.71から0.75となり,有意な変化は認められなかった.The study,in which two sheep were put on fast for eight days was carried out in order to investigate the effects of starvation on rumen liquid and amino acids of the blood serum. 1) The constituents of rumen liquid-VFA,ammonia,total nitrogen and total sugar contents,all decreased rapidly as the starvation intensified. The pH value of the rumen liquid went up approximately to 8.0 on the eighth day of the fasting. 2) The level of total free amino acids of blood serum didn't vary significantly throughout the starvation. That of rumen liquid,on the other hand, decreased rapidly and resulted in a tenth of the value of pre-experimental period on the fourth day of the fasting. The ratio of lysine and glycine increased but that of glutamic acid and alanine decreased in the blood serum as the effect of the starvation, while the ratio of glutamic acid, valine and isoleucine increased and that of lysine, aspartic acid and alanine decreased in rumen liquid. 3) As the result of the eight-day fasting the essential to non-essential amino acid ratio increased from 0.87 to 1.15 in the blood serum. However, no significant change of the ratio was observed in rumen liquid

    Fundamental studies on the digestion in the domestic fowl IV : Effects of the grit on the digestibility of feed

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     人工肛門を設着した白色レグホン種成雄3羽について, X線観察lこより,筋胃内に全く砂礫を容しないことを確認した上で,粉餌および粒・粉餌混合飼料を給与し,消化試験を行なうとともに砂礫を自由に摂食せしめた後同様に消化試験を行ない,砂礫給与前後の消化率を比較検討し,砂礫が消化に及ぼす影響を調べた.  その結果は次の通りである. 1)粒・粉餌混合飼料の消化本は各成分ともに砂礫給与により向上し,特に組繊維の消化率は著しく高率となった. 2)粉餌では砂礫給与により,粗繊維の消化は向上し,他の成分についても消化率は全般的に増加する傾向が認められた. 3)砂礫が消化lこ及ぼす影響は粉餌および粒・粉餌混介飼料ともに粗繊維が最も大きいことが確認された.Experiments on the effects of grit feeding upon the digestibility were performed on three adult male White Leghorn adapted with artificial ani. They were fed on two types of diet: all-mash and mashgrain rations. The hens had not been allowed access to grit for about 6 months before the experiments, it was ascertained by means of X rays, that the gizzard contained no grit at all. 1) When mash-grain rations were given after feeding grit, the improvement of the digestibility of all constituents was evident. 2) when all-mash rations were given, the effect of feeding grit was, in general, slight. 3) The influence of grit on the digestion trials of all constituents showed most noticeably in crude fiber