
Entrepreneur Education to Foster Manager Ability in Agricultural High School


 Many farmers have put a special emphasis on improvements in production and cultivation techniques. Recentry, however, excellent agricultural administrators in management have started to appear. Their common feature is that they have an entrepreneurial spirit. This entrepreneurial spirit is an important element in business. In this thesis, we take up an actual case at Takamatsu Agricultural High School, and consider it from the point of view of exposure to risk and a chance for gaining experiences in failure. This consideration is based on the idea of “PDCA”.  In this case, the risk was considered at the “Plan” stage. Extrinsic motivation shifted to intrinsic motivation. In addition, we pointed out that they failed at the “Do” stage, bat this was picked up at the “Check” stage, and they learned from the failure at the “Action” stage.  An approach like this case links the academic training with the realworld, and it supplements vocational education at agricultural high schools. Moreover, it can be appreciated as an approach that goes back to the starting point of vocational education

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