106 research outputs found

    Purkinje cells originate from cerebellar ventricular zone progenitors positive for Neph3 and E-cadherin

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    AbstractGABAergic Purkinje cells (PCs) provide the primary output from the cerebellar cortex, which controls movement and posture. Although the mechanisms of PC differentiation have been well studied, the precise origin and initial specification mechanism of PCs remain to be clarified. Here, we identified a cerebellar and spinal cord GABAergic progenitor-selective cell surface marker, Neph3, which is a direct downstream target gene of Ptf1a, an essential regulator of GABAergic neuron development. Using FACS, Neph3+ GABAergic progenitors were sorted from the embryonic cerebellum, and the cell fate of this population was mapped by culturing in vitro. We found that most of the Neph3+ populations sorted from the mouse E12.5 cerebellum were fated to differentiate into PCs while the remaining small fraction of Neph3+ cells were progenitors for Pax2+ interneurons, which are likely to be deep cerebellar nuclei GABAergic neurons. These results were confirmed by short-term in vivo lineage-tracing experiments using transgenic mice expressing Neph3 promoter-driven GFP. In addition, we identified E-cadherin as a marker selectively expressed by a dorsally localized subset of cerebellar Neph3+ cells. Sorting experiments revealed that the Neph3+ E-cadherinhigh population in the embryonic cerebellum defined PC progenitors while progenitors for Pax2+ interneurons were enriched in the Neph3+ E-cadherinlow population. Taken together, our results identify two spatially demarcated subregions that generate distinct cerebellar GABAergic subtypes and reveal the origin of PCs in the ventricular zone of the cerebellar primordium

    Cv2, functioning as a pro-BMP factor via twisted gastrulation, is required for early development of nephron precursors

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    AbstractThe fine-tuning of BMP signals is critical for many aspects of complex organogenesis. In this report, we show that the augmentation of BMP signaling by a BMP-binding secreted factor, Crossveinless2 (Cv2), is essential for the early embryonic development of mammalian nephrons. In the Cv2-null mouse, the number of cap condensates (clusters of nephron progenitors, which normally express Cv2) was decreased, and the condensate cells exhibited a reduced level of aggregation. In these Cv2–/– condensates, the level of phosphorylated Smad1 (pSmad1) was substantially lowered. The loss of a Bmp7 allele in the Cv2–/– mouse enhanced the cap condensate defects and further decreased the level of pSmad1 in this tissue. These observations indicated that Cv2 has a pro-BMP function in early nephrogenesis. Interestingly, the renal defects of the Cv2–/– mutant were totally suppressed by a null mutation of Twisted gastrulation (Tsg), which encodes another BMP-binding factor, showing that Cv2 exerts its pro-BMP nephrogenic function Tsg-dependently. By using an embryonic kidney cell line, we presented experimental evidence showing that Cv2 enhances pro-BMP activity of Tsg. These findings revealed the molecular hierarchy between extracellular modifiers that orchestrate local BMP signal peaks in the organogenetic microenvironment

    Self-Organized Formation of Polarized Cortical Tissues from ESCs and Its Active Manipulation by Extrinsic Signals

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    SummaryHere, we demonstrate self-organized formation of apico-basally polarized cortical tissues from ESCs using an efficient three-dimensional aggregation culture (SFEBq culture). The generated cortical neurons are functional, transplantable, and capable of forming proper long-range connections in vivo and in vitro. The regional identity of the generated pallial tissues can be selectively controlled (into olfactory bulb, rostral and caudal cortices, hem, and choroid plexus) by secreted patterning factors such as Fgf, Wnt, and BMP. In addition, the in vivo-mimicking birth order of distinct cortical neurons permits the selective generation of particular layer-specific neurons by timed induction of cell-cycle exit. Importantly, cortical tissues generated from mouse and human ESCs form a self-organized structure that includes four distinct zones (ventricular, early and late cortical-plate, and Cajal-Retzius cell zones) along the apico-basal direction. Thus, spatial and temporal aspects of early corticogenesis are recapitulated and can be manipulated in this ESC culture

    Cationized gelatin-HVJ envelope with sodium borocaptate improved the BNCT efficacy for liver tumors in vivo

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a cell-selective radiation therapy that uses the alpha particles and lithium nuclei produced by the boron neutron capture reaction. BNCT is a relatively safe tool for treating multiple or diffuse malignant tumors with little injury to normal tissue. The success or failure of BNCT depends upon the <sup>10</sup>B compound accumulation within tumor cells and the proximity of the tumor cells to the body surface. To extend the therapeutic use of BNCT from surface tumors to visceral tumors will require <sup>10</sup>B compounds that accumulate strongly in tumor cells without significant accumulation in normal cells, and an appropriate delivery method for deeper tissues.</p> <p>Hemagglutinating Virus of Japan Envelope (HVJ-E) is used as a vehicle for gene delivery because of its high ability to fuse with cells. However, its strong hemagglutination activity makes HVJ-E unsuitable for systemic administration.</p> <p>In this study, we developed a novel vector for <sup>10</sup>B (sodium borocaptate: BSH) delivery using HVJ-E and cationized gelatin for treating multiple liver tumors with BNCT without severe adverse events.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We developed cationized gelatin conjugate HVJ-E combined with BSH (CG-HVJ-E-BSH), and evaluated its characteristics (toxicity, affinity for tumor cells, accumulation and retention in tumor cells, boron-carrying capacity to multiple liver tumors <it>in vivo</it>, and bio-distribution) and effectiveness in BNCT therapy in a murine model of multiple liver tumors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CG-HVJ-E reduced hemagglutination activity by half and was significantly less toxic in mice than HVJ-E. Higher <sup>10</sup>B concentrations in murine osteosarcoma cells (LM8G5) were achieved with CG-HVJ-E-BSH than with BSH. When administered into mice bearing multiple LM8G5 liver tumors, the tumor/normal liver ratios of CG-HVJ-E-BSH were significantly higher than those of BSH for the first 48 hours (<it>p < 0.05</it>). In suppressing the spread of tumor cells in mice, BNCT treatment was as effective with CG-HVJ-E-BSH as with BSH containing a 35-fold higher <sup>10</sup>B dose. Furthermore, CG-HVJ-E-BSH significantly increased the survival time of tumor-bearing mice compared to BSH at a comparable dosage of <sup>10</sup>B.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>CG-HVJ-E-BSH is a promising strategy for the BNCT treatment of visceral tumors without severe adverse events to surrounding normal tissues.</p

    Functional anterior pituitary generated in self-organizing culture of human embryonic stem cells

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    Anterior pituitary is critical for endocrine systems. Its hormonal responses to positive and negative regulators are indispensable for homeostasis. For this reason, generating human anterior pituitary tissue that retains regulatory hormonal control in vitro is an important step for the development of cell transplantation therapy for pituitary diseases. Here we achieve this by recapitulating mouse pituitary development using human embryonic stem cells. We find that anterior pituitary self-forms in vitro following the co-induction of hypothalamic and oral ectoderm. The juxtaposition of these tissues facilitated the formation of pituitary placode, which subsequently differentiated into pituitary hormone-producing cells. They responded normally to both releasing and feedback signals. In addition, after transplantation into hypopituitary mice, the in vitro-generated corticotrophs rescued physical activity levels and survival of the hosts. Thus, we report a useful methodology for the production of regulator-responsive human pituitary tissue that may benefit future studies in regenerative medicine

    A machine learning model for predicting the lymph node metastasis of early gastric cancer not meeting the endoscopic curability criteria

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    The version of record of this article, first published in Gastric Cancer, is available online at Publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10120-024-01511-8.Background: We developed a machine learning (ML) model to predict the risk of lymph node metastasis (LNM) in patients with early gastric cancer (EGC) who did not meet the existing Japanese endoscopic curability criteria and compared its performance with that of the most common clinical risk scoring system, the eCura system. Methods: We used data from 4,042 consecutive patients with EGC from 21 institutions who underwent endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) and/or surgery between 2010 and 2021. All resected EGCs were histologically confirmed not to satisfy the current Japanese endoscopic curability criteria. Of all patients, 3,506 constituted the training cohort to develop the neural network-based ML model, and 536 constituted the validation cohort. The performance of our ML model, as measured by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), was compared with that of the eCura system in the validation cohort. Results: LNM rates were 14% (503/3,506) and 7% (39/536) in the training and validation cohorts, respectively. The ML model identified patients with LNM with an AUC of 0.83 (95% confidence interval, 0.76–0.89) in the validation cohort, while the eCura system identified patients with LNM with an AUC of 0.77 (95% confidence interval, 0.70–0.85) (P = 0.006, DeLong’s test). Conclusions: Our ML model performed better than the eCura system for predicting LNM risk in patients with EGC who did not meet the existing Japanese endoscopic curability criteria. Mini-abstract: We developed a neural network-based machine learning model that predicts the risk of lymph node metastasis in patients with early gastric cancer who did not meet the endoscopic curability criteria

    Safety confirmation of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte patch transplantation for ischemic cardiomyopathy: first three case reports

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    IntroductionWith the expected increase in patients with heart failure and ischemic 15 cardiomyopathy, the development of myocardial regenerative medicine using cell transplantation as a novel treatment method is progressing. This first-in-human clinical trial aimed to confirm the safety of cardiomyocyte patch transplantation derived from allogeneic induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells based on the results of several preclinical studies.Study designThe inclusion criteria were left ventricular ejection fraction of 35% or less; heart failure symptoms of New York Heart Association class III or higher despite existing therapies such as revascularization; and a 1-year observation period that included a 3-month immunosuppressive drug administration period after transplantation of iPS cell-derived cardiomyocyte patches to evaluate adverse events, cardiac function, myocardial blood flow, heart failure symptoms, and immune response.ResultsIn the first three cases of this trial, no transplanted cell-related adverse events were observed during the 1-year observation period, and improvement in heart failure symptoms was observed. In addition, improvements in left ventricular contractility and myocardial blood flow were observed in two of the three patients. Regarding immune response, an increase in transplant cell-specific antibody titer was observed in all three patients after immunosuppressive drug administration. In one patient with poor improvement in cardiac function and myocardial blood flow, an increase in antibody titer against HLA-DQ was observed even before cell transplantation.ConclusionsOur case findings demonstrate that the transplantation of iPS cell-derived cardiomyocyte patches for ischemic cardiomyopathy can be safely performed; however, further investigation of the therapeutic effect and its relationship with an immune response is needed by accumulating the number of patients through continued clinical trials

    Modeling cell proliferation for simulating three-dimensional tissue morphogenesis based on a reversible network reconnection framework

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    Tissue morphogenesis in multicellular organisms is accompanied by proliferative cell behaviors: cell division (increase in cell number after each cell cycle) and cell growth (increase in cell volume during each cell cycle). These proliferative cell behaviors can be regulated by multicellular dynamics to achieve proper tissue sizes and shapes in three-dimensional (3D) space. To analyze multicellular dynamics, a reversible network reconnection (RNR) model has been suggested, in which each cell shape is expressed by a single polyhedron. In this study, to apply the RNR model to simulate tissue morphogenesis involving proliferative cell behaviors, we model cell proliferation based on a RNR model framework. In this model, cell division was expressed by dividing a polyhedron at a planar surface for which cell division behaviors were characterized by three quantities: timing, intracellular position, and normal direction of the dividing plane. In addition, cell growth was expressed by volume growth as a function of individual cell times within their respective cell cycles. Numerical simulations using the proposed model showed that tissues grew during successive cell divisions with several cell cycle times. During these processes, the cell number in tissues increased while maintaining individual cell size and shape. Furthermore, tissue morphology dramatically changed based on different regulations of cell division directions. Thus, the proposed model successfully provided a basis for expressing proliferative cell behaviors during morphogenesis based on a RNR model framework

    Modeling cell apoptosis for simulating three-dimensional multicellular morphogenesis based on a reversible network reconnection framework

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    Morphogenesis in multicellular organisms is accompanied by apoptotic cell behaviors: cell shrinkage and cell disappearance. The mechanical effects of these behaviors are spatiotemporally regulated within multicellular dynamics to achieve proper tissue sizes and shapes in three-dimensional (3D) space. To analyze 3D multicellular dynamics, 3D vertex models have been suggested, in which a reversible network reconnection (RNR) model has successfully expressed 3D cell rearrangements during large deformations. To analyze the effects of apoptotic cell behaviors on 3D multicellular morphogenesis, we modeled cell apoptosis based on the RNR model framework. Cell shrinkage was modeled by the potential energy as a function of individual cell times during the apoptotic phase. Cell disappearance was modeled by merging neighboring polyhedrons at their boundary surface according to the topological rules of the RNR model. To establish that the apoptotic cell behaviors could be expressed as modeled, we simulated morphogenesis driven by cell apoptosis in two types of tissue topology: 3D monolayer cell sheet and 3D compacted cell aggregate. In both types of tissue topology, the numerical simulations successfully illustrated that cell aggregates gradually shrank because of successive cell apoptosis. During tissue shrinkage, the number of cells in aggregates decreased while maintaining individual cell size and shape. Moreover, in case of localizing apoptotic cells within a part of the 3D monolayer cell aggregate, the cell apoptosis caused the global tissue bending by pulling on surrounding cells. In case of localizing apoptotic cells on the surface of the 3D compacted cell aggregate, the cell apoptosis caused successive, directional cell rearrangements from the inside to the surface. Thus, the proposed model successfully provided a basis for expressing apoptotic cell behaviors during 3D multicellular morphogenesis based on an RNR model framework