11 research outputs found

    Near-Field Intensity Correlations in Semicontinuous Metal-Dielectric Films

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    Spatial intensity correlation functions are obtained from near-field scanning optical microscope measurements of semicontinuous metal-dielectric films. The concentration of metal particles on a dielectric surface is varied over a wide range to control the scattering strength. At low and high metal coverages where scattering is weak, the intensity correlation functions exhibit oscillations in the direction of incident light due to excitation of propagating surface waves. In the intermediate regime of metal concentration, the oscillatory behavior is replaced by a monotonic decay as a result of strong scattering and anomalous absorption. Significant differences in the near-field intensity correlations between metallic and dielectric random systems are demonstrated

    Influence of the probiotic Levusell SB Plus on the productive qualities of hens in broiler breeders

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    More and more probiotics are used in poultry feeding. Understanding that the inclusion of beneficial microorganisms in the diet contributes to the normalization of intestinal microflora serves to prevent metabolic disorders, improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, increases immunity and, as a result, has a positive effect not only on the health of the bird, but also on its productivity indicators. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to establish the effect of the probiotic Levusell SB Plus on the productive qualities of hens in broiler breeders. The experiment was carried out in the production conditions of Kamenskaya Poultry Farm LLC, Kamensky District, Altai Territory on hens of the parent stock of the Ross 308 cross. The use of the probiotic Levusell SB Plus at a dose of 1.0 kg/t as a part of the complete feed for laying hens of the parent stock at the age of 23 to 63 weeks led to an increase in poultry livability, an increase in the total egg production and the intensity of egg-laying capacity. The addition of a probiotic to the poultry ration contributed to the optimization of the egg weight, an increase in the yield of hatching eggs, an increase in the hatch of chickens and the yield of broilers per initial layer by 3.9%

    Fish occurrence in the middle Volga and upper Don regions (Russia)

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    In ichthyological publications from both Russia as a whole, and from the study region, lack of data indicating the actual results of observations in a specific place all result in publication of a generalised analysis. Although our publications contain such data, they are, however, not convenient for users performing global analysis. The main purpose of publishing a database is to make our data available in the global biodiversity system to a wide range of users. Dataset represents a significant addition to the distribution of species in this area. The data can be used to analyse future changes in ichthyofauna, as well as to help the authorities to manage their territory more efficiently.This publication describes a dataset that contains information on fish encounters in the Upper Don basin and the middle Volga (centre of the European part of Russia) over a 30-year period (1990-2020). The dataset contains information on 6400 occurrences of 394341 specimens of 56 species, 99.9% of specimens being identified to the species level. A total of 883 sites were studied, of which 253 were in lentic biotopes (lakes - 121, ponds - 123, backwater - 5, reservoir - 3, pit - 1), 630 were in lotic (rivers - 628, stream - 1, channel - 1). One collecting site has an average of 7.2 species (from 1-21 species per location). Only those species that form self-reproducing populations are given. The dataset is a compilation of data from several working author groups. All observations have precise geo-referencing with the names of water bodies (rivers, lakes etc.). All presented data are published in the form of a database for the first time. Some data form the basis of previously-published works (3998 observations, 62%) and some are published for the first time (2402 observations, 38%). A large amount of data comes from small water bodies that have been neglected by previous researchers

    Near-Field Intensity Correlations in Semicontinuous Metal Films

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    Spatial intensity correlation functions of semicontinuous metal-dielectric films of varying metal concentration, p, were obtained from near-field microscopy. The data shows a transition from propagation to localization and back to propagation of optical excitations with increase in p

    Near-Field Intensity Correlations in Semicontinuous Metal Films

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    Spatial intensity correlation functions of semicontinuous metal-dielectric films of varying metal concentration, p, were obtained from near-field microscopy. The data shows a transition from propagation to localization and back to propagation of optical excitations with increase in p

    Crisi della legge e Litigation Strategy. Corti, diritti e bioetica

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    Il tema della crisi rappresenta ormai un tòpos della letteratura scientifica giusfilosofica. Negli ultimi decenni tale crisi, intesa soprattutto come crisi del modello legicentrico otto-novecentesco, si è acuita in coincidenza con l'avvento dell'età dei diritti e con il conseguente corroborarsi (almeno nello spazio giuridico europeo) delle corti, tanto domestiche, quanto sovrastatali. In questo scenario, il volume ricostruisce il contributo giudiziario italiano in tema di fine vita (caso Englaro), di procreazione medicalmente assistita (legge 40 del 2004) e di regolamentazione delle unioni civili (legge 'Cirinnà'), individuando tre diverse modalità (supplenza, censura, iniziativa) di definizione della dialettica tra rappresentanza democratica e giustizia, in un percorso che, attraverso la giudizializzazione della politica, evidenzia il peso sempre crescente dei singoli cittadini, dei gruppi di interesse, degli avvocati, delle corti nei processi di produzione delle norme giuridiche, anche nei Paesi di civil law