265 research outputs found

    Determinants of Urban Poverty: The Case of Medium Sized City in Pakistan

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    Urban poverty, which is distinct from rural poverty due to demographic, economic and political aspects remain hitherto unexplored, at the city level in Pakistan. We have examined the determinants of urban poverty in Sargodha, a medium-size city of Pakistan. The analysis is based on the survey of 330 households. Results suggest that employment in public sector, investment in human capital and access to public amenities reduce poverty while employment in informal sector, greater household size and female dominated households increase poverty. We recommend greater investment in human capital and public amenities as a strategy for poverty alleviation.Urban Poverty, Pakistan

    Determinants of Urban Poverty : The Case of Medium Sized City in Pakistan

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    Urban poverty, which is distinct from rural poverty due to demographic, economic and political aspects remain hitherto unexplored, at the city level in Pakistan. We have examined the determinants of urban poverty in Sargodha, a medium-size city of Pakistan. The analysis is based on the survey of 330 households. Results suggest that employment in public sector, investment in human capital and access to public amenities reduce poverty while employment in informal sector, greater household size and female dominated households increase poverty. We recommend greater investment in human capital and public amenities as a strategy for poverty alleviation.Urban Poverty, Pakistan

    The impact of human capital on urban poverty: The case of Sargodha city

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    The positive relationship between human capital and income/wages has been supported by empirical research. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) enormously emphasize on human capital for curbing poverty. The economic development in East Asian countries is also linked with investment in education for the development of human capital. This study is designed to investigate the relationship of different levels of education and experience upon urban poverty at medium sized city in Pakistan such as Sargodha. A survey-based analysis was carried out on a sample of 330 households. Poverty status of the individual is defined by using adjusted official poverty line. Results show that education and experience is negatively related with the poverty status of individuals and this fact sustains even in separate gender estimates as well. This implies education of poor is necessary in breaking the vicious circle of poverty. Combined effort by public, private, community participation and NGO’s with special focus on elementary (Primary and middle) education is suggested for reducing poverty by increasing the productivity of the poor through education.Human Capital, Urban Poverty, Sargodha, Pakistan

    Determinants of Urban Poverty: The Case of Medium Sized City in Pakistan

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    The process of urbanisation has dual impact on the development process of an economy. Initially, it encourages the workers to switch from low productive sector i.e. agriculture to high productive sectors like services and manufacturing [Becker, et al. (1994)]. Subsequently, it generates formidable problems for residents by depriving them of access to essential basic needs [Egziabher (2000)]. It is also observed that the poor try to urbanise faster as compared to the whole population [Ravallion (2007)] and this urbanisation process leads toward the emergence of urban poverty. Urban poverty is distinct from the rural poverty with respect to its incidence, economic, demographic and political aspects. The urban poverty can be controlled by developing the clear understanding of its nature, magnitude and intensit

    Differentiation Property of Fractional Hankel Transform of a Function Involving Higher Order Derivatives

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    In engineering mathematics, integral transform is a widely used tool for solving linear differential equations, In recent  times  the newly born  fractional Hankel  transform has been started for   playing a very important    role  in various  fields of applied  mathematics and physics like fractional Fourier transform. This paper represent   a formalization of differentiation property of a function invoving  high order derivatives  of  newly introduced     fractional Hankel  transform. The differentiation property is  proved for different higher differential equations

    Context-Aware Personalized Activity Modeling in Concurrent Environment

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    Activity recognition, having endemic impact on smart homes, faces one of the biggest challenges in learning a personalized activity model completely by using a generic model especially for parallel and interleaved activities. Furthermore, inhabitant’s mistaken object interaction may entail in another spurious activity at smart homes. Identifying and removing such spurious activities is another challenging task. Knowledge driven techniques used for recognizing activity models are static in nature, lack contextual representation and may not comprehend spurious actions for parallel/interleaved activities. In this paper, a novel approach for completing the personalized model specific to each inhabitant at smart homes using generic model (incomplete) is presented that can recognize the sequential, parallel, and interleaved activities dynamically while removing the spurious activities semantically. A comprehensive set of experiments and results based upon number of correct (true positivity) or incorrect (false negativity) recognition of activities assert effectiveness of presented approach within a smart hom

    A Huge Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor of Maxilla

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    The adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) is a benign, nonneoplastic (hamartomatous) lesion with a slow progressing growth. It occurs in both intraosseous and peripheral forms. This paper reports the case of a female aged 16 years who presented with a swelling in anterior maxilla; canine was missing, and a supernumerary tooth was present in the mid line. Radiology revealed a well-defined radiolucent area associated with impacted canine and root resorption of adjacent teeth, which was diagnosed histopathologically as AOT. The patient was treated surgically and later rehabilitated with fixed prosthesis

    N-dimensional Fractional Fourier Transform and its Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions

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    In this paper, we have  established the N- dimentional fractional Fourier transform and its mathematical expression in a easier manner and discus the  eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of   -dimensional fractional Fourier transform

    On the Relationship Between the Fractional Sumudu Transform and Fractional Fourier Transform

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    In this paper we have discussed fractional Sumudu transforms and its relationship with fractional Fourier transform and obtained the mathematical expression of kernel of fractional Sumudu transform. Such findings  will play a significant role for fractional Sumudu transform to recognize its importance in the  fields of engineering and applied mathematics  like other fractional transforms
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