16 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Gender Dan Manifestasi Kardiovaskular Pada COVID-19

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    Cardiovascular manifestations, in the form of myocardial injury, can occur in patients infected with COVID-19. Data collected from various COVID-19 pandemic case reports indicated that male patients experience myocardial injury more frequently than females. However, not any definitive mechanism has been found yet that underlies susceptibility to myocardial injury due to infection with SARS-CoV-2 attributable to gender differences. Some theories propose are differences in the number of X chromosomes, the influence of sex hormones, and differences in immune reactions between males and females. A further comprehensive research needs to be done on the mechanism of cardiovascular manifestations and the effect of gender on COVID-19 disease. Keywords: Gender, cardiovascular manifestation, myocardial injury, COVID-19.Manifestasi kardiovaskular berupa injuri miokard, dapat timbul pada pasien yang terinfeksi COVID-19. Data yang dikumpulkan dari berbagai laporan kasus pandemi COVID-19 menunjukkan bahwa laki-laki lebih sering mengalami injuri miokard dibandingkan perempuan. Hingga saat ini belum ditemukan mekanisme pasti yang mendasari kerentanan untuk mengalami injuri miokard akibat terinfeksi SARS-CoV-2 karena perbedaan gender. Beberapa teori yang diajukan adalah perbedaan jumlah kromosom X, pengaruh hormon seks dan perbedaan reaksi imun antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan yang lebih mendalam tentang mekanisme manifestasi kardiovaskular dan pengaruh gender pada penyakit COVID-19. Kata kunci: Gender, manifestasi kardiovaskular, injuri miokard, COVID-19

    Metabolism changes and the role of the free radicals on myocardial ischemia

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    Myocardial ischemic results from severe impairment of coronary blood supply and produces a spectrum of clinical syndromes. It results in a characteristic pattern of metabolic and structural changes that leads to extremely complex situations, which have been extensively studied in recent years. A detailed understanding is now available of the complexity of the response of the myocardium to an ischemic insult. Reperfusion is the most effective way to treat the ischaemic myocardial. But, restoration of flow, however, might result in numerous other negative consequences, thus directly influencing the degree of recovery. Much evidence shows that during the period of myocardial ischemia and reperfusion can occur various changes both in terms of metabolic, electrical, histology, structural, and physiological. Pathological changes in the form of metabolic changes and the role of free radicals on the condition of ischemia and reperfusion injury will be discussed. There are several potential manifestations and outcomes associated with myocardial ischemia and reperfusion

    "Mekanisme Proteksi Kardiovaskular Latihan Fisik Interval Intensitas Tinggi Pada Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner Stabil Pasca Implantasi Stent Koroner"

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    Penyanggah Ujian Doktor Terbuka a.n. Dyana Sarvasti, dr, SP.JP(K) judul "Mekanisme Proteksi Kardiovaskular Latihan Fisik Interval Intensitas Tinggi Pada Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner Stabil Pasca Implantasi Stent Koroner


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    Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that obesity is a world epidemic. According to basic health research in 2018, the prevalence of central obesity in the population aged 15 years in Kediri Regency/City has a higher prevalence compared to the average prevalence in East Java Province. The waist hip circumference ratio is one of the anthropometric calculations that can be used to assess central obesity. The  high prevalence of central obesity in Indonesia is closely related to the incidence of non-communicable diseases, including diabetes mellitus. However, only 25% of people with diabetes mellitus know that they have diabetes. Routine blood sugar checks for residents in districts/cities, especially in the city of Kediri, are also at a low level of 3.6%, so this is the reason for conducting this study.Objective: To study the correlation between waist hip circumference ratio with fasting blood glucose concentration at the age of 30-65 years in the District of Kediri.Method: Cross sectional observational analytical research approach. Sampling using consecutive sampling. Testing the correlation between two variables using the Spearman correlation test. The correlation between variables is considered significant if the p value <0.05 is obtained.Result: This research was conducted in Sonorejo Village, Grogol District, Kediri Regency, East Java on August 10 – August 12, 2021. Otained 40 respondents with an age range of 30-65 years. The correlation between waist hip circumference ratio with fasting blood glucose consentration was not statistically significant (p=0,453). The correlation value of 0.122 indicates a very weak correlation strength and is not clinically significant.Conclusion: There is no correlation between waist hip circumference ratio with fasting blood glucose concentration at the age of 30-65 years in the District of Kediri. Keywords:Waist hip circumference ratio, fasting blood glucose, Kediri

    Uric Acid Concentration With Risk Factors For Hypertensionwith Coronary Heart Disease Patients Who Do Moderaty Intensity Physical Exercise

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    Introduction: Complication of hypertension causes 45% of deaths from heart disease. Programs for improving quality of life in heart disease patients such as Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation program, usually includes one component, which is to do moderate-intensity physical exercise. previous study suggested that moderate-to-high intensity physical exercise could increase uric acid. Aim: To examine the correlation between uric acid concentration and risk factors for hypertension in patients with coronary heart disease who do moderate intensity physical exercise. Method: This was a retrospective study using data from medical records with cross-sectional design. The sampling method used purposive sampling based on subjective consideration and the availability of certain criteria. Analysis used chi-square analysis Results: The data were taken from medical records from 2012 until July 2019. Sampling, which appropriates for inclusion and exclusion criteria in Husada Utama Hospital, was 30 samples, 25 male, and 5 female. The majority of subjects in this research was 56-65 years old. The youngest was 40 years old while the oldest was 77 years old. Data analysis results showed that patients who had hypertension risk factors and increased uric acid were 17 patients (85%) and who did not have hypertension risk factors1. They did not experience an increase were seven people (70%) from the chi-square test. significant with p = 0.003 (


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    Background: Data from the Central Sulawesi Health Office also shows that health services for people with hypertension in Palu City were 25.9% in 2019. In 2017 the prevalence of obesity in Palu City was quite high, with a prevalence of obesity cases of 19.85%. The high incidence of hypertension in Central Sulawesi Province is still not controlled and is closely related to unhealthy lifestyles, overweight, and obesity.Purpose: To find out the nutritional status of overweight and obesity in the productive age group, find out the incidence of hypertension in the productive age group, find out the characteristics of each research respondent, and analyze the correlation between overweight and obesity with the incidence of hypertension in the productive age group.Method: This research is an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique of non-probability sampling is consecutive sampling. The research population is people of productive age (15-64 years). As many as 62 respondents are in the Maesa area, Balaroa, and Petobo shelter areas in Palu City. The variables in this study, namely overweight, obesity and hypertension, are included in the nominal scale. In this study, the correlation test between variables will be carried out with a contingency coefficient test. The correlation between variables is considered significant if the p-value <0.05 is obtained.Result: The correlation between overweight and obesity with hypertension was not statistically significant (p= 0.293). The correlation value of 0.132 indicates a very weak correlation strength and is not clinically significant.Conclusion: There is no correlation between being overweight and obesity with the incidence of hypertension in the productive age group

    Correlation Between Depression And Blood Pressure In Eldery At St. Yosef Nursing Home Surabaya

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    Introduction: Population of elderly in Indonesia is increasing every year, it’s caused by success of development in many sectors, especially health sector. Elderly will undergo process of degeneration which affect their health. Many factors can affect their health, one is mental health. Depression is the most common mental health problem faced by the elderly. Elderly have a greater risk of depression than younger adults. In depressed patients there are changes in the levels of hormones and neurotransmitters in the body. It can cause changes in organ function one of which is the change in blood pressure. Aim: The purpose of this study is to find the correlation between depression and blood pressure in the elderly in St. Yosef nursing home. Methods: This study uses an analytic study with the cross-sectional design and then analyzed using the Spearman test. This research was conducted in St. Yosef nursing home Surabaya on June 16, 2016 until June 19, 2016. The population of this study is 140 people. 46 of the 140 respondents are respondents who comply the criteria. Result: Thirty seven (37%) were diagnosed as mild depression, eigth point seven (8,7%) were diagnosed as severe depression, and twenty three point nine (23,9%) were diagnosed as hypotension. Respondent with depression (mild and severe) and hypotension is seventeen point four (17,4%). Statistical test using Spearmen corellation test shows a significant result with p=0,048 Conclusion: The result showed significant, so it can be concluded there is a correlation between depression and blood pressure in the elderly


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    Background: Hypertension was the first of the ten most common diseases in the elderly in 2013. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015 showed that around 1.13 billion people had hypertension, meaning that 1 in 3 people worldwide was diagnosed with hypertension. Objective: To examine the correlation between the degree of hypertension and cognitive function in the elderly in Banyuates Village, Sampang Madura.Methods: This research is an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The correlation test for the two variables was carried out using the Spearman test. The correlation between variables is considered significant if the p-value <0.05 is obtained.Results: The correlation between the degree of hypertension and cognitive function in the elderly was statistically significant (p= 0.000). The correlation value of -0.732 indicates a significant negative correlation between the degree of hypertension and cognitive function.Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that most of the older people studied suffer from grade 1 hypertension and abnormal cognitive function. There is a significant negative correlation between the degree of hypertension and cognitive function. The discourse of this research can be socialized in health promotion/education for older people to control their blood pressure, which tends to be high, to have reasoning power and good quality of life


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    Background: The elderly have a higher risk of developing hypertension. The elderly will experience a decrease in physical activity due to a decrease in stamina and body strength due to aging. This situation can increase the risk of non-communicable diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD) and affect blood cholesterol levels in the body. Objective: This study aimed to understand the correlation of physical activity intensity with the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL in hypertension elderly at Puskesmas Gedangan Sidoarjo.Methods: This study is an analytic study with the research subjects elderly with hypertension at the Puskesmas Gedangan Sidoarjo with a cross-sectional study design. Using Spearman's correlative test with the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) program, data analysis was carried out. Results: There is a negative correlation between physical activity and the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL in the elderly with hypertension with p = 0.004 (5. Conclusion: There is a negative correlation between physical activity intensity and the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL in the elderly with hypertension at Puskesmas Gedangan Sidoarjo, which means the higher the intensity of physical activity carried out by the hypertensive elderly, the lower the total cholesterol/HDL ratio

    Pengaruh Latihan Fisik Dan Respon Molekuler Pembuluh Darah Arteri

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    Regular physical activity (exercise training, ET) has a strong positive link with cardiovascular health. The beneficial effects of ET on the endothelium arteries are believed to result from increased vascular shear stress during ET bouts. A number of mechanosensory mechanisms have been elucidated that may contribute to the effects of ET on vascular function. Exercise training also consistently improves the nitric oxide bioavailability, and the number of endothelial progenitor cells, and diminishes the level of inflammatory markers, namely pro inflammatory cytokines and C-reactive protein. This review summarizes current understanding of control of vascular adaptation by exercise and how these processes lead to improved cardiovascular health.Aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan secara teratur mempunyai hubungan yang positif dengan kesehatan kardiovaskular. Efek latihan fisik yang menguntungkan pada endotel pembuluh darah arteri dipercaya akibat dari peningkatan shear stresspembuluh darah selama melakukan latihan fisik. Beberapa mekanisme mekanosensori yang terjadi karena efek latihan fisik ikut berperan pada fungsi pembuluh darah. Latihan fisik yang dilakukan secara terus menerus juga memperbaiki bioavailibilitas nitrik oksida, jumlah sel­sel progenitor endotel, dan menurunkan kadar petanda inflamasi, yaitu sitokin proinflamasi dan C­reactive protein. Tinjauan pustaka ini merangkum pengertian terkini tentang adaptasi pembuluh darah terhadap latihan fisik dan bagaimana hal tersebut dapat memperbaiki kesehatan kardiovaskular