11 research outputs found


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    科学研究費助成事業 研究成果報告書:基盤研究(C)2015-2017課題番号 : 15K0117

    Alternaty in Edge-Colored Graphs

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    本稿では, 辺彩色グラフ (edge-colored graphs) と呼ぶ, あらかじめ各辺に彩色がなされたグラフの特徴付について議論する. "一般のグラフ"の特徴付けにおいては, ハミルトン閉路といったグラフのもつ構造を鍵として利用している. "辺彩色グラフ"においては, "一般のグラフ"におけるグラフのもつ構造と共に, 交互性 (alternaty) と呼ぶ構造を導入した特徴付けがなされている. 本稿では, 辺彩色グラフにおける交互性を導入したグラフの特徴付けに関する既往の研究を紹介し, さらに, ある特定の点を端点としてもつハミルトン路をもつ辺彩色グラフの特徴付けを示す.An edge-colored graph is a graph, each of whose edge is colored by some color in advance. This paper treats a characterization of edge-colored graphs. To do so, a structure, so-called alternaty, is introduced. This structure is concerning to colors on edges, and plays an important role in characterizations as well as a graphical structure (e.g. Hamiltonian cycle, etc.). We first summarize some previous works concerning to characterizations of edge-colored graphs, and show a characterization of edge-colored graphs based on a new graphical structure

    A Note On k Best Solutions To The Chinese Postman Problem

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    . The K-best problems on combinatorial optimization problems, in which K best solutions are considered instead of an optimal solution under the same conditions, have widely been studied. In this paper, we consider the K-best problem on the famous Chinese postman problem and develop an algorithm that finds K best solutions. The time complexity of our algorithm is O(S(n; m) + K(n + m + log K + nT (n + m;m))) where S(s; t) denotes the time complexity of an algorithm for ordinary Chinese postman problems and T (s; t) denotes the time complexity of a post optimal algorithm for non-bipartite matching problems defined on a graph with s vertices and t edges. Key words. Combinatorial Optimization, Chinese Postman Problem, K-best Problem, T-join Problem, Matching Theory, Graph Theory AMS(MOS) subject classifications. 05C38, 05C45 1. Introduction. The Chinese postman problem is proposed by Mei-ko Kwan in [8] for the first time. The problem is interpreted as follows [10]. The postman delivers..

    Extensional Information Articulation from the Universe

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    Information must have physical support and this physical universe comprisesphysical interactions. Hence actual information processes should have a description byinteractions alone, i.e., an extensional description. In this paper, such a model of the processof information articulation from the universe is developed by generalizing the extensivemeasurement theory in metrology. Moreover, a model of the attribute creation processis presented to exemplify a step of the informational articulation process. These modelsdemonstrate the valuableness of the extensional view and are expected to enhance theunderstanding of the extensional aspects of fundamentals of information

    An Analysis of Dinkelbach's Algorithm for 0-1 Fractional Programming Problems

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    The 0-1 fractional programming problem minimizes the fractional objective function (c 1 x 1 + c 2 x 2 + 1 1 1 + c n x n )=(d 1 x 1 + d 2 x 2 + 1 1 1 + d n x n ) = cx=dx under the condition that x = (x 1 ; 1 1 1 ; xn ) 2\Omega ` f0; 1g n ; where\Omega is the set of feasible solutions. For a fractional programming problem, Dinkelbach developed an algorithm which obtains an optimal solution of the given problem by solving a sequence of subproblems Q(), in which the linear objective function cx 0 dx is minimized under the same condition x 2\Omega : In this paper, we show that Dinkelbach 's algorithm solves at most O(log(nM)) subproblems in the worst case, where M = maxf max i=1;2;111;n jc i j; max i=1;2;111;n jd i j; 1g

    An Algorithm for Fractional Assignment Problems

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    . In this paper, we propose a polynomial time algorithm for fractional assignment problems. The fractional assignment problem is interpreted as follows. Let G = (I; J; E) be a bipartite graph where I and J are vertex sets and E ` I 2 J is an edge set. We call an edge subset X(` E) assignment if every vertex is incident to exactly one edge from X: Given an integer weight c ij and a positive integer weight d ij for every edge (i; j) 2 E; the fractional assignment problem finds an assignment X(` E) such that the ratio ( P (i;j)2X c ij )=( P (i;j)2X d ij ) is minimized. Our algorithm is based on the parametric approach and employs the approximate binary search method. The time complexity of our algorithm is O( p nm log D log(nCD)) where jIj = jJ j = n; jEj = m; C = maxf1; maxfjc ij j : (i; j) 2 Egg and D = maxfd ij : (i; j) 2 Eg + 1: Key Words. Combinatorial Optimization, Mathematical Programming, Fractional Programming, Assignment Problems, Approximation Optimality, Parametric pro..