2 research outputs found
Fungicides alternatives for pre-flowering linseed
This work aims to reveal control alternatives for foliar diseases through different anti-fungal molecules applied in pre-flowering in the linseed crop. The experiment took place in the experimental area of Escola Fazenda, Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUÍ, located in the municipality of Augusto Pestana – RS. The experimental design used randomized blocks, with ten fungicide treatments in foliar application and three replications, totaling 30 experimental units. In the useful area of each experimental unit, the following characteristics were measured: plant height, plants per square meter, number of grains per plant, weight of grains per plant, grain yield, normalized green red difference index, green leaf index, spectral saturation index. The active ingredient Pyraclostrobin + Fluxapyroxad can contribute favorably to the maintenance of floral units, capsules and grains per plant. The correct positioning of the use of the molecule is decisive and requires further studies in linseed culture.Molecule rotation in the control of fungal diseases is essential to ensure sustainability and avoid the tolerance of pathogens to fungicides. Evidencing managements that promote greater efficiency in the control can contribute to increase the efficiency in the control of diseases.This work aims to reveal control alternatives for foliar diseases through different anti-fungal molecules applied in pre-flowering in the linseed crop. The experiment took place in the experimental area of Escola Fazenda, UNIJUÍ, located in the municipality of Augusto Pestana (RS). The experimental design used randomized blocks, with ten fungicide treatments in foliar application and three replications, totaling 30 experimental units. In the useful area of each experimental unit, the following characteristics were measured: plant height, plants per square meter, number of grains per plant, weight of grains per plant, grain yield, normalized green red difference index, green leaf index, spectral saturation index. The data obtained were submitted to descriptive analysis and to the assumptions of analysis of variance, such as homogeneity of residual variances by Bartlett's test and normality of errors by Shapiro Wilk. Afterwards, analysis of variance was carried out at 5% probability, with the significant variables, Tukey's test of multiple comparison of means was applied at the level of 5% of probability. In order to identify the tendency of association between the characters, Pearson's linear correlation was determined at 5% probability by t test. The active ingredient Pyraclostrobin + Fluxapyroxad can contribute favorably to the maintenance of floral units, capsules and grains per plant. The correct positioning of the use of the molecule is decisive and requires further studies in linseed culture
This study aimed to evidence the best arrangement of plants according to altitudes to potentialize corn grain yield. An information survey was performed in the 2019/20 harvest, using 144 producers responsible for corn grain production fields totaling 2,301.3 hectares in 144 environments of Rio Grande do Sul. Within 144 environments, 14 corn hybrids were arranged: DKB 240 PRO, DOW 2A620, AG 9045 PRO3, AS1555 PRO3, AS1572 PRO2, AS1656, BIOGENE 7046, DKB 250 PRO2, DKB 290 PRO3, DKB 330RR, NS56, P1630HX, P30F53HX, and SH7910. Yield, morphological, and phenological variables were measured, and geographic and meteorological information was collected. There is a positive influence on grain yield according to altitude and plant population characteristics. At lower altitudes, increasing plant population is essential to enhance grain yield.O objetivo deste trabalho foi evidenciar o melhor arranjo de plantas em função das altitudes para potencializar a produtividade de grãos de milho. Foi realizado um levantamento de informações na safra 2019/20, utilizando 144 produtores, responsáveis pelos campos de produção de grãos de milho, que totalizaram 2,301.3 hectares, em 144 ambientes do Rio Grande do Sul. Dentro de 144 ambientes, foram dispostos 14 híbridos de milho, os quais: DKB 240 PRO, DOW 2A620, AG 9045 PRO3, AS1555 PRO3, AS1572 PRO2, AS1656, BIOGENE 7046, DKB 250 PRO2, DKB 290 PRO3, DKB 330RR, NS56, P1630HX, P30F53HX e SH7910. Variáveis produtivas, morfológicas e fenológicas foram mensuradas, bem como informações geográficas e meteorológicas coletadas. Há uma influência positiva da produtividade de grãos em função da altitude e das características da população de plantas. Em altitudes mais baixas, o aumento da população de plantas é essencial para aumentar o rendimento de grãos de milho