6 research outputs found

    Variabilidade Espacial Do Risco De Contaminação De águas Subterrâneas Por Tebuthiuron Em área De Cana-de-açúcar

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the groundwater contamination risk by tebuthiuron in a sugarcane area, through spatial modeling, in the municipality of São Manuel, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The Araquá model was used to generate specific concentration estimates, considering simulations regarding different water table depths (100 and 200 cm) and irrigation depths (0 and 2,500 mm). As the estimated concentrations of tebuthiuron did not show spatial dependence, the thematic maps of risk of groundwater contamination were obtained through the method of interpolation by the inverse distance. Considering all the simulations, it can be concluded that there would be no groundwater contamination by tebuthiuron at the two depths of the water table, with or without irrigation. The interpolation of the estimated concentrations of tebuthiuron in groundwater provides the spatialization and a quick view of the areas with higher contamination risk.51121992199

    Weighted Linear Combinationof A Gis Environment In The Definition Of Priority Areas For Connectivity Among Forest Fragments [combinação Linear Ponderada Na Definição De áreas Prioritárias à Conectividade Entre Fragmentos Florestais Em Ambiente Sig]

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    Forest fragmentation of anthropogenic origin is one of the results promoted by the disorderly process of the land use and land cover, especially in intensively cultivated landscapes. In this context, this study aimed to define priority areas to facilitate connectivity among forest fragments, seeking forest recovery actions in the Pardo River Basin, SP, using the multicriteria approach (Weighted Linear Combination). The Participator Technique was used to define the criteria and the weights of the factors. The factors considered important to the objective of this study were the following: proximity between the fragments with greater nuclear areas, proximity to forest cover, proximity of the river system, distance to urban centers, slope, erodibility of soil. Whereas the variables that influence the selection of priority areas for forest restoration in the Pardo River Basin, SP contribute with different weights in the final decision process, a hierarchy according to the importance of each factor to the fitness area was established. The major factor was proximity among fragments of the largest nuclear area (0.3713), followed by proximity to forest cover (0.1911), proximity to the river system (0.1516), distance to urban centers (.1168), slope (0.0840) and erodibility (0.0854). The result was a map of priority areas, with five classes of priority. The priority areas occurred in order to promote the first union of forest patches with greater nuclear area, and from this union, the successive expansion of these regions of very high priority tending to very low. The methodology was adequate to the mapping of priority areas for restoration in watersheds. Fragments with bigger nuclear areas, connected with small fragments where they are predominant in the landscape, promoting the formation of larger fragments from the formation of forest corridors and recompositon of vegetation.36610791090Adinarayana, J., A rule-based soil erosion model for a hilly catchment (1999) Catena, 37 (3-4), pp. 309-318Almeida, F.F.M., (1964) Fundamentos geológicos do relevo paulista, p. 99. , São Paulo: Instituto de Geografia, Universidade de São PauloBertoni, J., Lombardi Neto, F., (1985) Conservação do solo, p. 368. , Piracicaba: LivroceresCarvalho, W.A., Jim, J., (1983) Áreas de proteção ambiental: Região da "Serra de Botucatu" e Região da "Serra de Fartura", p. 47. , Botucatu: Instituto Básico de Biologia, Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, Universidade Estadual PaulistaChen, K.P., Blong, R., Jacobson, C., MCERISK: Integrating multicriteria evaluation and GIS for risk decision-making in natural hazards (2001) Environmental Modeling e Software, 16 (4), pp. 387-397Conine, A., Planning for multipurpose greenways in Concord, North Carolina (2004) LandscapeUrban Planning, (68), pp. 271-287Conte, M.L., (1999) Aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos das águas da Bacia Experimental do Rio Pardo-Região de Botucatu, SP, p. 157. , Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia)-Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, 1999Dragan, M., Application of a spatial decision support system (SDSS) to reduce soil erosion in northern Ethiopia (2003) EnvironmentalModelling & Software, 18 (10), pp. 861-868Eastman, J.R., Decision support: Decision strategy analysis (2001) IDRIS 32 release 2: Guide to GIS and image processing, 2, pp. 1-22. , In:, Worcester: Clark University/Clark LabsFerraz, S.F.B., Vettorazzi, C.A., Identificação de áreas para recomposição florestal com base em princípios de Ecologia da Paisagem (2003) Revista Árvore, 27 (4), pp. 575-583Geneletti, D., Using spatial indicators and value functions to asses ecosystem fragmentation caused by linear infrastructures (2004) International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 5, pp. 1-15Grossi, C.H., (2003) Sistema e informação geográfica-Basins 3.0 na modelagem hidrológica da Bacia Experimental do Rio Pardo, SP, p. 101. , Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia)-Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Pardo, 2003Jiang, H., Eastman, J.R., Application of fuzzy measures in multi-criteria evaluation in GIS (2000) International Journal of Geografhical Information Science, 14 (2), pp. 173-184Lathrop, R.G., Bognar, J.A., Applying GIS and landscape ecological principles to evaluate land conservation alternatives (1998) Landscape and Urban Planning, 41, pp. 27-41Lord, J.M., Norton, D.A., Scale and the spatial concept of fragmentation (1990) Conservation Biology, 2 (4), pp. 197-262Metzger, J.P., Como restaurar a conectividade de paisagens fragmentadas? 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    Application Of Multicriteria Analysis To Define Priority Areas For Forest Recovery [aplicação De Análise Multicriterial Para Determinação De áreas Prioritárias à Recomposição Florestal]

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    Using the Geographic Information System (GIS) and taking into account its capability to analyze spatial data, a database of updated spatial data from the sub-basin of the Descalvado stream, Botucatu, SP, was developed to provide an evaluation and diagnosis of the area concerning land use and the degradation processes therein. Through GIS, priority areas for forest recovery were defined by Multicriteria Evaluation and using the Ordered Weighted Average method. The latter allows the decision maker to define the area to be recovered, facing limitation of resources, among one of the proposed scenarios, or do it in stages. The study showed that there are accelerated erosion processes in the headwaters of the springs of water bodies; there is also fragmentation of native vegetation, especially in hillside areas, and little presence of native vegetation in riparian areas. The application of the multicriteria analysis using the Ordered Weighted Average was important as it systematized and discriminated scenarios of priority for forest recovery.194612625Ashok, M., Kar, S., Singh, V.P., Prioritizing structural management by quantifying the effect of land use and land cover on watershed runoff and sediment yield (2007) Water Resources Managenment, 21, pp. 1899-1913. , BerlinAssad, E.D., Estruturação de dados geoambientais no contextodemicrobacia hidrográfica (1998) Sistema de informações geográficas: Aplicações na agricultura, pp. 119-137. , ASSAD, E. D.SANO, E. E, 2., ed. Planaltina: Centro de PesquisaAgropecuária dos Cerrados/ Embrapa, cap. 7Benito, E., Santiago, J.L., De Blas, E., Varela, M.E., Deforestation of water-repellent soils in Galicia (NW Spain): Effects on surface runoff and erosion under simulated rainfall (2003) Earth Surface Process Land, 28, pp. 145-155. , VigoChen, K.P., Blong, R., Jacobsonmce-Risk, C., MCE-RISK. 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