5 research outputs found

    Nutritional Patterns, Anthropometric and Sociodemographic Aspects Associated with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes is the most frequent metabolic disorder during pregnancy. Its development is related to multiple factors and is associated with maternal and perinatal adverse effects. This study aims to determine the association of nutritional patterns, anthropometric and sociodemographic aspects with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and perinatal results. A prospective cohort study was conducted on 237 pregnant women with the application of questionnaires: structured, global physical activity (GPAQ), 24-hour recall, and review of the perinatal medical history. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to determine the nutritional patterns; descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analysis between the groups of patients with GDM and without GDM in users of the Centro de salud de Puengasí 2, and the Hospital Gineco Obstetrico Isidro Ayora in the city of Quito, from January to September 2021. Three nutritional patterns were identified in pregnant women. There was a difference in the variables, such as age, years of study, previous pregnancies, weight, and body mass index (BMI) for gestational age at the beginning of pregnancy between pregnant women diagnosed with GDM and those without GDM. Multivariate analysis confirms the association of GDM with BMI for gestational age at the start of pregnancy RR 0.293 (0.08-0.970) and passive smoking RR 0.037 (0.00196-0.701). No association with nutritional patterns was found. In conclusion,the affinity for nutritional patterns and physical activity does not show an association with GDM. The association between BMI for gestational age at the beginning of pregnancy and passive smoking with GDM is confirmed. Keywords: gestational diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, nutritional pattern, exercise. Resumen Introducción: La Diabetes es el trastorno metabólico mas frecuente durante la gestación, su desarrollo está relacionado a múltiples factores, y asociada a efectos adversos maternos y perinatales. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación de patrones nutricionales, aspectos antropométricos y sociodemográficos con el diagnóstico Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional (DMG) y resultados perinatales. Metodología: Estudio de cohorte prospectivo en 237 gestantes con la aplicación de cuestionarios: estructurado, global de actividad física (GPAQ), Recordatorio de 24 horas, y revisión de la historia clínica perinatal. Se realizó análisis factorial exploratorio para determinar los patrones nutricionales; análisis descriptivo, bivariado y multivariado entre los grupos de pacientes con DMG y sin DMG en usuarias del centro de salud Puengasí 2 y del Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Isidro Ayora de la ciudad de Quito desde enero a septiembre 2021. Resultados: Se identificaron 3 patrones nutricionales en las gestantes. Hay diferencia en las variables: edad, años de estudio, gestas previas, peso e índice de masa corporal (IMC) para la edad gestacional al inicio del embarazo entre las gestantes con diagnóstico de DMG y sin DMG. El análisis multivariado confirma la asociación de DMG con el IMC para la edad gestacional al inicio del embarazo RR 0,293 (0,08- 0,970), y el tabaquismo pasivo RR 0,037 (0,00196-0,701). No se encontró asociación con los patrones nutricionales. Conclusiones: La afinidad por los patrones nutricionales y la actividad física no muestran asociación con DMG. Se confirma la asociación entre el IMC para la edad gestacional al inicio del embarazo y el tabaquismo pasivo con DMG. Palabras Clave: diabetes mellitus gestacional, gestación, patrón nutricional, ejercicio

    Nutritional Patterns, Anthropometric and Sociodemographic Aspects Associated with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

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    Abstract Diabetes is the most frequent metabolic disorder during pregnancy. Its development is related to multiple factors and is associated with maternal and perinatal adverse effects. This study aims to determine the association of nutritional patterns, anthropometric and sociodemographic aspects with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and perinatal results. A prospective cohort study was conducted on 237 pregnant women with the application of questionnaires: structured, global physical activity (GPAQ), 24-hour recall, and review of the perinatal medical history. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to determine the nutritional patterns; descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analysis between the groups of patients with GDM and without GDM in users of the Centro de salud de Puengasí 2, and the Hospital Gineco Obstetrico Isidro Ayora in the city of Quito, from January to September 2021. Three nutritional patterns were identified in pregnant women. There was a difference in the variables, such as age, years of study, previous pregnancies, weight, and body mass index (BMI) for gestational age at the beginning of pregnancy between pregnant women diagnosed with GDM and those without GDM. Multivariate analysis confirms the association of GDM with BMI for gestational age at the start of pregnancy RR 0.293 (0.08-0.970) and passive smoking RR 0.037 (0.00196-0.701). No association with nutritional patterns was found. In conclusion,the affinity for nutritional patterns and physical activity does not show an association with GDM. The association between BMI for gestational age at the beginning of pregnancy and passive smoking with GDM is confirmed

    Tendências do diabetes mellitus no Brasil: o papel da transição nutricional Trends in diabetes mellitus in Brazil: the role of the nutritional transition

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    A prevalência do diabetes mellitus tipo 2 tem se elevado vertiginosamente e espera-se ainda um maior incremento. Na América Latina há uma tendência do aumento da freqüência entre as faixas etárias mais jovens, cujo impacto negativo sobre a qualidade de vida e a carga da doença ao sistema de saúde é relevante. O aumento das taxas de sobrepeso e obesidade associado às alterações do estilo de vida e ao envelhecimento populacional, são os principais fatores que explicam o crescimento da prevalência do diabetes tipo 2. As modificações no consumo alimentar da população brasileira - baixa freqüência de alimentos ricos em fibras, aumento da proporção de gorduras saturadas e açúcares da dieta - associadas a um estilo de vida sedentário compõem um dos principais fatores etiológicos da obesidade, diabetes tipo 2 e outras doenças crônicas. Programas de prevenção primária do diabetes vêm sendo desenvolvidos em diversos países, cujos resultados demonstram um impacto positivo sobre a qualidade de vida da população.<br>Prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus has increased rapidly and is expected to increase even further. In Latin America countries there is an upward trend among the younger age groups, with a major negative impact on the quality of life and burden of the disease for the health care system. Increasing rates of overweight and obesity associated with lifestyle changes and aging of the population are the main contributing factors to the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Dietary shifts in the Brazilian population (low frequency of fiber-rich foods and heavy consumption of saturated fatty acids and sugars) and sedentary lifestyle are the main risk factors for obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Diabetes prevention programs are being promoted in several countries with results showing improvement in quality of life