2 research outputs found

    Mathematical critical thinking ability reviewing from domicile, gender, and adversity quotient

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    Students' mathematical achievement in mathematical critical thinking skills is still in the low category. This study analyses mathematical critical thinking skills based on domicile, gender, and adversity quotient. This research is a qualitative case study. The subjects selected through purposive sampling came from high schools in the Jakarta and Tangerang class XI areas. The data were analyzed using the Rasch Model, namely Winstep through the stages of reduction and categorization, presentation, and conclusion. The results of the study obtained the ability to think critically mathematically based on domicile, the subject of urban domicile was able to meet all indicators of Critical thinking well. Based on gender, subjects of the female and male genders have the same mathematical abilities on critical thinking indicators. According to the adversity quotient, the subject in the subject climber type can solve the problem properly and precisely, and in the camper type the subject can solve the problem precisely however, in the inference indicators the two subjects do not describe the requested graph and are in the dominant camper type, while the quitter type has a low AQ ability with indicators that are met only interpretation


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    Pelayanan informasi obat merupakan bagian dari pada standar pelayanan kefarmasia di apotek dalam bidang pelayanan klinis. Pelayanan informasi obat dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan pasien dalam mengkomsumsi obat. Data di lapangan menunjukkan tingkat pelayanan informasi obat masih sangat terbatas dilakukan di apotek dan belum sesuai dengan standar. Kebaruan dalam penelitian ini karena menganalisis bentuk pelayanan informasi obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelayanan informasi obat pada beberapa apotek di Kota Medan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Data diambil dengan cara mendatangi langsung apotek yang bersedia untuk dijadikan tempat penelitian kemudian membagikan kuesioner kepada pasien sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi yang sudah ditentukan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada 10 apotek di Kota Medan, pada bulan Desember 2021 sampai dengan Maret 2022. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasien yang diberikan informasi terkait nama obat, bentuk sediaan, kegunaan obat, car apemakaian obat, waktu penggunaan obat (pagi/siang/malam), waktu penggunaan obat (sebelum/sedang/sesudah makan), dosis obat dengan persentase lebih dari 70% sedangkan  pemberian informasi mengenai efek samping obat dan lama penggunaan obat sebesar 65% dan 58%. Informasi terkait interaksi obat, cara penyimpanan, cara pembuangan obat persentasenya sangat kecil. Kesimpulan penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa dari beberapa apotek yang dijadikan sampel hanya 70% apotek yang melakukan pelayanan informasi obat sesuai dengan standar pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek menurut Permenkes nomor 73 tahun 2016.AbstractDrug information services are part of the pharmaceutical service standards at pharmacies in clinical services. Drug information services can improve patient compliance in consuming drugs. Data in the field shows that the level of drug information services still needs to be improved in the pharmacy and is not in accordance with the standards. The novelty of this study is that it analyzes the form of drug information service at several pharmacies in Medan City. This study aims to find out drug information services at several pharmacies in Medan City. This research is a descriptive study. The data is taken by going directly to the pharmacy that is willing to be used as a research site and then distributing questionnaires to patients according to predetermined inclusion criteria. This research was conducted at 10 pharmacies in Medan City from December 2021 to March 2022. The results showed that patients were given information related to drug names, dosage forms, drug uses, drug use car, drug use time (morning/afternoon/night), drug use time (before / medium / after, drug dose with a percentage of more than 70% while providing information about drug side effects and duration of drug use was 65% and 58%. Information related to drug interactions, how to store and how dispose of drugs is a very small percentage. Of the several pharmacies sampled, only 70% of pharmacies carry out drug information services in accordance with pharmaceutical service standards in pharmacies according to Permenkes number 73 of 2016