3 research outputs found

    Osloavtalen och den folkrÀttsliga definitionen av stat

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    This essay investigates the Oslo Accords with the purpose of examining if the International Law Criteria for State can be found in these. The Criteria are a defined territory, a permanent population, a government and a capacity to enter into relations with other states. This will be done with support of three theoretical perspectives, which offers different views of the Criteria for State and updated research regarding the Accords, and its process. The primary materials are the two, still valid, Oslo Accords from 1993 and 1995. The method used is content analysis, as the purpose of this essay is to examine the information found in the Oslo Accords articles. The analysis shows that the three first criteria are found in the Oslo Accords. However, the fourth criteria regarding a capacity to enter into relations with other states is not, since this is prohibited in the Oslo Accords II. Furthermore, it is shown that the Criteria for State regarding a government is the most dominating one. The lack of recognition and prohibition to a capacity to enter into relations with other states presents an obstacle, since it makes Palestine’s road to become an internationally recognized state more difficult

    Ekumeniska Följeslagarprogrammet i Israel och Palestina

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    This essay investigates the Swedish Ecumenical Programme in Israel-Palestine (SEAPPI) with the purpose of examining how an NGO, such as SEAPPI, can remain neutral or impartial in an asymmetrical conflict. This will be done with the support of Slim’s (1997) perspective on neutrality and impartiality. The primary material are the two books based on the accompaniers’ reports on the situation and their experiences in Israel-Palestine. The method of this essay is content analysis, as the purpose is to examine the contents of these reports. What the investigation shows is that SEAPPI, although having neutral ingredients taken from Slims perspective, is more of an impartial actor in the sense that they do not take sides towards the parties in the conflict, but do against violations on international law and human rights. Despite of this, it is, more often than not, the Palestinian voices that are heard in the reports, and not in the same extent the Israeli civil society. This presents an obvious problem. Keywords: EAPPI, SEAPPI, Non Governmental Organisations (NGO), impartiality, neutrality, Israel-Palestine conflict, Accompanier, content analysis. Denna uppsats undersöker det Svenska Ekumeniska Följeslagarprogrammet i Israel-Palestina (SEAPPI) med syftet att undersöka hur en NGO, som SEAPPI, hĂ„ller sig neutral eller opartisk i en asymmetrisk konflikt. Detta med hjĂ€lp av Slim (1997) perspektiv pĂ„ neutralitet och opartiskhet. Mitt primĂ€rmaterial Ă€r tvĂ„ böcker som Ă€r baserad pĂ„ följeslagarnas rapporter om situationen och deras erfarenheter i Israel-Palestina. Min metod Ă€r innehĂ„llsanalys dĂ„ jag vill undersöka innehĂ„llet i dessa rapporter. Vad min undersökning visar Ă€r att SEAPPI, trots att de har neutrala ingredienser som tagits ifrĂ„n Slims perspektiv, Ă€r de oftare en opartisk aktör som inte tar stĂ€llning gentemot parterna i konflikten men tar stĂ€llning mot krĂ€nkningar/brott mot folkrĂ€tten och mĂ€nskliga rĂ€ttigheter. Dock Ă€r det oftast de palestinska rösterna som kommer fram i rapporterna, och inte alls i samma utstrĂ€ckning den israeliska civilsamhĂ€llet. Detta Ă€r ett uppenbart problem dĂ„ programmet ska vara opartiska i konflikten


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    Denna uppsats presenterar de svenska riksdagspartiernas syn pÄ vapenlagstiftningen under Ären 1996-2011 genom deras inlÀmnade motioner. Vi har studeratpartiernas samtliga inlÀmnade motioner till riksdagen under denna tidsperiod, information i Àmnet pÄ partiernas hemsidor samt försökt upprÀtta mailkontakt med var och ett av riksdagspartierna. Resultatet av detta har vi sedan studerat gentemot Gallagher et als teori om partifamiljerna och var de brukar stÄ. De slutsatser vi har kunnat dra Àr att de flesta partierna har synpunkter pÄ aktuell lagstiftning frÄn 1996 och har motionerat pÄ förÀndringar i vapenlagstiftningen.UtifrÄn Gallagher et al teori om partifamilj tolkas resultatet i överenstÀmmelse med att teori Àr fast, samhÀllet och samhÀllsfrÄgor Àr stÀndigt i förÀndring