54 research outputs found

    Assessment of air flow distribution and hazardous release dispersion around a single obstacle using Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations

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    The flow around a cubical building, with a pollution source at the central point of the top of the cube, is studied. The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes and species concentration equations are solved for Reynolds number, Re = 40,000, is based on the height of the cube. The predictions obtained with the standard, the Kato-Launder, and the low-Reynolds number k-epsilon models are examined with various wall functions for the near wall treatment of the flow. Results are compared against Martinuzzi and Tropea measurements (J. of Fluids Eng., 115, 85–92, 1993) for the flow field and against Li and Meroney (J. of Wind Eng. and Industrial Aerodynamics, 81, 333–345, 1983) experiments and Gaussian models for the concentration distribution. It is found that the present unstructured mesh model performs similarly to the structured mesh models. Results from the Kato-Launder model are closer to the experimental data for the flow patterns and contaminant distribution on the cube's roof. However, the Kato-Launder model has an over-prediction for the recirculation zone and the contaminant distribution windward of the cube. The standard k-epsilon and the low-Reynolds number k-epsilon models predict similar flow patterns and are closer to the experimental data of the cube's windward and side face

    Computational assessment of the hazardous release dispersion from a diesel pool fire in a complex building’s area

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    A hazardous release accident taking place within the complex morphology of an urban setting could cause grave damage both to the population’s safety and to the environment. An unpredicted accident constitutes a complicated physical phenomenon with unanticipated outcomes. This is because, in the event of an unforeseen accident, the dispersion of the hazardous materials exhausted in the environment is determined by unstable parameters such as the wind flow and the complex turbulent diffusion around urban blocks of buildings. Our case study focused on a diesel pool fire accident that occured between an array of nine cubical buildings. The accident was studied with a Large eddy Simulation model based on the Fire Dynamics Simulation method. This model was successfully compared against the nine cubes of the Silsoe experiment. The model’s results were used for the determination of the immediately dangerous to life or health smoke zones of the accident. It was found that the urban geometry defined the hazardous gasses dispersion, thus increasing the toxic mass concentration around the buildings

    Large eddy simulation of dispersion of hazardous materials released from a fire accident around a cubical building

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    The turbulent smoke dispersion from a pool fire around a cubical building is studied using large eddy simulation at a high Reynolds number, corresponding to existing experimental measurements both in laboratory and field test scales. Emphasis of this work is on the smoke dispersion due to two different fuel pool fire accident scenarios, initiated behind the building. For the setup of fire in the first case, crude oil was used with a heat release rate of 7.8 MW, and in the second, diesel oil with a heat release rate of 13.5 MW. It is found that in both fire scenarios, the downstream extent of the toxic zone is approximately the same. This is explained in terms of the fact that the smoke concentration and dispersion are influenced mainly by the convective buoyant forces and the strong turbulence mixing processes within the wake zone of the building. It is suggested that wind is the dominating factor in these accident scenarios, which represent the conditions resulting in the highest toxicity levels

    Computational Study of the Optimum Gradient Magnetic Field for the Navigation of the Spherical Particles in the Process of Cleaning the Water from Heavy Metals

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    AbstractThe usage of magnetic spherical nanoparticles, coated with substances and driven to targeted areas in tanks, is proposed for cleaning the water from heavy metals. In the present paper, a computational study for the estimation of the optimum gradient magnetic field is presented in order to ensure the optimum driving of the particles into the targeted area. The optimization of the gradient magnetic field rates’ is verified with the particles’ deviation from a desired trajectory. Using the above mentioned method, it was depicted that with the increase of the optimization parameters number, the particles’ deviation from the desired trajectory is decreased

    Water Purification in Micromagnetofluidic Devices: Mixing in MHD Micromixers

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    AbstractThis contribution addresses a possible solution for water purification from heavy metals by magnetic nanoparticles in microfluidic water flow systems. In this technique, the most important component is the micromixer while efficient mixing and particle driving is achieved by external magnetic fields. For the simulation of water flow and nanoparticles, Computational Fluid Dynamics methods are used. The 2D and 3D Navier-Stokes equations are solved for the flow field while trajectories of the magnetic nanoparticles are simulated by the use of a Lagrangian method. Compared to traditional techniques, this method is expected to succeed chemical speed and increased water purification times

    Thermal conductivity performance in sodium alginate-based Casson nanofluid flow by a curved Riga surface

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    This study examines the effects of a porous media and thermal radiation on Casson-based nano liquid movement over a curved extending surface. The governing equations are simplified into a system of ODEs (ordinary differential equations) using the appropriate similarity variables. The numerical outcomes are obtained using the shooting method and Runge-Kutta Fehlbergs fourth-fifth order (RKF-45). An analysis is conducted to discuss the impact of significant nondimensional constraints on the thermal and velocity profiles. The findings show that the rise in curvature constraint will improve the velocity but diminish the temperature. The increased values of the modified Hartmann number raise the velocity, but a reverse trend is seen for increased porosity parameter values. Thermal radiation raises the temperature, while modified Hartmann numbers and the Casson factor lower the velocity but raise the thermal profile. Moreover, the existence of porous and solid fractions minimizes the surface drag force, and radiation and solid fraction components enhance the rate of thermal dispersion. The findings of this research may have potential applications in the design of heat exchangers used in cooling electronic devices like CPUs and GPUs, as well as microscale engines such as microturbines and micro-heat engines

    Time Evolution Study of the Electric Field Distribution and Charge Density Due to Ion Movement in Salty Water

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    Desalination and water purification through the ion drift of salted water flow due to an electric field in a duct is perhaps a feasible membrane-free technology. Here, the unsteady modulation of ion drift is treated by employing the Poison–Nernst–Plank (PNP) equations in the linear regime. Based on the solution of the PNP equations, the closed-form relationships of the charge density, the ion concentration, the electric field distribution and its potential are obtained as a function of position and time. It is found that the duration of the ion drift is of the order of one second or less. Moreover, the credibility of various electrical circuit models is examined and successfully compared with our solution. Then, the closed form of the surface charge density and the potential that are calculated without the linear approximation showed that the compact layer is crucial for the ion confinement near the duct walls. To test this, nonlinear solutions of the PNP equations are obtained, and the limits of accuracy of the linear theory is discussed. Our results indicate that the linear approximation gives accurate results only at the fluid’s bulk but not inside the double layer. Finally, the important issue of electric field diminishing at the fluid’s bulk is discussed, and a potential method to overcome this is proposed

    Water Purification from Heavy Metals Due to Electric Field Ion Drift

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    A water purification method using a static electric field that may drift the dissolved ions of heavy metals is proposed here. The electric field force drifts the positively charged metal ions of continuously flowing contaminated water to one sidewall, where the negative electrode is placed, leaving most of the area of the duct purified. The steady-state ion distributions, as well as the time evolution in the linear regime, are studied analytically and ion concentration distributions for various electric field magnitudes and widths of the duct are reported. The method performs well with a duct width less than 10−3 m and an electrode potential of 0.26 V or more. Moreover, a significant reduction of more than 90% in heavy metals concentration is accomplished in less than a second at a low cost

    Water Purification from Heavy Metals Due to Electric Field Ion Drift

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    A water purification method using a static electric field that may drift the dissolved ions of heavy metals is proposed here. The electric field force drifts the positively charged metal ions of continuously flowing contaminated water to one sidewall, where the negative electrode is placed, leaving most of the area of the duct purified. The steady-state ion distributions, as well as the time evolution in the linear regime, are studied analytically and ion concentration distributions for various electric field magnitudes and widths of the duct are reported. The method performs well with a duct width less than 10−3 m and an electrode potential of 0.26 V or more. Moreover, a significant reduction of more than 90% in heavy metals concentration is accomplished in less than a second at a low cost

    Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ion Drift in Nanochannel Water Flow

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    The present paper employs Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations to reveal nanoscale ion separation from water/ion flows under an external electric field in Poiseuille-like nanochannels. Ions are drifted to the sidewalls due to the effect of wall-normal applied electric fields while flowing inside the channel. Fresh water is obtained from the channel centerline, while ions are rejected near the walls, similar to the Capacitive DeIonization (CDI) principles. Parameters affecting the separation process, i.e., simulation duration, percentage of the removal, volumetric flow rate, and the length of the nanochannel incorporated, are affected by the electric field magnitude, ion correlations, and channel height. For the range of channels investigated here, an ion removal percentage near 100% is achieved in most cases in less than 20 ns for an electric field magnitude of E = 2.0 V/Å. In the nutshell, the ion drift is found satisfactory in the proposed nanoscale method, and it is exploited in a practical, small-scale system. Theoretical investigation from this work can be projected for systems at larger scales to perform fundamental yet elusive studies on water/ion separation issues at the nanoscale and, one step further, for designing real devices as well. The advantages over existing methods refer to the ease of implementation, low cost, and energy consumption, without the need to confront membrane fouling problems and complex electrode material fabrication employed in CDI
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