14 research outputs found

    Passenger car equivalents at signalized intersections for heavy and medium trucks and animal driven carts in Gaza, Palestine

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    This study concludes that in Gaza City, PCE values at traffic signals were found to be 2.23, and 1.43 for heavy and medium trucks, respectively. However PCE value for animaldriven carts was found to be 1.51. Using appropriate statistical tests, to examine the significance of the differences among PCE values in Gaza, UK and India; it was found that there is no significant difference in PCE value for heavy and medium trucks between Gaza (2.23, 1.43) and UK (2.3, 1.5). However, it was found that there is a significant difference in PCE value for animaldriven carts between Gaza (1.51) and India (2.6)

    Behavior of Road Users in Gaza, Palestine

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    Behavior of Road Users in Gaza, Palestin

    Developing New Technology-Related Bachelor Programs in The Middle East

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    The purpose of this paper is to summarize the development of five recently launched bachelor programs at the University College of Applied Sciences in Gaza, Palestine. These programs are Technology Education, Business with Technology, Geographic Information Systems, Development Planning, and Building Technology. These programs are non-traditional academic programs where traditional curricula are hybrid with a varying degree of engineering and IT-related technology courses. These programs have been accredited by the local accreditation board and a few hundred students are currently enrolled in these programs, with the first batch of these students have already graduated in the summer of 2010-2011. The paper sheds some details on the curriculum of these programs. Though these engineering and technology-related academic programs were developed with both local and regional interests, universities worldwide could benefit from this experience

    Development of Transportation Master Plan Rafah Governorate, 2030

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    4.1 Design Criteria 9 4.1. 1 Roadway Sections 9 4.1. 2 Intersections 12 4.1. 3 Off-Street Parking Areas (Taxi stations) 13 4.1. 4 The Level of Service (LOS) 13 4.1. 5 Warrants for the use of traffic signals 14 4.2 Planning Horizon 15 4.3 Transportation Modeling 1

    Traffic Impact of Planned Gaza Seaport on Major Roads in Gaza Strip, Palestine

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    the establishment of a commercial seaport in Gaza Strip, Palestine is a strategic national project that has several implications on different aspects of life. The aim of this research is to study the impact of establishing the Gaza commercial seaport on the roadway network in the Gaza Strip. Data was collected on the main roads and TransCAD program has been utilized as a research tool. The results showed that the traffic morning peak occurs between 7:00 to 10:00, and that the average Peak Hour Factor is 0.91. The heaviest peak hour traffic flow was 20,915 vehicles/hr. This was recorded at the intersection of Jalaa and Omar al-Mukhtar streets, known as the Saraya Intersection. The results also showed that traffic in the areas near the seaport is expected to be mostly affected by the seaport construction. The traffic flow at the intersection of Al-Rasheed and Al-Hurreya Streets (known as Netzareem Intersection) is estimated to increase by more than 10%; however, no effect is expected on traffic flow at the Saraya Intersection. The total vehicle hours of travel on the network (VHT), was 19,981 vehicle hours in 2015 and has been estimated at 23,729 vehicle hours in 2020 without the presence of the port. The latter figure is expected to reach 32,635 vehicle hours in 2020 if the port is constructed. It is recommended to redesign Gaza Seaport with larger capacity and to expedite its construction in order to respond to the increasing local demand of goods considering that the seaport has been found to have a limited effect on the traffic network in the Gaza Strip

    The Effect of Using Commercial Red and Black Iron Oxides as a Concrete Admixtures on its Physiochemical and Mechanical Properties

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    Study discuss the effect of using commercial red and black iron oxides (RIO and BIO) as a concrete admixtures in percentages do not exceeded 2.5% of each oxide from the amount of cement, this study tested the effect of every portion from each oxide at different ages on the compressive strength as well as the workability represented as a values of slump. We conclude that the optimum portion of RIO is 2.5%, but for BIO is 1%, while the proposed uses of RIO in concrete technology are retarder through slump increment reach to 50%, coloring material and mineral admixture through Compressive Strength increment (7-365 days) 5.5-12.8%. On the other hand BIO will propose as, coloring material and mineral admixture through Compressive Strength increment (7-365 days) 22.2-30.8%. SEM-images are clearly show the formation of Calcium hydroxide phase at 7-days while at 1-year the CSH phase is a predominate one, in both cases of RIO and BIO. XRD-pattern is supported the results outcomes through SEM-images

    Developing Road Accidents Recording System in Palestine

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    Traffic accidents report is considered as the main source of data in judicial, legal and engineering purposes. Developing the system of recording traffic accidents is the first stage in setting up an integrated database to provide interested parties with relevant data. This research aims at developing the recording form of traffic accidents in Palestine by assessing the existing form and checking the adopted mechanism. The existing crash form was also compared with regional and international forms. The most important information that must be available in the new form has been identified. The design of the new form was developed to ensure quicker filling-in process with less errors. Recommendations of the General Directorate of Traffic in Gaza were considered in designing the form. Fifty samples were used in the field in ordor to get practical feedback. The result was the adoption of the new form and the decision to start using it by the local traffic police. The form will be re-evaluated after one year

    معاملات تمدد التدفق المروري للساعة واليوم لشوارع مختارة في مدينة غزة في فلسطين

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    Hourly and Daily Traffic Expansion Factors on Selected Roads in Gaza, Palestine Yahya R. Sarraj Department of Civil Engineering, Islamic University of Gaza, Palestine Abstract Background: The shortage of sufficient, reliable and continuous traffic data in many developing countries makes it difficult for traffic engineers and researchers. Traffic data are essential for both the planning and design of transportation facilities. Objective: This work tries to provide data in order to help local experts in Gaza city to provide better estimates of the average daily traffic (ADT) and hence better transportation facilities. Method: The analysis and discussion are based on continuous traffic flow counts conducted on three selected main streets in Gaza. Data were collected for 24 hours on seven consecutive days on each street. Results: The results indicate that the average hourly expansion factors (HEFs) have a margin of error for the period between 7:00 and 16:00 that does not exceed ±3%. The results also indicate that the average daily expansion factors (DEFs) on the three streets have a maximum margin of error of 3.2% on both Sunday and Monday. On the other hand, the analysis proved that the maximum peak hour volume was 2864 vehicles/hour on Al Jalaa Street between 7:00 and 8:00 and the average peak-to-daily ratio (p/d) of the three streets was found to be 7.18%. The maximum directional traffic split (D) was found to be 60% in the heaviest direction of traffic flow during the peak period. Conclusion: The HEFs and DEFs produced in this work can be used with a 95% confidence on the main streets of Gaza city. Keywords: traffic expansion factor, daily expansion factor, p/d, K-factor, directional split, Gazaإن النقص في توفر معلومات كافية ومتواصلة وذات مصداقية حول التدفق المروري في الدول النامية يسبب صعوبات لمهندس المرور والباحثين. وتعتبر المعلومات حول حركة السير ضرورية لعملية التخطيط والتصميم لمرافق المواصلات. الهدف من البحث: يحاول هذا البحث تقديم معلومات لمساعدة الخبراء المحليين في مدينة غزة من أجل الحصول على تقدير أفضل لمعدل التدفق اليومي لحركة السير وبالتالي توفير مرافق أفضل للمواصلات

    Estimating Passenger Car Unit Factors for Buses and Animal Driven Carts in Gaza City, Palestine

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    Transportation engineers and professionals in Palestine do not have local standards to use for passenger car unit (PCU) values. They currently use standards adopted by other countries without local validation. In this work the authors are trying to provide local validation for some PCU values. The purpose of this paper is to estimate PCU values for buses and animal-driven carts at signalized intersections in Gaza City. PCU (or passenger-car equivalent unit, PCEU) is a factor used to convert all vehicle types other than passenger car into passenger car. The research team collected the required data at three main signalized intersections in Gaza City using a digital video recorder. To calculate PCU values the headway method was used. Statistical analysis of the results shows that a PCU value for buses was found to be 2.0 while that for animal-driven carts was 1.67. The PCU for a bus in Gaza was found to be similar to that in UK but different from India. The PCU for an animal-driven cart in Gaza was found to be different from that in India. Local traffic engineers may now use these results with more confidence of their local applicability. However, it is recommended to conduct further research on other vehicle types as well as to confirm the obtained PCU value for animal-driven carts. Keywords: Passenger car unit (PCU), Headway Method, bus, animal-driven cart, Gaza, Palestine

    تقييم وضع تدقيق السلامة المرورية في قطاع غزة، فلسطين

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    Local statistics in the last ten years indicate that the number of road accidents in both Gaza Strip and the West Bank is continuously increasing. Recent statistics by the Traffic Accidents Investigation Office of the Palestinian Police, recorded 2710 road accidents in 2016 in Gaza Strip, causing 84 deaths with a high rate of fatalities per 100,000 vehicles. This work aims to provide a general study about traffic safety condition in Gaza Strip and to assess the status of road safety audit (RSA). This work is also expected to encourage stakeholder agencies in Gaza Strip to make potential changes toward enhancing traffic safety. The results and discussion in this paper are based on the collected data on RSA actions in Gaza Strip’s agencies by several methods; interviews, electronic communications and exploring several specialized local and international websites. This was followed by a comparison between local and international procedures of RSA. The results indicate that traffic safety sector in Gaza Strip suffers from several shortages and deficiencies. The results also proved that the local implementation of RSA is non-frequent and unsystematic. They also revealed that there is no adopted or standard guideline for RSA in Gaza Strip and that there is a lack of qualified and multi-disciplinary RSA teams. The research concludes that traffic safety sector in Gaza Strip needs more attention as well as continuous development. The adopted RSA guidelines for the West Bank (version 2013) are suitable and they are recommended to be used in Gaza Strip.تشير الاحصاءات في الأعوام العشرة الماضية إلى ارتفاع معدل حوادث السير في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة، وتفيد سجلات مكتب تسجيل الحوادث في قطاع غزة إلى أنه تم تسجيل 2710 حادث سير في عام 2017، ما أدى إلى وفاة 84 شخصا، كما تشير الإحصاءات إلى ارتفاع معدل الوفيات بالنسبة لكل 100 الف مركبة مسجلة. يهدف هذا البحث إلى وصف حالة الأمان على الطريق في قطاع غزة وتقييم وضع عملية تدقيق السلامة على الطريق، ويتوقع أن يشجع هذا البحث الجهات المختصة في قطاع غزة لتطبيق إجراءات تدقيق السلامة على الطريق، وأشارت النتائج إلى عدم وجود سياسة واضحة وتعليمات متبعة في تدقيق السلامة على الطريق سواء للشوارع القائمة أو المشاريع الجديدة، كما أشارت أيضا إلى أن دليل إجراءات تدقيق السلامة المتبع في 2013 من قبل وزارة المواصلات في الضفة الغربية مناسب ويوصى باعتماده وتطبيقه في قطاع غزة