6 research outputs found

    High-throughput generation of midbrain dopaminergic neuron organoids from reporter human pluripotent stem cells

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    Summary: Here, we describe a high-throughput 3D differentiation protocol for deriving midbrain dopaminergic neurons from human pluripotent stem cells. The use of organoids has become prevalent in disease modeling, but there is a high demand for more homogeneous cultures. Our approach is advantageous for large-scale production of uniform midbrain organoids that can be maintained in diverse formats, and our reporters allow for sorting of dopaminergic neurons. The maturing long-term organoid cultures can be used as a model for the entire midbrain.For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Ahfeldt et al. (2020)

    Novel human pluripotent stem cell-derived hypothalamus organoids demonstrate cellular diversity

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    Summary: The hypothalamus is a region of the brain that plays an important role in regulating body functions and behaviors. There is a growing interest in human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) for modeling diseases that affect the hypothalamus. Here, we established an hPSC-derived hypothalamus organoid differentiation protocol to model the cellular diversity of this brain region. Using an hPSC line with a tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-TdTomato reporter for dopaminergic neurons (DNs) and other TH-expressing cells, we interrogated DN-specific pathways and functions in electrophysiologically active hypothalamus organoids. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) revealed diverse neuronal and non-neuronal cell types in mature hypothalamus organoids. We identified several molecularly distinct hypothalamic DN subtypes that demonstrated different developmental maturities. Our in vitro 3D hypothalamus differentiation protocol can be used to study the development of this critical brain structure and can be applied to disease modeling to generate novel therapeutic approaches for disorders centered around the hypothalamus

    A reference human induced pluripotent stem cell line for large-scale collaborative studies

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    A reference human induced pluripotent stem cell line for large-scale collaborative studies

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    Human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines are a powerful tool for studying development and disease, but the considerable phenotypic variation between lines makes it challenging to replicate key findings and integrate data across research groups. To address this issue, we sub-cloned candidate human iPSC lines and deeply characterized their genetic properties using whole genome sequencing, their genomic stability upon CRISPR-Cas9-based gene editing, and their phenotypic properties including differentiation to commonly used cell types. These studies identified KOLF2.1J as an all-around well-performing iPSC line. We then shared KOLF2.1J with groups around the world who tested its performance in head-to-head comparisons with their own preferred iPSC lines across a diverse range of differentiation protocols and functional assays. On the strength of these findings, we have made KOLF2.1J and its gene-edited derivative clones readily accessible to promote the standardization required for large-scale collaborative science in the stem cell field

    A reference human induced pluripotent stem cell line for large-scale collaborative studies.

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    Human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines are a powerful tool for studying development and disease, but the considerable phenotypic variation between lines makes it challenging to replicate key findings and integrate data across research groups. To address this issue, we sub-cloned candidate human iPSC lines and deeply characterized their genetic properties using whole genome sequencing, their genomic stability upon CRISPR-Cas9-based gene editing, and their phenotypic properties including differentiation to commonly used cell types. These studies identified KOLF2.1J as an all-around well-performing iPSC line. We then shared KOLF2.1J with groups around the world who tested its performance in head-to-head comparisons with their own preferred iPSC lines across a diverse range of differentiation protocols and functional assays. On the strength of these findings, we have made KOLF2.1J and its gene-edited derivative clones readily accessible to promote the standardization required for large-scale collaborative science in the stem cell field.Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Neurodegeneration Challenge Network, New York Stem Cell Foundatio