18 research outputs found

    Ethnic and Gender Differences in Identifying Gifted Students: A Multi-Cultural Analysis

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    The purpose of this study was to examine ethnic and gender differences in using DISCOVER, a performance-based assessment, for identifying gifted students. The sample consisted of 941 students from grades K-5 belonging to six ethnicities: White Americans, African-Americans, Hispanics, Native-Americans, South Pacific/Pacific Islanders, and Arabs. The 5 X 6 MANOVA (activity x ethnicity) yielded a significant interaction, but no main effect for either activity or ethnicity was found. Plots of the interaction showed that South Pacific/Pacific Islanders scored highest on Oral Linguistic whereas White Americans scored highest in Math and Native Americans scored highest in Spatial Artistic activity. No gender differences in identification were found. All ethnic groups were well represented among identified students, suggesting that DISCOVER might be used in different countries and with culturally diverse students

    Publishing for International Impact in Mathematics Education Research Journals

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    The conduct and publishing of mathematics education research is an international concern. Yet new researchers in our field often struggle to frame and communicate their research so that it is relevant and accessible to an international audience. This chapter shares an international journal editor’s expectations for publishable manuscripts, elaborating in particular on what is required to show that the manuscript makes an original and significant contribution to knowledge. The chapter explores ways in which researchers can situate their work within a broader international landscape without losing sight of the local context that motivates the study