830 research outputs found

    A realization of the Hecke algebra on the space of period functions for Gamma_0(n)

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    The standard realization of the Hecke algebra on classical holomorphic cusp forms and the corresponding period polynomials is well known. In this article we consider a nonstandard realization of the Hecke algebra on Maass cusp forms for the Hecke congruence subgroups Gamma_0(n). We show that the vector valued period functions derived recently by Hilgert, Mayer and Movasati as special eigenfunctions of the transfer operator for Gamma_0(n) are indeed related to the Maass cusp forms for these groups. This leads also to a simple interpretation of the ``Hecke like'' operators of these authors in terms of the aforementioned non standard realization of the Hecke algebra on the space of vector valued period functions.Comment: 30 pages; corrected typos and fixed incomplete proofs in section

    Spectral statistics for quantized skew translations on the torus

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    We study the spectral statistics for quantized skew translations on the torus, which are ergodic but not mixing for irrational parameters. It is shown explicitly that in this case the level--spacing distribution and other common spectral statistics, like the number variance, do not exist in the semiclassical limit.Comment: 7 pages. One figure, include

    Cache-Oblivious Persistence

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    Partial persistence is a general transformation that takes a data structure and allows queries to be executed on any past state of the structure. The cache-oblivious model is the leading model of a modern multi-level memory hierarchy.We present the first general transformation for making cache-oblivious model data structures partially persistent

    Hierarchy of the Selberg zeta functions

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    We introduce a Selberg type zeta function of two variables which interpolates several higher Selberg zeta functions. The analytic continuation, the functional equation and the determinant expression of this function via the Laplacian on a Riemann surface are obtained.Comment: 14 page

    Statistical properties of spectral fluctuations for a quantum system with infinitely many components

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    Extending the idea formulated in Makino {\it{et al}}[Phys.Rev.E {\bf{67}},066205], that is based on the Berry--Robnik approach [M.V. Berry and M. Robnik, J. Phys. A {\bf{17}}, 2413], we investigate the statistical properties of a two-point spectral correlation for a classically integrable quantum system. The eigenenergy sequence of this system is regarded as a superposition of infinitely many independent components in the semiclassical limit. We derive the level number variance (LNV) in the limit of infinitely many components and discuss its deviations from Poisson statistics. The slope of the limiting LNV is found to be larger than that of Poisson statistics when the individual components have a certain accumulation. This property agrees with the result from the semiclassical periodic-orbit theory that is applied to a system with degenerate torus actions[D. Biswas, M.Azam,and S.V.Lawande, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 43}, 5694].Comment: 6 figures, 10 page

    Graph Partitioning Induced Phase Transitions

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    We study the percolation properties of graph partitioning on random regular graphs with N vertices of degree kk. Optimal graph partitioning is directly related to optimal attack and immunization of complex networks. We find that for any partitioning process (even if non-optimal) that partitions the graph into equal sized connected components (clusters), the system undergoes a percolation phase transition at f=fc=12/kf=f_c=1-2/k where ff is the fraction of edges removed to partition the graph. For optimal partitioning, at the percolation threshold, we find SN0.4S \sim N^{0.4} where SS is the size of the clusters and N0.25\ell\sim N^{0.25} where \ell is their diameter. Additionally, we find that SS undergoes multiple non-percolation transitions for f<fcf<f_c

    Mirror, Mirror 2017: International Comparison Reflects Flaws and Opportunities for Better U.S. Health Care

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    ABSTRACTIssue: The United States health care system spends far more than other high-income countries, yet has previously documented gaps in the quality of care.Goal: This report compares health care system performance in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.Methods: Seventy-two indicators were selected in five domains: Care Process, Access, Administrative Efficiency, Equity, and Health Care Outcomes. Data sources included Commonwealth Fund international surveys of patients and physicians and selected measures from OECD, WHO, and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. We calculated performance scores for each domain, as well as an overall score for each country.Key findings: The U.S. ranked last on performance overall, and ranked last or near last on the Access, Administrative Efficiency, Equity, and Health Care Outcomes domains. The top-ranked countries overall were the U.K., Australia, and the Netherlands. Based on a broad range of indicators, the U.S. health system is an outlier, spending far more but falling short of the performance achieved by other high-income countries. The results suggest the U.S. health care system should look at other countries' approaches if it wants to achieve an affordable high-performing health care system that serves all Americans

    Older Americans Were Sicker and Faced More Financial Barriers to Health Care Than Counterparts in Other Countries

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    An international survey of older adults finds that seniors in the United States are sicker than their counterparts in 10 other high-income countries and face greater financial barriers to health care, despite the universal coverage that Medicare provides. Across all the countries, few elderly adults discuss mental health concerns with their primary care providers. Moreover, nearly a quarter are considered "high need" — meaning they have three or more chronic conditions or require help with basic tasks of daily living

    Monodromy of Cyclic Coverings of the Projective Line

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    We show that the image of the pure braid group under the monodromy action on the homology of a cyclic covering of degree d of the projective line is an arithmetic group provided the number of branch points is sufficiently large compared to the degree.Comment: 47 pages (to appear in Inventiones Mathematicae

    Spectral simplicity and asymptotic separation of variables

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    We describe a method for comparing the real analytic eigenbranches of two families of quadratic forms that degenerate as t tends to zero. One of the families is assumed to be amenable to `separation of variables' and the other one not. With certain additional assumptions, we show that if the families are asymptotic at first order as t tends to 0, then the generic spectral simplicity of the separable family implies that the eigenbranches of the second family are also generically one-dimensional. As an application, we prove that for the generic triangle (simplex) in Euclidean space (constant curvature space form) each eigenspace of the Laplacian is one-dimensional. We also show that for all but countably many t, the geodesic triangle in the hyperbolic plane with interior angles 0, t, and t, has simple spectrum.Comment: 53 pages, 2 figure