125 research outputs found

    Közös felelősség a gyulladásos bélbetegség diagnosztikájában és kezelésében. Mikor utaljuk a gyulladásos bélbetegséggel kezelt beteget biológiai terápiás centrumba? = Shared responsibility in the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease : When to refer a patient with inflammatory bowel disease to a biological therapy center?

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    Összefoglaló. Az idült betegségek, köztük a gyulladásos bélbetegség kezelése összetett feladat, amely a megfelelő technikai feltételek mellett naprakész szaktudással és tapasztalattal rendelkező egészségügyi személyzet együttműködését igényli. Célunk a gyulladásos bélbetegség ellátásának célirányos összegzése volt. Kiemelten foglalkoztunk a korai diagnosztika és szakorvoshoz utalás kérdésével, a korszerű ellátáshoz szükséges, személyre szabott terápia és a célértékre történő kezelés, valamint a biológiai terápiás centrumba utalás szükségességével. Részleteztük továbbá a kompetens és felelősségteljes gondozás ellátószintjeit, és bemutattuk az ellátásban együttműködő multidiszciplináris csoport felépítését is. Az összefoglaló közleményhez a nemzetközi irodalmat és a hazai terápiás protokollokat tekintettük át. A krónikus betegségek gondozásában elengedhetetlen a társszakmák együttműködése. A betegség kezelésében fontos a folyamatosan változó ajánlások, protokollok ismerete és a kompetenciaszintek elfogadása a beteg megfelelő életminőségének elérése és a szövődmények csökkentése céljából. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(33): 1311-1317. Summary. The treatment of chronic diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, is a complex task that requires the collaboration of health professionals with up-to-date expertise and experience under the appropriate technical conditions. Our aim was to systematically review the management of inflammatory bowel disease. We focused on the issue of early diagnosis and referral to a specialist, the need for personalized therapy and "treat-to-target" concept, and the appropriate timing of referral to a biological therapy center. The levels of competent and responsible care and the structure of a multidisciplinary team were also discussed. For the article, international and Hungarian therapeutic protocols and literature were reviewed. The collaboration of disciplines is essential in the management of chronic diseases. For disease management, it is critical to be up-to-date with changing recommendations, protocols, and to adopt competency levels to achieve a patient's adequate quality of life and reduce disease complications. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(33): 1311-1317

    Preoperative Serum Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9 Levels Cannot Predict the Surgical Resectability of Pancreatic Cancer : A Meta-Analysis

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    Background and Aims: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma has one of the worst prognosis of all malignancies. This investigated the relationship between the preoperative serum carbohydrate antigen 19-9 and surgical resectability. Methods: A systematic search was performed in three databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Web of Science) to compare the surgical resectability of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in patients with high and low preoperative serum carbohydrate antigen 19-9 values. The receiving operating characteristic curves were constructed and the weighted mean differences for preoperative serum carbohydrate antigen 19-9 levels of resectable and unresectable groups of patients were calculated. The PROSPERO registration number is CRD42019132522. Results: Results showed that there was a significant difference in resectability between the low and high carbohydrate antigen 19-9 groups. Six out of the eight studies utilised receiver operating characteristic curves in order to find the cut-off preoperative carbohydrate antigen 19-9 levels marking unresectability. The overall result from the pooled area under curve values from the receiver operating characteristic curves was 0.794 (CI: 0.694-0.893), showing that the preoperative carbohydrate antigen 19-9 level is a "fair" marker of resectability. The result of the pooled weighted mean differences was 964 U/ml (p < 0.001) showing that there is a significant carbohydrate antigen 19-9 difference between the resectable and unresectable groups. Based on the results of the I-squared test, the result was 87.4%, accounting for "considerable" heterogeneity within the population. Conclusion: Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 is not a reliable marker of unresectability, it should not be used on its own in surgical decision-making

    Inflammatory bowel disease does not alter the clinical features and the management of acute pancreatitis: A prospective, multicentre, exact-matched cohort analysis

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    Objective and aims: Acute pancreatitis in inflammatory bowel disease occurs mainly as an extraintestinal manifestation or a side effect of medications. We aimed to investigate the prognostic factors and severity indicators of acute pancreatitis and the treatment of patients with both diseases. Design: We performed a matched case-control registry analysis of a multicentre, prospective, international acute pancreatitis registry. Patients with both diseases were matched to patients with acute pancreatitis only in a 1:3 ratio by age and gender. Subgroup analyses were also carried out based on disease type, activity, and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Results: No difference in prognostic factors (laboratory parameters, bedside index of severity in acute pancreatitis, imaging results) and outcomes of acute pancreatitis (length of hospitalization, severity, and local or systemic complications ) were detected between groups. Significantly lower analgesic use was observed in the inflammatory bowel disease population. Antibiotic use during acute pancreatitis was significantly more common in the immunosuppressed group than in the nonimmunosuppressed group (p=0.017). However, none of the prognostic parameters or the severity indicators showed a significant difference between any subgroup of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Conclusion: No significant differences in the prognosis and severity of acute pancreatitis could be detected between patients with both diseases and with pancreatitis only. The need for different acute pancreatitis management is not justified in the coexistence of inflammatory bowel disease, and antibiotic overuse should be avoide

    Meta-Analysis of Early Nutrition: The Benefits of Enteral Feeding Compared to a Nil Per Os Diet Not Only in Severe, but Also in Mild and Moderate Acute Pancreatitis.

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    The recently published guidelines for acute pancreatitis (AP) suggest that enteral nutrition (EN) should be the primary therapy in patients suffering from severe acute pancreatitis (SAP); however, none of the guidelines have recommendations on mild and moderate AP (MAP). A meta-analysis was performed using the preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P). The following PICO (problem, intervention, comparison, outcome) was applied: P: nutrition in AP; I: enteral nutrition (EN); C: nil per os diet (NPO); and O: outcome. There were 717 articles found in Embase, 831 in PubMed, and 10 in the Cochrane database. Altogether, seven SAP and six MAP articles were suitable for analyses. In SAP, forest plots were used to illustrate three primary endpoints (mortality, multiorgan failure, and intervention). In MAP, 14 additional secondary endpoints were analyzed (such as CRP (C-reactive protein), WCC (white cell count), complications, etc.). After pooling the data, the Mann-Whitney U test was used to detect significant differences. Funnel plots were created for testing heterogeneity. All of the primary endpoints investigated showed that EN is beneficial vs. NPO in SAP. In MAP, all of the six articles found merit in EN. Analyses of the primary endpoints did not show significant differences between the groups; however, analyzing the 17 endpoints together showed a significant difference in favor of EN vs. NPO. EN is beneficial compared to a nil per os diet not only in severe, but also in mild and moderate AP

    Hungarian Linguistic, Cross-Cultural, and Age Adaptation of the Patient Satisfaction with Health Care in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (CACHE) and the Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS)

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    Abstract: Background: The TRANS-IBD study examines the superiority of joint transition visits, with drug adherence and patient satisfaction among the outcome measures. Our aim was a cross-cultural, age- and disease-specific adaptation of the ‘Medication Adherence Rating Scale’ (MARS) and ‘Patient satisfaction with health care in inflammatory bowel disease questionnaire’ (CACHE) questionnaires in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Methods: Linguistic and cultural adaptation using test and re-test procedures were performed. Internal consistency with Cronbach’s α coefficients, confirmatory factor analyses with root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), Comparative Fit Index (CFI), and Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) were determined. Results: A total of 122 adolescents and 164 adults completed the questionnaires (47.5% male, mean age 17 ± 1; and 29.3% male, mean age 38 ± 11, respectively). In the MARS questionnaire, Cronbach’s α scores were found good in adolescents (0.864) and acceptable in adults (0.790), while in the CACHE questionnaire, scores were rated as excellent in both populations (0.906 and 0.945, respectively). The test-retest reliabilities were satisfactory in both groups (MARS questionnaire: r = 0.814 and r = 0.780, CACHE questionnaire: r = 0.892 and r = 0.898, respectively). RMSEA showed poor fit values in the MARS questionnaire and reasonable fit values in the CAHCE questionnaire, CFI and TLI had statistically acceptable results. Conclusion: Age-and disease-specific Hungarian versions of the questionnaires were developed, which are appropriate tools for TRANS-IBD RCT and daily IBD car

    Elevated Expression of AXL May Contribute to the Epithelial-to- Mesenchymal Transition in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients

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    Understanding the molecular mechanisms inducing and regulating epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) upon chronic intestinal inflammation is critical for understanding the exact pathomechanism of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of this study was to determine the expression profile of TAM family receptors in an inflamed colon. For this, we used a rat model of experimental colitis and also collected samples from colons of IBD patients. Samples were taken from both inflamed and uninflamed regions of the same colon; the total RNA was isolated, and the mRNA and microRNA expressions were monitored. We have determined that AXL is highly induced in active-inflamed colon, which is accompanied with reduced expression of AXL-regulating microRNAs. In addition, the expression of genes responsible for inducing or maintaining mesenchymal phenotype, such as SNAI1, ZEB2, VIM, MMP9, and HIF1α, were all significantly induced in the active-inflamed colon of IBD patients while the epithelial marker E-cadherin (CDH1) was downregulated. We also show that, in vitro, monocytic and colonic epithelial cells increase the expression of AXL in response to LPS or TNFα stimuli, respectively. In summary, we identified several interacting genes and microRNAs with mutually exclusive expression pattern in active-inflamed colon of IBD patients. Our results shed light onto a possible AXL- and microRNA-mediated regulation influencing epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in IBD

    Suprapapillary Biliary Stents Have Longer Patency Times than Transpapillary Stents - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Endoscopic biliary stent placement is a minimally invasive intervention for patients with biliary strictures. Stent patency and function time are crucial factors. Suprapapillary versus transpapillary stent positioning may contribute to stent function time, so a meta-analysis was performed in this comparison.A comprehensive literature search was conducted in the CENTRAL, Embase, and MEDLINE databases to find data on suprapapillary stent placement compared to the transpapillary method via endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in cases of biliary stenosis of any etiology and any stent type until December 2020. We carried out a meta-analysis focusing on the following outcomes: stent patency, stent migration, rate of cholangitis and pancreatitis, and other reported complications.Three prospective and ten retrospective studies involving 1028 patients were included. Suprapapillary stent placement appeared to be superior to transpapillary stent positioning in patency (weighted mean difference = 50.23 days, 95% CI: 8.56, 91.98; p = 0.0.018). In a subgroup analysis of malignant indications, suprapapillary positioning showed a lower rate of cholangitis (OR: 0.34, 95% CI: 0.13, 0.93; p = 0.036). Another subgroup analysis investigating metal stents in a suprapapillary position resulted in a lower rate of pancreatitis (OR: 0.16, 95% CI: 0.03, 0.95; p = 0.043) compared to transpapillary stent placement. There was no difference in stent migration rates between the two groups (OR: 0.67, 95% CI: 0.17, 2.72; p = 0.577).Based on our results, suprapapillary biliary stenting has longer stent patency. Moreover, the stent migration rate did not differ between the suprapapillary and transpapillary groups

    Depresszív tüneteket és öngyilkossági gondolatokat befolyásoló tényezők gyulladásos bélbetegségben szenvedők körében: Multicentrikus tanulmány

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    Bevezetés: A gyulladásos bélbetegség olyan kórkép, mely a diagnózistól kezdve élethosszig hatással van a betegek fizi- kális és pszichés egészségi állapotára és életminőségére. Célkitűzés: Megvizsgálni gyulladásos bélbetegek körében a depresszív tünetek és az öngyilkossági gondolatok előfor- dulásának gyakoriságát, valamint az ezekkel összefüggésben lévő betegség- és terápiaspecifikus tényezőket. Módszer: A vizsgálatban 300 fő vett részt (átlagéletkor 38,8 év, férfiak 47%, nők 53%). A depresszív tüneteket (PHQ-9), öngyilkossági gondolatokat (PHQ-9 9. tétele), a reménytelenség mértékét (Beck Reménytelenség Skála) és a beteg- séggel összefüggő jóllét mértékét (SIBDQ) vizsgáltuk online formában. Eredmények: A vizsgálati személyek 28,6%-a mutatott depresszív tüneteket, és 9,3%-uk a magas rizikójú csoportba tartozik a reménytelenség tekintetében. Öngyilkossági gondolatokat a válaszadók 16%-a jelzett, ebből magas rizikót a minta 5,3%-a mutatott. A lineáris regressziós modell eredménye alapján a depresszív tüneteket magyarázó tényezők közé tartozik a reménytelenség mértéke, a bélen kívüli tünet fennállása, fájdalomcsillapító rendszeres szedése, a női nem, valamint a betegség aktivitása. Következtetés: A vizsgálatunkban szereplő gyulladásos bélbetegek öngyilkossági gondolatainak és depresszív tünetei- nek előfordulási aránya a nemzetközi adatokkal egyezően magas, amire kiemelt figyelmet érdemes fordítani a betegek pszichés vezetése során. A pszichológiai tényezők rendszeres vizsgálata és kezelése fontos része kell hogy legyen a betegek gondozásának, mivel javíthat a páciensek szubjektív állapotán, és a betegség lefolyására is pozitív hatással lehet