5 research outputs found
Patogenost i patološke promjene u zlatnih ribica, Carasius auratus (L.) pokusno inficiranih bakterijom Chryseobacterium sp. PLI2
The pathogenicity and pathology of Chryseobacterium sp. PLI2 in experimentally challenged Carassius auratus goldfish were studied. Chryseobacterium sp. PLI2 produced typical chryseobacteriosis symptoms in intraperitoneally challenged and abrasion-bath treated C. auratus. The LD50 was determined to be 3.13×107 cells/fish. It caused 40% mortality within 3 weeks in abraded fish when challenged at a level of ≈2.50×107 cells/mL. The challenged fish were lethargic, anorectic and exhibited erratic movement. With disease progression, they all had white patches on the gills, excessive mucus secretion, caudal peduncle lesions, focal cutaneous haemorrhages, haemorrhagic eye and opercula, scale loss, skin discoloration, skin peeling, emaciation, pale kidneys and black spleen. Histologically, inflammation of the cartilaginous tissue, fusion of the lamellae and extensive necrosis were noticed in the gills. The spleen showed sinusoidal dilation, melanomacrophage aggregate, marginated leucocytes with a hypertrophied nucleus and necrotized areas. Granuloma-like formations, inflamed renal tubules and glomerulus, extensive necrosis, mild melanomacrophage aggregate, acentric nucleus, constricted renal tubules with a vacuolated surrounding, hypoplastic haematopoietic tissue, degeneration of tubular epithelium with proteinaceous casts in the tubular lumen, and fibrosis around the renal tubules were observed in the kidneys. The challenge experiment indicated that Chryseobacterium sp. can cause systemic disease in goldfish.U ovome je radu analizirana patogenost i patološke promjene u zlatnih ribica Carasius auratus pokusno inficiranih bakterijom Chryseobacterium sp. PLI2. Lezije tipične za krizeobakteriozu razvile su se u intraperitonealno inficiranih i abrazijskom kupkom tretiranih riba. Određena je LD50 od 3,13×107 stanica/ribi, koja je uzrokovala 40 % pomora unutar tri tjedna u riba inficiranih dozom od 2,50×107 stanica/mL. Zaražene su ribe bile letargične, anoreksične i ataksične. S razvojem bolesti sve su razvile bijele mrlje po škrgama, intenzivan sluzavi sekret, lezije na stražnjim pedunkulima, žarišna krvarenja po koži, krvarenja u oku i škržnim poklopcima, ljuštenje kože i mršavljenje, a utvrđeni su i blijedi bubrezi i tamno obojena slezena. Histološki je na škrgama utvrđena upala hrskavičnog tkiva, spajanje lamela i proširene nekroze. U slezeni je zamijećeno proširenje sinusoida, nakupljanje melanomakrofaga, marginacija leukocita s hipertofičnom jezgrom i nekrotičnim područjima. U bubrezima je uočeno formiranje granuloma te upalne promjene u tubulima i glomerulima, proširene nekroze, blago nakupljanje melanomakrofaga, acentrične jezgre, suženje tubula s vakuoliranom okolinom, hipoplazija hematopoetskog tkiva, distrofija tubularnog epitela s talozima proteina u lumenu i fibroza okolnog područja. Pokus je dokazao da Chryseobacterium sp. može uzrokovati opću bolest u zlatnih ribica
Prevalence of diseases caused by Flavobacterium spp. and other opportunistic bacteria in carps of sewage-fed farms in West Bengal, India
India is the second largest fish producing nation after China, contributing about 5.68% of the global fish production. The state West Bengal is occupying the second position in freshwater fish production after Andhra Pradesh. Although a number of constraints have been put forth, diseases and poor farm management are some of the most noticeable reasons for the reduced fish production in West Bengal. This study reports the prevalence of diseases caused by Flavobacterium spp. and other opportunistic bacteria in carps of sewage-fed farms in West Bengal. The bacteriological examination of the diseased carps revealed infections with different bacterial species and most of them were opportunistic pathogens. Flavobacteriosis, aeromoniasis, pseudomoniasis and other mixed bacterial infections, as confirmed by conventional biochemical tests and by VITEK 2 Compact system, were noted frequently. Antibiotic sensitivity of the opportunistic bacterial pathogens from the diseased carps indicated that some of these bacterial strains are resistant to potential human medicines like erythromycin, cotrimoxazole, oxytetracycline, nitrofurantoin, etc., which is a serious cause for concern. These results further present the fact that sewage-fed fish farms and the food fish from such systems may pose a serious public health risk from the antibiotic-resistant bacteria, if not handled properly
Prevalence of diseases caused by Flavobacterium spp. and other opportunistic bacteria in carps of sewage-fed farms in West Bengal, India
India is the second largest fish producing nation after China, contributing about 5.68% of the global fish production. The state West Bengal is occupying the second position in freshwater fish production after Andhra Pradesh. Although a number of constraints have been put forth, diseases and poor farm management are some of the most noticeable reasons for the reduced fish production in West Bengal. This study reports the prevalence of diseases caused by Flavobacterium spp. and other opportunistic bacteria in carps of sewage-fed farms in West Bengal. The bacteriological examination of the diseased carps revealed infections with different bacterial species and most of them were opportunistic pathogens. Flavobacteriosis, aeromoniasis, pseudomoniasis and other mixed bacterial infections, as confirmed by conventional biochemical tests and by VITEK 2 Compact system, were noted frequently. Antibiotic sensitivity of the opportunistic bacterial pathogens from the diseased carps indicated that some of these bacterial strains are resistant to potential human medicines like erythromycin, cotrimoxazole, oxytetracycline, nitrofurantoin, etc., which is a serious cause for concern. These results further present the fact that sewage-fed fish farms and the food fish from such systems may pose a serious public health risk from the antibiotic-resistant bacteria, if not handled properly
An Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis Dataset for Therapies on Twitter
<p>This dataset is an aspect-level sentiment analysis dataset for therapies, created by leveraging user-generated text from Twitter. The dataset contains a total of 5364 tweets related to 32 chronic pain therapies. These tweets are further categorized into 998 (18.6%) positive, 619 (11.5%) negative, and 3747 (69.9%) neutral sentiments. The inter-annotation agreement for the dataset was evaluated using Cohen's Kappa score, achieving an 0.82 score.</p>
<p>At the time of submission, this dataset is used for SMM4H 2023 shared tasks. The labels of the test set will be added after the shared task. More details about the shared task can be found at https://healthlanguageprocessing.org/smm4h-2023/. In addition, we only publicly provide the tweet IDs instead of the text content which is required by the Twitter privacy policy. Please download the text content using the tweet IDs via the Twitter API or reach out to [email protected].</p>
Not Available
Not AvailableTilapia is one of the most consumed farmed fsh, which requires the use of antibiotics in certain phases of its production. This study assessed the safety of 30 days of oral forfenicol (FFC) dosing at 0–10 times the therapeutic dose (1×: 10 mg/kg biomass/day) in Oreochromis niloticus juveniles. Behavioural changes, feed consumption, mortality and biomass were evaluated. Besides, the levels of serum glucose, calcium, chloride, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotrans ferase, alkaline phosphatase and blood cell morphology were determined at scheduled intervals. The 30 days of oral FFC dosing caused 3.33% (1×) to 18.33% (10×) mortalities, reduced feed intake and biomass in a dose-dependent manner. The fsh fed the therapeutic dose recorded 1.25-fold increase in biomass, while the control group recorded 1.45-fold increase in 30 days. No signifcant erythrocyte morphological alterations were observed in the 1×group compared to the control. However, marked morphological alterations like tear-shaped, spindle-shaped and degenerative erythrocytes in higher dosing groups indicated FFC cytotoxicity. All the serum biomarkers of O. niloticus increased signifcantly on day 10 and day 30 FFC dosing in a dose-dependent manner, except for calcium and chloride, which reduced signifcantly during the dos ing period. Within 2 weeks of suspension of FFC dosing, the serum biomarker levels became normal except for alkaline phosphatase and creatinine. The recovery of biomass, feed intake, serum biomarker levels and erythrocyte morphological changes suggested that the FFC-induced changes are reversible. This study has, thus, proclaimed the safety of FFC at the therapeutic dose in O. niloticus.Indian Council of Agriculture Researc