48 research outputs found


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    Aim: In order to achieve maximal performance, need for high oxygen uptake is complemented with rigorous training program. To evaluate the effect of 8 weeks high intensity interval training (HIIT) on maximum oxygen uptake capacity and related cardio-respiratory parameters at anaerobic threshold level. Materials and methods: High intensity interval training programme was implemented among 20 trained young male hockey players for 3 days/week. The training set included 2 minutes of intense sprint workout followed by a minute each of active recovery and complete rest. The point of anaerobic threshold was identified with ventilatory equivalent method while the players were subjected to exercise on computerized bicycle ergometer. Results: Present study depicts significant increase in maximum oxygen consumption (+8%, p=0.000), maximum heart rate (+3%, p=0.01) and glycogen content (+3%, p=0.421) with significant decrease in pre-exercise heart rate (-7%, p=0.001), recovery heart rate (-7%, p=0.000) and average breathing frequency (-6%, p=0.014) after 8 weeks of interval training. Oxygen consumption (p=0.505), heart rate (p=0.000) and work load (p=0.004) were also improved significantly at anaerobic threshold level by 11%, 6% and 9% respectively. Conclusion: HIIT protocol ultimately allows the athlete to exercise at higher workload with greater cardiac proficiency within the aerobic zone.  Article visualizations

    Reference Interval of Muscle Damage Indices and Cortisol in Young Athletes of Various Sports Discipline

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    Creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and cortisol are widely accepted as biological markers. The purpose of the study was to frame the reference interval for muscle damage indices (CK, LDH) and cortisol in the young athletic population of various sports disciplines. 260 young male players [i.e., football (n=62), hockey (n=60), gymnastics (n=36), swimming (n=28), table tennis (n=25), sprint-jump-throw (n=36) and middle-long distance running (n=13)] were recruited for the study (mean age = 15.6±1.59 yrs). Assay of LDH, CK and cortisol was done using the standard enzymatic protocol. The reference interval was calculated by following the Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) C28-A3 guideline and “MedCalc” software (version 19) with a 90% confidence interval. Serum LDH range was from 148.00-324.00 IU/L with a mean of 233.2±34.74 and a median around 236.25. Serum CK ranged from 17.00-43.50 IU/L with a mean of 28.93±5.23 IU/L and a median around 28.00. Cortisol ranged from 4.99-15.78 µg/dl with a mean of 9.31±2.09 µg/dl and a median around 8.90. The present study confers 165.63 - 303.43 IU/L, 19.00 – 40.09 IU/L and 6.07-14.15 µg/dl as the reference interval values for LDH, CK and cortisol, respectively. The present finding will guide the researchers to avoid misinterpretation of muscle damage indices values during any phase of competitive training of sports person

    Functional and genomic profiling of effector CD8 T cell subsets with distinct memory fates

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    An important question in memory development is understanding the differences between effector CD8 T cells that die versus effector cells that survive and give rise to memory cells. In this study, we provide a comprehensive phenotypic, functional, and genomic profiling of terminal effectors and memory precursors. Using killer cell lectin-like receptor G1 as a marker to distinguish these effector subsets, we found that despite their diverse cell fates, both subsets possessed remarkably similar gene expression profiles and functioned as equally potent killer cells. However, only the memory precursors were capable of making interleukin (IL) 2, thus defining a novel effector cell that was cytotoxic, expressed granzyme B, and produced inflammatory cytokines in addition to IL-2. This effector population then differentiated into long-lived protective memory T cells capable of self-renewal and rapid recall responses. Experiments to understand the signals that regulate the generation of terminal effectors versus memory precursors showed that cells that continued to receive antigenic stimulation during the later stages of infection were more likely to become terminal effectors. Importantly, curtailing antigenic stimulation toward the tail end of the acute infection enhanced the generation of memory cells. These studies support the decreasing potential model of memory differentiation and show that the duration of antigenic stimulation is a critical regulator of memory formation


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    An eight-year-old male Labrador with high fever was brought for treatment in the Veterinary Clinical Complex, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, WBUAFS, Kolkata. Babesia gibsoni was identified in microscopical examination of the blood smear taken from the animal. The dog could not survive despite treatment and the post mortem examination revealed remarkable changes in the liver, lungs, kidneys and spleen. Histopathological examination showed congestion and edema in lungs, liver and spleen along with remarkable necrotic and degenerative changes in the tubular epithelial cell of kidneys


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    The present study was conducted to explore the relationship among body measurement in Haringhata Black Chicken using principal component analysis keeping in view of identifying those components that define body conformation in this breed. The parameters body weight, breast girth, keel length, body length, ornithological measurement, beak length, beak width and back length were recorded and evaluated on 22nd week of age of 113 Chicken. The data showed that the mean body weight was 963 gm and the body measurements were 23.96 cm, 9.80 cm, 59.27 cm, 51.14 cm, 2.38 cm, 1.40 cm and 9.79 cm for breast girth, keel length, body length, ornithological measurement, beak length, beak width and back length at 22nd week of age, respectively. The highest correlation was obtained between body weight and body length (r = 0.86), body length and ornithological measurement (r = 0.86) while correlation between beak width and ornithological measurement (r = 0.26) was observed to be the lowest. Extracted two principal components PC 1 and PC 2 explained 75.70 % of the total variation in the original variables. The first principal component (PC 1) had the largest share (60.02 %) of the total variance and had high positive loadings on body weight (0.93), body length (0.89), ornithological measurement (0.88), breast girth (0.86) and keel length (0.85) while PC 2 shared only 15.68% of the total variance with high positive loadings on beak width (0.75) and beak length (0.68). Therefore, PC1 may be used as selection criteria for improving body weight of indigenous Haringhata Black chicken

    Effect of Hypothyroidism on Different Forms of Actin in Rat Cerebral Neuronal Cultures Studied by an Improved DNase I Inhibition Assay

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    An improved DNase I inhibition assay for the filamentous actin (F-actin) and monomeric actin (G-actin) in brain cells has been developed. Unlike other methods, the cell lysis conditions and postlysis treatments, established by us, inhibited the temporal inactivation of actin in the cell lysate and maintained a stable F-actin/G-actin ratio for at least 4-5 h after lysis. The new procedure allowed separate quantitation of the noncytoskeletal F-actin in the Tritonsoluble fraction (12,000 g, 10 min supernatant) that did not readily sediment with the Triton-insoluble cytoskeletal Factin (12,000 g, 10 min pellet). We have applied this modified assay system to study the effect of hypothyroidism on different forms of actin using primary cultures of neurons derived from cerebra of neonatal normal and hypothyroid rats. Our results showed a 20% increase in the Triton-insoluble cytoskeletal F-actin in cultures from hypothyroid brain relative to normal controls. In the Triton-soluble fraction, containing the G-actin and the noncytoskeletal F-actin, cultures from hypothyroid brain showed a 15% increase in G-actin, whereas the F-actin remained unaltered. The 10% increase in total actin observed in this fraction from hypothyroid brain could be totally accounted for by the enhancement of G-actin. The mean F-actin/G-actin ratio in this fraction was about 30% higher in the cultures from normal brain compared to that of the hypothyroid system, which indicates that hypothyroidism tends to decrease the proportion of noncytoskeletal F-actin relative to G-actin

    Thyroid Hormone-Induced Maturation of Astrocytes Is Associated with the Expression of New Variants of Vimentin and Their Phosphorylation

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    The role of thyroid hormone (TH)-induced vimentin expression in promoting the maturation of astrocytes has been investigated. Comparative immunocytochemical staining with vimentin antibody demonstrated distinctly different patterns of expression of vimentin during the progressive maturation of astrocytes of normal and TH-deficient astrocyte cultures. [35S]Methionine labeling of cells showed a significant decline in the level of vimentin in the hypothyroid cultures at all ages from day 5 to 20. Western blot analysis suggested that the maturation of normal astrocytes was associated with the appearance of several acidic and basic variants of vimentin, whose expression was significantly delayed or reduced in the TH-deficient astrocytes. In normal astrocyte cultures, two acidic variants of vimentin, one of similar molecular weight and the other of lower molecular weight, were found to be phosphorylated during the final transformation of the epithelioid form into the mature stellate form. None of these phosphorylated forms was evident in the TH-deficient astrocytes. This was further confirmed by negative immunocytochemical staining of 5- to 18-dayold cultures of TH-deficient astrocytes with antibody TM71, specific to phosphorylated vimentin, compared with age-matched normal astrocytes, which displayed consistent positive staining. The overall results indicate that TH-induced expression of phosphorylated forms of vimentin may be essential for the intracellular organization of the cytoskeleton in a way conducive to the morphological maturation of astrocytes. Key Words: Astrocytes— Morphology—Hypothyroidism—Vimentin— Variants—Phosphorylation

    Rational Site-Directed Mutations of the LLP-1 and LLP-2 Lentivirus Lytic Peptide Domains in the Intracytoplasmic Tail of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 gp41 Indicate Common Functions in Cell-Cell Fusion but Distinct Roles in Virion Envelope Incorporation

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    Two highly conserved cationic amphipathic α-helical motifs, designated lentivirus lytic peptides 1 and 2 (LLP-1 and LLP-2), have been characterized in the carboxyl terminus of the transmembrane (TM) envelope glycoprotein (Env) of lentiviruses . Although various properties have been attributed to these domains, their structural and functional significance is not clearly understood. To determine the specific contributions of the Env LLP domains to Env expression, processing, and incorporation and to viral replication and syncytium induction, site-directed LLP mutants of a primary dualtropic infectious human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolate (ME46) were examined. Substitutions were made for highly conserved arginine residues in either the LLP-1 or LLP-2 domain (MX1 or MX2, respectively) or in both domains (MX4). The HIV-1 mutants with altered LLP domains demonstrated distinct phenotypes. The LLP-1 mutants (MX1 and MX4) were replication defective and showed an average of 85% decrease in infectivity, which was associated with an evident decrease in gp41 incorporation into virions without a significant decrease in Env expression or processing in transfected 293T cells. In contrast, MX2 virus was replication competent and incorporated a full complement of Env into its virions, indicating a differential role for the LLP-1 domain in Env incorporation. Interestingly, the replication-competent MX2 virus was impaired in its ability to induce syncytia in T-cell lines. This defect in cell-cell fusion did not correlate with apparent defects in the levels of cell surface Env expression, oligomerization, or conformation. The lack of syncytium formation, however, correlated with a decrease of about 90% in MX2 Env fusogenicity compared to that of wild-type Env in quantitative luciferase-based cell-cell fusion assays. The LLP-1 mutant MX1 and MX4 Envs also exhibited an average of 80% decrease in fusogenicity. Altogether, these results demonstrate for the first time that the highly conserved LLP domains perform critical but distinct functions in Env incorporation and fusogenicity

    Vitamin C and E supplementation and high intensity interval training induced changes in lipid profile and haematological variables of young males

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    High intensity interval training (HIIT) causes oxidative stress and haematological alteration. Present study was aimed to evaluate the effect of 8 weeks’ supplementation of vitamin C and E on HIIT induced changes in lipid profile parameters and haematological variables. Hundred six male adolescent players were randomly assigned into five age-matched groups, i.e., Control (no exercise+placebo), HIIT (placebo), HIIT ​+ ​vitamin-C (1 000 ​mg/day), HIIT ​+ ​vitamin-E 400 IU/day) and combined HIIT ​+ ​vitamin C and E. Morning and evening sessions (90 ​min) of HIIT included 4 phases (15 ​min each) with 3 sets (4 ​min each). Each 4 ​min HIIT set consisted of 2 ​min intense sprint workout (90%–95% of heart rate maximum [HRmax]) followed by 1 ​min active recovery (60%–70% HRmax) followed by 1 ​min of complete rest (1:1 work-rest ratio). Lipid profile parameters, haematological variables, endurance capacity and vertical jump were evaluated by standard protocols. Significant decrease in body weight, fat%, total cholesterol, triglyceride, Total Cholesterol/High Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol and significant increase in High Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol, maximal oxygen consumption, vertical jump were observed for all four intervention groups. White blood cell count, red blood cell count, haemoglobin percentage and haematocrit values were significantly decreased while platelet count and platelet-to-leukocyte ratio (PLR) ratio were increased significantly only for HIIT group. Blood level of tocopherol and ascorbic acid was significantly increased (values were within the normal range) in all the respective vitamin supplemented groups. Supplementation of vitamin C and E secures health protection with suppressed haemolysis and improved inflammatory blood variables with enhanced explosive leg strength and lipid profile parameters without any concomitant change in endurance capacity