25 research outputs found

    Subak Padanggalak Development Strategy AS Tourism Attraction In Denpasar City Bali

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    The development of subak as tourist attraction will be inline within Bali cultural tourism development, since subak and tourism in Bali are both are Balinese culturally basis. This is an effort to maintain the sustainability of subak while controlling the paddy field conversion and supporting environmental sustainability. However, the absence of subak strategy as tourist attraction becomes a problem. This paper analyzes the internal and external environmental factors that influence Subak Padanggalak, Denpasar City, Bali as tourism attraction and designing the subak strategy as tourism attraction in urban area. To do so, it will be analyzed using SWOT and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). The I-E matrix analysis falls into cell V, namely using maintain subak as tourism attraction dan pushing market penetration and product development. SWOT analysis produces four alternative strategies, namely: (a) S-O strategy (expansion of tourist markets, provision of subak tourism facilities), (b) S-T strategy (stressing agricultural activities and rituals as tourist attractions, tourism activities based on subak norms and rules, involving subak members in subak tourism activities), (c) W-O strategy (subak is more involved in developing tourism attraction and cooperating with government), and (d) W-T strategy (strict rules for controlling land conversion, limiting the coming of external labor working in subak, and adequate facilities to empower farmers and foster public appreciation of subak). Priority analysis of the subak strategy successively starts from the development of tourist attraction based on agricultural activities and rituals in subak through cooperation with the government and entrepreneurs to empower farmers through providing additional sources of income from tourism activities. To ensure the sustainability of subak, it is necessary to have strict rules to control the conversion of agricultural land functions, and limit the external workforce to subak. The strategy must be is in line with subak norms and rules to achieve sustainability of subak-based urban tourism attraction

    Kekuatan Mengikat Akta Notariil Perjanjian Perkawinan Terkait Harta Bersama yang Dibuat Pasca Pencatatan Perkawinan

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    Dalam mengatasi masalah harta kekayaan dari suami isteri yang telah melangsungkan perkawinan, dapat dilakukan melalui perjanjian perkawinan pasca pencatatan perkawinan dengan bentuk penetapan pengadilan negeri. Oleh karena itu jika ada suami isteri belum membuat perjanjian perkawinan yang keduanya  bekerja dimana tempat kerjanya mempunyai resiko tinggi akan habisnya harta kekayaan yang diperoleh maka demi masa depan kehidupan suami isteri tersebut dan pendidikan anak-anaknya diperlukan suatu perjanjian perkawinan. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah normatif yang selanjutnya data dianalisis secara normatif kualitatif.Data yang dipergunakan adalah data sekunder yaitu data yang berupa studi kepustakaan dan penetapan pengadilan negeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang bagaimana kekuatan akta notariil perjanjian perkawinan yang dibuat pasca pencatatan perkawinan apabila yang menjadi dasar adalah penetapan dari hakim dan apa dasar pertimbangan hakim memutus permohonan penetapan tersebut dan akibat hukumnya terhadap pihak ketiga setelah adanya penetapan pengadilan negeri.Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan, bahwa dasar dan pertimbangan hakim mengabulkan permohonan pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan pasca pencatatan perkawinan adalah adanya persetujuan kedua belah pihak dari suami isteri, adanya kealpaan dan ketidaktahuan mereka tentang ketentuan pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan yang harus dibuat sebelum atau pada saat perkawinan dilangsungkan dan adanya yurisprudensi dari penetapan hakim sebelumnya. Akibat hukum pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan pasca pencatatan perkawinan yang dibuat secara notariil adalah mengikat kedua belah pihak yaitu suami isteri sehingga terhadap kedudukan harta suami isteri akibat hukumnya menjadi terpisah satu dengan yang lainnya, sedangkan untuk pihak ketiga, mempunyai kekuatan yang mengikat, sepanjang penetapan tersebut pihak ketiga tidak merasa dirugikan

    Faktor-Faktor Pendorong Alihfungsi Lahan Sawah Menjadi Lahan Non-Pertanian (Kasus: Subak Kerdung, Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan)

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    Land is the source of life for all creatures. However, now the existence of the land begins shifting. Land conversion activities are increasingly rife. Subak, as farmer organizations for wetlands, is becoming more helpless. Economic factors that drive land use change from activities of rice farming is the low income, land owners working in other sectors, the selling price of land in Subak Kerdung, and the presence of non-agricultural business activities in this subak area. Social factor that push for land conversion activities are adat and religious activities which require large funding sources and the desire to follow the behavior of the surrounding environment. Institutional factors that push for land conversion activities are also concerned with institutional weaknesses of the subak itself and weak implementation of the governance of urban space. Combating land conversion that occurs in the subak areas is not much that can be done by administrators of subak that only allow landowners to sell rice fields when destined for agricultural activities and seek smoothness for existing farming activities in the subak areas

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi USAha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) dalam Penerimaan Bantuan Permodalan dari Perusahaan Modal Ventura dengan Surat Pernyataan Jaminan Kepastian Pencairan (Spjkp) Bilyet Giro

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    Sanctions against Venture Capital Company when a Venture Capital Company stalling of disbursement of capital assistance whereas the applicant has deposited capital participation, has not been regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Finance (Finance Ministry Decree) No. 18 / PMK.010 / 2012 on the Venture Capital Company.This means that there are still empty norm in Finance Ministry Decree No. 18 / PMK.010 / 2012. Regarding these empty norm the first issue in this research is on the position of Security Assurance Statement of Disbursements (SPJKP) in the case of Venture Capital Company did not realize capital assistance to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). A second issue is the responsibility of Venture Capital Company which failed to realize the capital assistance to SMEs after issuing Security Assurance Statement of Disbursements (SPJKP). This type of research is a normative legal research and the research approach consists of statute approach, conceptual approach and case approach. Sources of legal materials in this study consisted of: primary, secondary and tertiary. The analysis technique used in this research is the juridical analysis, which is the analysis based on theories, concepts and legislation. The research result indicated that (1) The position of Security Assurance Statement of Disbursements (SPJKP) in the case of Venture Capital Company did not realize capital assistance to SMEs is guarantees for SMEs whereas the SMEs has deposited capital participation to get capital assistance from Venture Capital Company which in this case is PT. Futurindo Ventura Sejahtera, and (2) The responsibility of Venture Capital Company which failed to realize the capital assistance to SMEs after issuing Security Assurance Statement of Disbursements (SPJKP) is responsibility to pay compensation from the potential benefits should be obtained SMEs when capital assistance not delay with the following equity interest of the SMEs who have paid to PT. Futurindo Ventura Sejahtera.   Keywords: Venture Capital, Capital Assistance, Disbursement Certainty

    Menguji Asas Droit De Suite dalam Jaminan Fidusia

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    The principle of droit de suite is one of the most important principles in the law of guarantee,especially in fiduciary security. The principle implies that the rights of the creditor as therecipient of the fiduciary objects continue to follow the object of guarantee, wherever theobject is, to guarantee the repayment of the debts of the debitor. The rights which are ownedby the creditor as the recipient of fiduciary security in the principle seem to be absolute, butin fact if it is related to de practice, the principle of droit de suite has certain limitations.The limitations of this principle is whon it is faced with higher interest, the individual rightsowned by the recipient of fiduciary must succumb, as in the case of illegal logging, whichonce was decided to test the Forestry Law by the Constitutional Court (Case DecisionNumber 012/PUU-III/2005). Although the State can perform fiduciary deprivation of theobject which is used for committing illegal logging, but from the aspect of material criminallaw, it cannot be done immediately to destroy the object of guarantee, since object of thefiduciary collateral, is not considered a dangerous thing. Whereas, from the legal aspects ofcriminal procedure, if the case has been decided, then there is a duty of the State to returnthe object of fiduciary to those who own it.From the aspect of civil law, the creditor as recipient of fiduciary who feel harmed as aresult of illegal logging practices may have standing to sue for damages under Article 1365of Burgerljik Wetboek. The provision is used, because the act of illegal logging is an actagainst the law and there are losses caused to the recipient of fiduciary

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Konsumen dalam Perjanjian Baku Jual Beli Perumahan dengan Pihak Pengembang di Bali

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    The rapid population growth makes the need for homes also increase. There are many emerging developer companies that offer home that could be obtained on credit. Real Estate Developer parties usually make an agreement with consumers in the form of standard contract, so that the consumers here have no bargaining power but to accept what is specified by the developer. This causes consumer to have less legal protection as opposed to what is contained in the provisions of Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. The problem faced is how the position of the buyers as consumers in the purchase of standard agreement of housing, as well as how the legal protection that can be provided to the consumer in the standard housing sale and purchase agreement with developers in Bali. This research is empirical legal research whose objects of study are the terms and provisions regarding the enforcement or implementation of normative law (codification, law or contract) is in action / in abstracto on any legal events that occur in the community (in concreto). The data source used in this study is primary data and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that the Status of the buyer as a consumer in the standard housing sale and purchase agreement has a weaker position compared to the business party (developer), this is because the purchase agreement offered by the business is made in the standard contract format so that consumers do not have bargaining power over what is contained in the clauses of the home purchase agreement. Legal protection that can be provided to the consumer in standard housing sale and purchase agreement with developers in Bali, namely if in the field there is a breach of the provisions set out in the Consumer Protection Act, a developer as the party carrying out the business can legally be sued by consumers as parties who feel aggrieved, then other measures are that a developer must also adjust the standard clause in the purchase and sale agreement that it offers is still at odds with this Law

    Akibat Hukum Pendaftaran Jaminan Fidusia Dalam Sistem Online

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    Fiduciary security institutions are regulated through legislation, Act No. 42 of 1999. This law governs the obligation of the registration of fiduciary security in order to provide legal certainty to the interested parties and this fiduciary security registration gives the rights of preference to the fiduciary recipient of other creditors. In 2013, the Government issued a regulation to Administration System of Fiduciary Security Registration electronically in order to improve services to people who need legal services in the field of fiduciary security. Laws of Fiduciary Security are positive law applicable to the fiduciary security, but there are some things that are not regulated in the law, that is, the registration done with the online system and the legal consequences that are not registered. This study used normative legal research, which explains the existence of the absence of norms in the Law of Fiduciary Security, i.e. the registration done with the online system and the legal consequences of fiduciary security which are not registered. This study used a source of legal materials consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The results showed that registration of fiduciary security with the online system is regulated through the Regulation of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 2013 concerning the electronic imposition of Fiduciary Security and Regulation of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 2013 concerning the System for Registration of Fiduciary Security done Electronically. The legal consequence of the Agreement of Fiduciary Security which is not registered with the online system is that it does not produce the collateral agreement of the fiduciary security so that the collateral character such as droit de suite and the rights of preference is not inherent in the creditor of the grantor of the fiduciary security and it does not have the executorial power