8 research outputs found

    Delayed Presentation of Diaphragmatic Rupture due to Penetrating Trauma: Acute Mechanical Intestinal Obstruction

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    WOS: 000485707300017Although traumatic diaphragmatic ruptures are rare, it is a critical condition that can cause life-threatening complications. Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture may be discovered years after the presentation of the injury, with gastrointestinal or pulmonary symptoms due to a diaphragmatic hernia. Intestinal obstruction due to an isolated diaphragmatic rupture that emerges after a penetrating trauma is highly rare. The present study presents the case of a male patient who underwent laparotomy for intestinal obstruction due to a diaphragmatic hernia caused by a sharp object-induced injury to the thorax 1 year prior to his presentation. We believe that diaphragmatic ruptures are one of the reasons of mechanical intestinal obstruction and that they require urgent surgery

    Comparison of open and laparascopic splenectomy in elective cases

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    WOS: 000458742100026Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare open splenectomy (OS) and laparoscopic splenectomy (LS) in patients undergoing elective splenectomy. Materials and Methods: The study included 95 patients who underwent elective splenectomy between January 1, 2013 and January 1, 2018 in the Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, cukurova University. Demographic information, etiology, duration of operation, amount of blood loss and preoperative spleen size were measured. The necessity to switch from laparoscopic surgery to open surgery, duration of hospitalization, postoperative blood products replacement and postoperative complications were examined. Results: A total of 95 patients, 79% (n=75) who underwent OS, and 21% (n=20) who underwent LS were included in our study. The mean age in the study group was 43.0 +/- 17 (18-78) for OS and 39.3 +/- 13.9 in LS (1962). Of the patients who underwent OS, 31 were male (41.3%) and 44 were female (58.7%). Of the patients who underwent LS, 7 were male and 13 were female (65%). Of the 75 cases who underwent OS; 19 (25.3%) were treated for splenomegaly, 16 (21.3%) for immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), 11 (14.7%) for a mass, and 7 (9.3%) cases were operated on for Thalassemia. Of the 20 cases who underwent LS; 12 (60%) cases were operated on for ITP, 3 (15%) cases for hemolytic anemia and 2 (10%) cases for lymphoma.The length of hospital stay, amount of bleeding and spleen size were superior in LS; while the duration of surgery was significantly higher in OS. Conclusion: LS is a stronger alternative to OS because of its lower complication rate, hospitalization time and cost

    Abdominal extragenital endometriosis: single centre experience

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    WOS: 000437950900019Purpose: This study aimed to present our clinical experience on symptomatic intaabdominal extragenital endometriosis cases. Materials and Methods: In this study, patients undergoing surgery various indications and for which final histopathologic results reported as endometriosis were evaluated. Demographic characteristics, clinical presentations, localization of disease, surgical procedures and recurrence rates within follow-up period were presented. Results: Histopathologically confirmed 778 endometriosis patients were retrospectively analyzed. Extragenital abdominal endometriosis were present in 32 (4.1%) patients and all cases were symptomatic. The most common symptoms at index admission were mass detected within abdominal wall (n: 13; 40.6%) and chronic recurrence abdominal/pelvic pain (n: 9, 28.1%). 22% (n=7) of patients with abdominal extragenital endometriosis were diagnosed preoperatively. The operations performed were as follows: mass excision from the abdominal wall (n=14, 43.8%), appendectomy (n=5, 15.7%), pelvic mass excision(n=6, 18.8%), anterior resection (n=3, 9.4%), right hemicolectomy (n=2, 6,3%), and laparotomy with urinary stenting (n=2, 6,3%). Recurrence is reported in 6 (18.7%) cases at median follow-up of 42 months. Conclusion: Due to extragenital involvement, endometriosis should be part of differential diagnosis in all women who are reserved for abdominal surgery during reproductive era. Along with the complete excision, wound protector use can potentially decrease recurrence rates in cases diagnosed pre- or intraoperatively as endometriosis

    Hepatik Alveolar Ekinokokkoz Cerrahisinde Zorluklar, Prognoz ve Yönetim: Tek Merkez Deneyimi

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    Giriş: Alveolar ekinokokkoz (AE) primer olarak karaciğeri etkileyen ve tümör benzeri davranış gösteren, agresif ve potansiyel olarak fatal bir infeksiyondur. Bu infeksiyon için cerrahi prosedürlere ilişkin sonuçlar nadiren raporlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada hepatik AE'in cerrahi tedavisi ile ilişkili olarak uzun dönem sonuçları değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Yöntemler: 2001 ve 2013 yılları arasında, metastaz durumuna bakılmaksızın hepatik AE nedeniyle komplet rezeksiyon için uygun bulunan hastaların yönetimi ve sonuçları tanımlandı. Tüm hastaların preoperatif AE tanısı klinik bulgular, görüntüleme teknikleri ve serolojik testelere göre konuldu. Echinococcus multilocularis metasestod antijenine karşı oluşan antikor düzeyleri, Western Blot tekniğiyle elde edilen AE serolojik tanısı için spesifik markırlarlar olarak kullanıldı. Oral albendazol protokolü komplet rezeksiyonun yapılabildiği tüm hastalara uygulandı. Bulgular: Çalışma periyodu boyunca patolojik olarak hepatik AE olduğu konfirme edilen 12 hastaya (K/E=7/5) komplet rezeksiyon uygulandı. Ortanca takip süresi 82 ay idi. En sık başlangıç semptomları karın ağrısı (n=9) ve sarılık (n=4) idi. Beyin, sürrenal, dalak ve kolon olmak üzere 4 hastada metastaz tespit edildi. Alınan uygun önlemlere karşın bir hastada mortalite gözlenirken, gelişen diğer komplikasyonların tamamı başarı ile tedavi edildi. Sonuç: İleri evre hepatik AE olgularında uzun dönemdeki olumlu sonuçlar, komplet cerrahi rezeksiyon ile birlikte yapılan Albendazol uygulaması ile elde edilebilir.Objective: Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is an aggressive and potentially fatal infection, which affects the liver primarily and presents as a tumor-like lesion. Outcomes associated with surgical procedures for this infection have been rarely reported. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate long-term surgical treatment outcomes associated with hepatic AE. Methods: Between 2001 and 2013, the management and outcomes of twelve consecutive hepatic AE patients who were considered feasible for complete hepatic resection with/without metastasectomy were described. In all patients, pre-operative diagnosis of AE was based on clinical findings, imaging studies, and serological tests. Antibodies against antigens of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes were screened as specific markers for the serological diagnosis of AE by Western blot. The oral albendazole protocol was administered for hepatic AE patients who had complete resection. Results: Twelve patients (F/M=7/5) underwent complete resection for pathologically confirmed hepatic AE during the study period. Median follow-up was 82 months. The most common initial symptom was abdominal pain (n=9) followed by jaundice (n=4). Four patients had metastasis: Brain, surrenal, splenic and colon. One patient was lost due to massive pulmonary emboli despite appropriate interventions. All other complications that emerged were treated successfully. Conclusion: Long-term favorable outcomes can be achieved by complete surgical resection followed by chemotherapy with albendazole in advanced hepatic AE case

    Effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, Cerb-B-2, vascular endothelial growth factor and Ki-67 in patients with locally advanced breast cancer

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    WOS: 000458742100030Purpose: The aim of this study is aimed to demonstrate the changes in the tumor diameter and expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), Ki-67, and Cerb-B2 status after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the patients with locally advanced breast cancer. Materials and Methods: Sixty-nine patients who diagnosed with locally advanced breast cancer and treated with were prospectively evaluated. The tumor diameter and VEGF, Ki-67, ER, PR, and Cerb-B2 expressions tested by immunohistochemistry (IHC) were evaluated before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Results: There was a statistically significant reduction in the tumor diameter and in the expression of VEGF, Ki-67, ER, PR, and Cerb-B2 after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Conclusion: The significant reduction in VEGF expression suggests that the tumor angiogenesis and its metastatic ability may be reduced by neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The significant change in the Ki-67 proliferation index may suggest the reduced proliferative activity of malignant cells with neoadjuvant chemotherapy

    Long-term Outcomes of Surgical Management of Insulinoma: Single Center Experience

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    Objective: Limited data are available in regards to the surgical management and outcomes of insulinoma. This study aimed to assess the outcomes associated with surgical treatment of insulinoma, as the most common pancreatic endocrine tumor. Methods: Medical records of patients who diagnosed as insulinoma from 2000 to 2010 at General Surgery Department of Cukurova University Hospital were retrospectively reviewed. Surgical treatment (resection vs. enucleation) was based on preoperative radiological investigations (abdominal spiral contrast tomography, ultrasound, selective angiography for selected cases) and intra-operative ultrasound imaging once indicated. Results: Surgically treated thirteen patients (F/M:9/4) who diagnosed with insulinoma were assessed with a mean follow-up of 5.3 (0.5-10) years. Enucleation and distal pancreatectomywere performed for 11 and 2 (one of those is spleen-preserving) patients, respectively. No mortality was recorded. All patients became normoglycemic after surgery without re-operation and with acceptable complication rates (n=3 pancreatic fistula, n=1 pancreatitis). Conclusion: Surgical treatment of insulinoma is associated with favorable outcomes.Intra-operative ultrasound with manual palpation is still the gold standard for localizing insulinoma. Location, size and relationship with main pancreatic duct of the lesions are key components for the selection of optimal surgical procedure