79 research outputs found

    Hubungan Daya Tahan Kekuatan Otot Tungkai dengan Kecepatan Renang Gaya Dada 100 Meter Mahasiswa Pendidikan Olahraga Fkip Universitas Riau

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    Problem in the research was started from observation the author encountered in the field that many students have not been able to do 100 metre breaststroke swimming well. It could be seen when students did not finish 100 metre breaststroke swimming. The purpose of this research was to know the legs muscle strength and endurance with a speed of 100 metre breaststroke swimming of the students from Sports Education Riau University. This type of research was correlational. The population in this research was 53 students from Sports Education. Purposive sampling was used to get sample as many as 30 students. To get the data, it was used legs muscle strength and endurance and speed of 100 metre breaststroke swimming. The data were analyzed with correlation simple product moment. Based on the analysis of data, it was found that there was a significant relationship between legs muscle strength and endurance and speed of 100 metre breaststroke swimming of the student form Sports Education Riau University, in which r.count (0,455) > r. table (0,361) on α (0,05)

    Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Tungkai dengan Hasil Kecepatan Lari 40 Meter pada Siswa Kelas V Sdn 004 Salo Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar

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    Based on the researcher's observation of Students in class V SDN 004 Salo District Of Kampar. Researcher found the low of phsycal condition of student, also there are some students in the current running position of the body is not skewed. The purpose of this research is to see correlation power of leg muscles with the 40 meter running speedresult of student in class V SDN 004 Salo district of Kampar. Population in this research are 24 people, 14 people from Va 10 people from Vb. Based on population that is not so large and within the limits the researchers set the whole population is used as a sample. The research sample as many as 24 people. Research instrument is measured the power of leg muscles used leg dynamometer and 40 meter running speed test. Data were analyzed by product moment correlation. Based on research results, it can be concluded as follows : there is correlation the power of leg with 40 meter running speed , which shows correlation rhitung = 0,465>rtabel = 0,41

    Hubungan Daya Ledak Oto Tungkai dengan Hasil Lompat Jauh Gaya Jongkok Siswa Putri Kelas IV Sdn 018 Sungai Keranji Kecamatan Singingi

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    , The problem in this research is some of female studnets of SDN 018 Sungai Keranji are the result of squat style long jump that does not reach the target. This is presumably because one of the factors that condition explosive power leg muscle. So, the researchers wanted to prove by means research. Type of research is correlational research that collected two variables: the variables x and y. As the variable x is the explosive power leg muscle of female students class IV of SDN 018 Sungai Keranji District of Singingi and variable y is the squat style long jump result female students class IV SDN 018 Sungai Keranji District of Singingi. The sample in this study specifically taking a class IV female students SDN 018 Sungai Keranji District of Singingi totaling 25 people. Data obtained from the results of tests measuring the standing broad jump and squat style long jump. From the results of calculations found the value of r count is 0.415 with the value rtabel = 0.396, it means rcount = 0.415> rtabel = 0.396 and it can be said that there is a relationship between the explosive power leg muscle with the squat style long jump results female students class IV SDN 018 Sungai Keranji district of Singingi. Criteria for hypothesis testing Ho accepted if tcount smaller than ttable while the calculation results show that t = 2.19> table = 1.714, thus the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) that "there is a corelation between the explosive power leg muscle with the squat style long jump rseults female students class IV SDN 018 Sungai Keranji District of Singingi. "accepted

    Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Lengan dan Bahu dengan Kemampuan Groundstrokeforehand Permainan Tennis Lapangan pada Mahasiswa Penjas 2013 Pedidikan Olahraga Fkip Ur.

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    The problem of this resert is the lack of groundstroke forehand's ability in tennis game of health physical education students on the year of 2013. It is suspected, because of the lack of arms and shoulders power explosion when doing groundstroke forehand. The aim of this study is to find the relationship between arms and shoulders' power explosion with the groundstroke forehand's ability. This is correlational study that aimed to know how big the contribution between independent and dependent variables. After that, conducted data normality test by liliefors test with significant level α = 0.05, and the result for normality test of X variable is L0maks (0,144) ttable, then the result is, there is significant relationship on it. The result of this research showed that there is a significant relationship between arms and shoulders' power explosion with the groundstroke forehand's ability, tresult(3,061) >rtable(1,708). So, Ho is refused and Ha is accepted. Based on the research result,the conclusion is there is significant relationship between the arms and shoulders' power explosion with the groundstroke forehand's ability in tennis game of health physical education students on the year of 2013

    Effect of Exercise Skip for Height to Power Leg Muscle in the Men\u27s Volleyball Team Panti Sosial Bina Remaja (Psbr) Rumbai Pekanbaru

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    The issues raised in this study is " What is the effect of exercise skip for height To power leg muscle In the men\u27s volleyball team Panti Sosial Bina Remaja (PSBR) Rumbai Pekanbaru?". This research is experimental research that aims to find out the effect of exercise skip for height To power leg muscle In the men\u27s volleyball team Panti Sosial Bina Remaja (PSBR) Rumbai Pekanbaru. Population used was the entire men\u27s volleyball team Panti Sosial Bina Remaja (PSBR) Rumbai Pekanbaru as many as 12 people.This study uses total sampling technique the entire population sampled. Based on the determination of sample, the sampel of 12 people. As the independent variable (x) was training skip for height while the dependent variable (y) is the power leg muscle. Were obtained and collected through the initial test and final test before and after exercise skip for height using a meansuring tool that is Vertical jump Test. The method of processing data using descriptive statistics calculations and to test the hypothesis using the t test. The hypothesis proposed in this study is the effect of exercise skip for height to power leg muscle In the men\u27s volleyball team Panti Sosial Bina Remaja (PSBR) Rumbai Pekanbaru.The results of the ttest produced 3,46 and 1,796 ttable at the significant level of 0.05. Means ttest> t table. It can be concluded that H0 is greater than the Ha. So, the conclusion is there is a significant effect of exercise skip for height to power leg muscle In the men\u27s volleyball team Panti Sosial Bina Remaja (PSBR) Rumbai Pekanbaru

    Tingkat Kesegaran Jasmani Siswa Kelas V Sdn 011 Air Emas Kecamatan Singingi

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    , This research was motivated by some of the problems found in the field of which there are students of class V SDN 011 Air Emas District of Singingi some students have a level of physical fitness is not good enough, it is evident from the lack of enthusiasm for learning and the decline in learning results obtained by students. It is suspected of physical fitness was instrumental in improving learning outcomes, with good physical fitness students\u27 learning difficulties will be overcome. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of physical fitness Student Class V SDN 011 Air Emas District of Singingi. The sample in this study is a female students totaling 28 people with sampling techniques using the total sampling. This research is a descriptive study, the data that has been collected and analyzed descriptively compiled to quantitatively. As for the formulation of the problem between is "What is the level of physical fitness Student Class V SDN 011 Air Emas District of Singingi?". From the research results can be concluded that the recapitulation Student Test Results Physical Fitness female students Class V SDN 011 Air Emas District of Singingi with the criteria very well and well not exist. While the criteria for being there 4 students or 14.3%. In less criteria as much as 8 people or by 28.57%, while on the criteria very less as many as 16 people or 57.1%
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