3 research outputs found

    Studi Pendahuluan Keanekaragaman Genetik Kelapa Sawit Asal Kamerun di PT. Binasawit Makmur

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    Sarimana U, Indarto N, Herrero J, Erika P, Wendra F, Zulhermana Z, Asmono D. 2019. Genetic diversity preliminary study of cameroon origin oil palm at PT. Binasawit Makmur. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands. 8(2):126-133.  A plant breeding program needs genetic diversity information of germplasm, but the source of genetic diversity of oil palm plants in Indonesia is very narrow. In order to increase genetic diversity, the introduction of germplasm from Cameroon was conducted. The purpose of this study was to obtain a useful molecular marker in order to get genetic diversity information in Elaeis guinensis germplasm materials from Cameroon at PT. Binasawit Makmur (BSM). This preliminary research has been done in 2013. In this study, 300 samples of Cameroon oil palm DNA from 99 accessions and 10 samples DNA BSM material were analyzed by 9 microsatellite markers (simple sequence repeat; SSR). The 9 SSR markers used were very informative and we obtained 93 alleles with an average of 10.33 alleles per locus. The value of polymorphism information content (PIC) was around 0.746-0.889. The total genetic diversity was relative high (HT = 0.814). The coordinate analysis showed no groups in both 99 accessions and BSM material. Based on phylogenetic analysis, 9 SSR markers could show the genetic diversity between the populations. To validate this fact, it needs further research using more molecular markers and samples

    Strategi Program Pemuliaan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guinensis Jacq.) pada Lahan Suboptimal di PT Binasawit Makmur

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    Pratama et al, 2018. Oil Palm Breeding Program Strategy for Suboptimal Area in PT Binasawit Makmur  . JLSO 7(1):26-36. Suboptimal areas have great potential to be used an alternative land for cultivation of oil palm.We needed superior oil palm material to be able to grow well on that land. PT. Binasawit Makmur (BSM) through the Breeding Unit has developed a strategy regarding the assembly of superior material oil palm drought resistant. Therefore, this research aimed to develop  a strategy regarding breeding program in suboptimal lands of PT Binasawit Makmur.  The strategies used were  introducing, evaluating, and selecting genetic material based on productivity components (total and weight of fresh fruit bunches/ha, extraction rate) and high increment.  In addition, the efforts have been made to obtain drought tolerant material are conducting a progeny trial (DXP Trial) on mature palm to obtain drought tolerant in the dried season. Based on the results of the progeny trial, both of parents were traced to a crossing program. Currently, the seeds of the crossing have been obtained to confirm the results of the research on the nursery scale. In the nursery trial, research will be conducted to measure the proline content, stomata and chlorophyll content. Selection in the mature palm DXP progeny trial was followed by application a molecular tool such as SSR and SNP. Through this approach, a superior genetic material in terms of productivity and also drought tolerance can be developed and therefore can be used for recombination and release of new varieties

    Selection of Sub1 locus for submergence-tolerant introgression in a backcrossing of South Sumatra rice based on SSR markers

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    The development of a new submergence-tolerant variety is one ideal solution to reduce submergence stress impact caused by the unpredictable occurrence of flooding in the South Sumatra riparian wetland rice cultivation area. The Sub1 gene for submergence tolerance was introgressed into South Sumatra riparian wetland rice from the donor parent FR13A using marker-assisted backcrossing. This study involves a backcrossing between Pelita Rampak and BC1F1 Pelita Rampak, FR13A-derived Sub1 breeding lines. The main objective of this study was to introgress the Sub1 gene in BC2F1 using marker-assisted selection (MAS). The introgression of the Sub1 gene in the backcrossed lines was confirmed by the tightly linked markers RM219 and RM23915. The segregation ratio of RM219 was a good fit to the expected 1:1 Mendelian single-gene model (DF = 1.0, p ≤ 0.05). In the background study, out of 237 SSR markers unlinked to the target loci, 84 were found to be polymorphic between the two parents and were used for background selection among the selected progeny. Recurrent parent genome recovery in the backcrossed lines ranged from 57.1% to 72.6%. Improvements in the tiller number, percentage of filled grain, productive tiller number and percentage of tiller number were found on these backcrossed lines. The five best backcrossed lines were selected based on SSR markers, submergence tolerance, phenotypic study and agronomic performance