3 research outputs found


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    Setiap perguruan tinggi berkewajiban menetapkan arah dan orientasi kurikulumnya yang akan memberikan gambaran tentang output (alumni) dari proses belajar mengajar yang dilaksanakan pada perguruan tinggi tersebut. Arah dan orientasi kurikulum pada perguruan tinggi dirumuskan dalam suatu Pola Ilmiah Pokok (PIP) yang akan menjadi ciri khas (specific characteristic), dan sekaligus dimaksudkan untuk menjadi keunggulan dari perguruan tinggi tersebut. Universitas 45 yang menjadi cikal bakal Universitas Bosowa Makassar menjadikan entrepreneurship sebagai Pola Ilmiah Pokok, yang wajib dijabarkan oleh setiap jurusan/prodi dalam rumusan kurikulum, baik dalam mata kuliah khusus maupun dalam silabus mata kuliah. Technopreneurship adalah salah satu bentuk entrepreneurship yang berbasis pada potensi dan kompetensi teknologi. Tulisan ini akan mencermati dan mengkaji urgensi dan essensi masuknya aspek technopreneurship dalam rumusan kurikulum pada Jurusan Teknik Sipil. Dari hasil kajian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa : (1) Technopreneurship hanya akan tumbuh, bila ada invensi dan inovasi baru yang “bernilai jual”. (2) Technopreneurship hanya dapat dikembangkan, bila didukung oleh piranti akademik yang memadai, mulai dari tenaga pengajar, fasilitas pembelajaran, tutoring dan mentoring yang dibutuhkan peserta didik. (3) Technopreneurship akan berkembang, bila didukung dengan kegiatan penelitian yang mampu melahirkan invensi dan inovasi baru yang “bernilai jual”. (4) Technopreneurship akan berkembang pesat, bila didukung dengan “inkubator bisnis” yang bekerja efektif dan efisien, serta dapat dipercaya oleh alumnus untuk melakukan “order penelitian”, sesuai dengan kebutuhan alumnus di lapangan

    Parameters of Compressive Strength of PCC Consequence Concrete the Difference in Curing Time and Specimen Shape

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    The strength of concrete is determined by its compressive strength. SNI 2847-2013 has determined that the compressive strength of concrete is obtained by using a cylindrical specimen with a diameter of 15 and a height of 30 cm (C.15) or a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 20 cm (C.10) at 28 days of age. The problem commonly encountered in the field is how to estimate the acceptable compressive strength of concrete if it has not reached the age of 28 days and with specimens that do not meet the standards set out in SNI. This study aims to obtain a correction factor for the age and shape of the test object when using a cube measuring 15x15x15 cm (K.15) and not yet reaching the age of 28 days using Portland Composite Cement (PCC). Concrete is cast using 4 forms of mold namely K15, K20, C10, and C15. Then cured until the age of 7, 14, and 28 days. At each immersion age, the compressive strength of the concrete was tested for each of the 3 specimens. The results showed that the average age factor was 0.59, 0.81, and 1 at 7, 14, and 28 days of age. While the form factor of the test object against the standard K15 form shows a value of 0.950 for K20, 1.028 for C10, and 0.813 for the C15 test objec

    Renewable Energy Utilization and Environmental Pollution Control in the New City Area Mamminasata Metropolitan, Indonesia

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    The dynamics of the development of the Mamminasata Metropolitan new city area has an impact on environmental quality degradation. The increase in development activities causes land use conversion and contributes to an increase in energy demand. This study aims to analyze: the allocation of work space utilization as a determinant of environmental quality degradation in the Mamminasata new city area, the effect of controlling space utilization, renewable energy utilization, and transportation management on improving the environmental quality of the Mamminasata new city area; and formulate a model for the use of renewable energy and the sustainable development of the Mamminasata Metropolitan new city area. This study uses an explanatory suqiental approach. Data were obtained through observation, surveys, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the allocation of land for the development needs of socio-economic activities in the new city area has an impact on increasing the burden of pollution on soil, water, and air as well as the complexity of the transportation system in the direction of decreasing environmental quality. Control of space utilization, renewable energy utilization, and transportation management simultaneously have an effect on improving the environmental quality of the Mamminasata new city area with a coefficient of determination of 94.84%. This study recommends the use of renewable energy in supporting socio-economic activities towards the sustainability of the Mamminasata Metropolitan new city area development