2 research outputs found

    Improvement of effort estimation accuracy in software projects using a feature selection approach

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    In recent years, utilization of feature selection techniques has become an essential requirement for processing and model construction in different scientific areas. In the field of software project effort estimation, the need to apply dimensionality reduction and feature selection methods has become an inevitable demand. The high volumes of data, costs, and time necessary for gathering data , and also the complexity of the models used for effort estimation are all reasons to use the methods mentioned. Therefore, in this article, a genetic algorithm has been used for feature selection in the field of software project effort estimation. This technique has been tested on well-known data sets. Implementation results indicate that the resulting subset, compared to the original data set, has produced better outcomes in terms of effort estimation accuracy. This article showed that genetic algorithms are ideal methods for selecting a subset of features and improving effort estimation accuracy

    بررسی ارتباط عوارض واکسن پنتا والان با سطح تحصیلات مادران در مناطق تحت پوشش دانشگاه علوم پزشكي شهد بهشتي

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    Background and Aims: Scientific research has shown that parents’ education level positively affects health conditions of the child. This study was performed to determine the relationship between mothers' education status and pentavalent vaccine complications.Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross sectional survey consisting of 676 children vaccinated with pentavalent was performed in health care centers covered by Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences from June to December, 2015. There were examples of both sexes and 2-6 month age groups. A questionnaire was delivered to parents after completing their child profile and all the side effects observed in children were marked and returned to the vaccination center within a week. Data were analyzed with the use of descriptive statistics in SPSS software. Ethical issues were all considered.Results: About 2.4% out of total study group (mothers) were illiterate and 36.4 % were higher educated. Fever, pain, restlessness and induration included the most common side effects. Among the side effects studied, only fever, pain and restlessness were associated with maternal education level. These side effects were significantly lower in children having higher educated mothers.Conclusion: Considering the fact that the symptoms of fever, pain and restlessness were rarely found in children whose mothers had higher levels of education in this research, it can be concluded that these mothers reported the side effects of vaccine more accurately and reliably.زمینه و اهداف: تحققات نشان داده تحصلات بالاتر والدین اثر مثبت روی شرایط سلامت کودک دارد. این مطالعه به منظور تعيين ارتباط عوارض زودرس واكسن پنتا والان با سطح تحصلات مادران انجام شد. مواد و روش ها: یان پژوهش ي مطالعه توصيفي مقطعي است كه بر روي 676 كودک واكسينه شده با واكسن پنتاوالان از خرداد تا آذرماه  1394 در مراکز تحت پوشش دانشگاه شهيد بهشتي انجام شد. نمونه ها در گروه سني 2 تا 6 ماهه بودند. ابزار جمع آوري اطلاعات، پرسشنامه اي ک بود كه بعد از تكميل مشخصات كودک و دریافت شماره تلفن تماس، توسط مسئول واكسيناسيون به والدن كودک تحویل داده می يشد تا طي یك  هفته كليه عوارض مشاهده شده در كودک را علامت گذاري نمایند و به مركز واكسيناسيون عودت دهند. داده ها با استفاده از روش آمار  توصيفي در نرم افزار SPSS، تجز ه و تحليل شدند. در کليه مراحل انجام پژوهش، موازین اخلاقي، مراعات گردد. یافته ها: 2/4 درصد از مادران بيسواد بودند و 36/4درصد تحصيلات دانشگاهي داشتند. بيشترین عوارض مورد مشاهده به ترتيب شامل تب، درد، بيقراري و اندوراسيون بود. ازابن عوارض مورد بررسی، فقط تب درد و بیقراری با تحصلات مادران ارتباط داشت و به میزان معناداری در کودکانی که مادرانشان تحصیلات دانشگاهی داشتند، کمتر دیده شد. نتیجه گیری: در تحقق حاضر با توجه به انكه عارضه تب درد و بی قراری در كودكاني كه سطح تحصيلات مادر بالاتر بوده است، كمتر گزارش شده است، می توان چنين نتيجه گيري نمود كه این مادران درگزارش دهی، دقت بيشتري داشتها ند و پاسخهاي قابل اعتمادتري داده اند.  &nbsp