47 research outputs found

    Pemberian Zeolit Dan Arang Sekam Pada Lahan Sawah Tercemar Limbah Pabrik Terhadap Pb Tanah Dan Tanaman Padi

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of zeolites and rice husk to soil Pb and growth and production of paddy rice. The research was conducted in the screen house at Faculty of Agriculture USU and soil analyzed at the Laboratory Institute for Agricultural Technology ( BPTP) Medan North Sumatra . This experiment using a factorial randomized block design with two factors , namely zeolite treatment consists of 3 levels: Z0 = 0 g / pot , Z1 = 12.5 g / pot , Z2 = 25 g / pot and rice Husk consists of two levels: A0 = 0 g / pot , A1 = 10 g / pot . The results showed that the rice husk is able to reduce levels of lead (Pb) in the soil while giving zeolite can improve plant height . The interaction between 12.5 g zeolite / pot and 10 g rice husk / pot ( Z2A1 ) increasing weight of 1000 grains . Zeolite and rice husk did not affect significantly for the number of vegetatif and generatif tiller, grain weight per pot and percent of empty grains

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Pasir Vulkan, Zeolit, Dan Air Laut Terhadap Sifat Kimia Tanah Dan Produksi Padi Varietas Lokal Di Lahan Gambut Dataran Tinggi Toba

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    The objective of this research is to study the effect of combination of volcano sand, zeolite, and sea water to soil chemical properties and the production of rice plant local varieties. This research was conducted in highland peat, village of Hutabagasan Sub District of Dolok Sanggul Distric Humbang Hasundutan North Sumatra. This research used non factorial RAK with four treatments, those are G0 (control), G1 (volcano sand 5 kg), G2 (5 kg + volcano sand sea water 2.5 L), G3 (volcano sand sea water 5 kg + 2.5 L + zeolite 1 kg) and 3 replicants. The results showed that the addition of volcano sand 5 kg + sea water 2,5 L + zeolite 1 kg decreased the pH of the soil, K - exchange, Ca - exchange and percentage base saturation, increased the value of the electrical conductivity (EC), Na - exchange, Mg - exchange. The addition of volcano sand 5 kg + sea water 2,5 L + zeolite 1 kg decrease dry weight of the plant and the number of grains per panicle

    Dinamika N-nh4 Dan N-no3 Akibat Pemberian Pupuk Urea Dan Kapur Caco3 Pada Tanah Inceptisol Kwala Bekala Dan Kaitannya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung

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    The objective of this research were to determine the effect of urea fertilizer and lime-CaCO3applications and its interaction on the dynamics of N-NH4 and N-NO3 and changes in soil pH andgrowth of maize in Inceptisols taken from Kwala Bekala. This research was conducted in thegreenhouse, Chemistry and Soil Fertility Laboratory, at the Faculty of Agriculture, University ofNorth Sumatra, Medan. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) factorial consisting oftwo factors. The first factor was urea (U) which was composed of doses 0, 75, 150 and 225 kg N/haand the second factor was lime-CaCO3 (K) which was composed of doses 0, 2.032, 4.064, 6.096tons CaCO3/ha. The results showed that the application of urea fertilizer, lime-CaCO3 andinteractions increased N-NH4 in the first week and then decreased until the sixth week andincreased the N-NO3 until the fifth week and raised the soil pH in the first and second week thendecreased until the sixth week. The applications of doses urea fertilizer decreased plant height, stemdiameter, shoot dry weight and root dry weight. The application of lime-CaCO3 decreased thegrowth of the maize except the concentration of plant nitrogen. The interaction of urea fertilizer andlime-CaCO3 decreased stem diameter and shoot dry weight

    Pemberian Amelioran Terhadap Status Hara, Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Padi Di Lahan Gambut Dataran Tinggi

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    This study aims to determine the effect of volcanic sand, sea water and zeolite to nutrient status,growth and yield of dendang rice variety. This research was conducted in highlands peat inHutabagasan, Dolok Sanggul Sub-District Humbang Hasundutan Regency, North Sumatera. Thisstudy used non factorial randomized block design with four treatments are G0 (control), G1(Volcanic sand 5 kg). G2 (Volcanic sand 5 kg + Sea water 2.5 L), G3 (Volcanic sand 5 kg + Seawater 2.5 L + Zeolite 1 kg) and 3 replicants. The treatments G2 and G3 can increase soil electricalconductivity. G3 treatment may act as soil pH buffer. Applications all ameliorant decrease on thenumber of tillers and productive tillers, plant and root dry weight and number of grains each panicl