393 research outputs found

    Knowledge Transfer among Information and Communication Technology (ICT) firms for innovation in Malaysian Technology Parks: The Challenge of Macro Stickiness

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    This paper examines the challenge of macro stickiness (MS) as moderator that influences knowledge transfer (KT) for innovation among ICT firms. The study is based on technological learning framework that argues technological learning could be hindered from its effectiveness in the presence of macro stickiness phenomena. Macro stickiness occurs from vague and inadequate guidance in the policies for innovation and economic development. The policies should incorporate critical success factors for technological learning, i.e. knowledge transfer among technological firms such as ICT firms. The study used personal interview with policy makers, ICT executives and government officers to solicit their views pertaining to pull and push factors for knowledge transfer for innovation among ICT firms. ICT firms are the participants to encourage innovation vis-à-vis KT in Malaysian Technology Parks (MTPs). However, the interview results show some concerns about the presence of MS in KT that related to government policies for innovation and respective business decisions that reduce the full potential for KT for innovation among ICT firms. The study recommends the government, industry and academics to work closely through seminars, workshop, informal gathering, and retreat to increase trust and confidence so that they could engage in KT for innovation. Nevertheless, the results of the study are not conclusive due to the sampling size and the depth of the analysis. Future studies should use case studies and personal interview with more informants

    Tawhidic paradigm and organizational policy and strategy practices

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    This study explores the practice of Tawhidic Paradigm in organizational policy and strategy of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia. Tawhidic paradigm (TP) is an understanding to perform deeds in line with faith (‘aqīdāh), worship (‘ibādāh), and ethics (akhlāq) in the life as servant and vicegerent of Allah. In everyday life, one has to earn good value, which is compounded into the value of life as servant and vicegerent of Allah, enhances value in life, bottom line in the worldly and the Hereafter. TP is a guideline that based on Shari’ah, Islamic ethics and teaching principles for managing companies in the contemporary age. The TP is an addition to the existing standards and guidelines that produced by various agencies in Malaysia. The rigorous, comprehensive, and complete nature of TP contributes to beyond triple bottom line concerns of today’s companies for the sake of sustainability. This study uses personal interview with entrepreneurs of selected enterprises of SMEs in Malaysia. The entrepreneurs argued that they practiced TP according to teachings of Islam in terms of sincere, honest, truthful, and always abide by the teachings of Islam. Yet, they are still facing severe challenges to sustain their enterprises. However, they have strong dependency in Allah, and always reminding themselves to work hard as it is part of worshipping Allah. TP in OPS could bring significant practical implications in strategic management in enhancing efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of the companies. In conclusion, while the aware of TP in OPS significant theoretically, but in practice it has to be proven due to no such practices

    Knowledge transfer, macro stickiness and human capital development among technology-based firms in Malaysia

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    The study investigates the presence of macro stickiness in knowledge transfer for human capital development among technology-based firms in Malaysia. Macro stickiness refers to vague and inadequate guidance for knowledge transfer for innovation and knowledge development promoted by national policies on innovation and economy. The study used personal interview with twenty (20) informants, who included two (2) policy makers, three (3) government officers, and fifteen (15) executives of technology-based firms in selected Malaysian technology parks. The findings suggest that policy makers and government officers confirmed that national policies on innovation and economy cannot exclude three national unity, foreign direct investment and sound economic growth. The industry informants were not convinced to active in knowledge transfer for human capital development due to the inclusion of three elements. The study proposed that future research to increase the number of interviewees and to include technology parks from other major cities

    Effects of ulū al-albāb on strategies practiced by companies for sustainable competitive advantage

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    This study postulates that strategies with ulū al-albāb enabled companies to sustain competitive advantage. Profit maximisation and cost minimisation are common objectives for business entities. The study of management policy and corporate strategy has incorporated this element, but that is the only driving force to sustain competitive advantage and sustainable development. This study explores the effects of ulū al-albāb in the strategies practiced by companies for sustainable competitive advantage. The study found that the effects of ulū al-albāb are in the knowledge management for organisational learning to sustain talents, preservation of assets, and humanised approach in business networking

    Sustaining knowledge through unity among people

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    This study reports the lessons acquired from the first Friday Prayers Khutbah in 2020. The main topic is about seeking knowledge without an end. This topic reflects the sustainability of knowledge in bringing mercy and goodness to people and the world. This study uses participant observation approach in making sense on the context of Friday prayers and sermon. Indeed, very interesting beginning of year 2020 with the emphasis of knowledge

    Effects of ta’awun in sustaining ethical and socially responsible Managers for sustainable competitive advantage

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    In competitive market, having sustainable competitive advantage is necessary to remain competitive and survive. The process of creating and sustaining competitive advantage is integrative, interactive and comprehensive among stakeholders. Ta’awun or Tawhidic driven spiritual strategic cooperation from Islamic perspectives enables the process to produce ethical and socially responsible. Integration through scope of organisational operations through vertical and horizontal integration strengthens organisational strategies on sustainable manner. The integration theory allows for strategic cooperation or ta’awun to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Based on the literature review pertaining to strategic cooperation and ta’awun, there are some effects ta’awun in making managers to be ethical and responsible. Thus, this study aimed to explore the effects of ta’awun in sustaining ethical and socially responsible managers. Since this study is exploratory into the reality of managers, the study used qualitative method through personal interview with marketing and sales managers in Malaysia to solicit their views on the effects of being mutual co--operative or ta’awun with stakeholders in sustaining performance and competitive advantage. Validity, reliability and credibility of the study and the results have been conducted within qualitative research methodology. The results of the study showed that the effects of ta’awun are in a few factors, namely social integration with social contract, norms and belief; organisational structure and process; management policies, systems and resources; and continuous (fastaqim) training for ethical (tarbiyyah khuluq) and socially responsible practices (khuluq bil‘amal ijtima’ie). The implications for practice are to institutionalise standard operating procedure (SOP), code of conduct, and regular education for managerial ethics. The results of the study is not to generalise or confirming of any theory, but to understand the situation of the event from the real context of the situation. The implications of practice and policy of organisations are in the code of conduct and training programmes to include continuous education and job training. As for theory, this study contributed to the contemporary theory of normative ethics from Islamic perspective of ta’awun, spiritual or soul-based strategic cooperation and alliances. Future studies should use mixed methods or case study method to include more views and insights from many stakeholders. Keywords: Ta’awun, Business ethics, Social responsibility

    Effects of Tawhidic paradigm dynamism in qualitative research

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    Qualitative research has been widely accepted in all disciplines for academic as well as non-academic reasons. Realism, constructionism and pragmatism paradigms have been applied widely. However, Tawhidic paradigm has not been encouraging. This study obtained feedback through personal interview from qualitative social researchers pertaining to the inclination on applying Tawhidic Paradigm. The respondents gave positive inclination on the application of Tawhidic Paradigm given the holistic, comprehensive and balanced ontology, epistemology and methodology

    Marketing of high technology and wealth creation: a feedback from Muslim high technology practitioners in Malaysia

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    This study attempts to explore the views of Muslim high technology practitioners in Malaysia pertaining to marketing of high technology in creating wealth through the high technology-based sector. The high technology sector requires innovation, which is essentially related to knowledge production activities. While knowledge is very fundamental in Islam, Muslims could practice of marketing of high technology activities that integrated into high technology ventures. This study used e-mail survey with 74 Muslim high technology practitioners in three high technology locations: Cyberjaya, Technology Park Malaysia (TPM), and Selangor Science Park (SSP). The preliminary results suggest marketing of high technology is feasible to create wealth in the high technology sector because this sector encourages entrepreneurship and innovativeness, which is highly recommended in Islam. However, the participation of Muslim community in this sector is still inadequate despite the incentives provided by the government through its Multimedia Malaysia project

    The influence of stickiness in sustaining development through zakat institutions in Malaysia

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    The influence of stickiness in sustaining development through zakat institutions in Malaysia is phenomenal and contextual. Both human and institutional factors are phenomenal and contextual to stickiness. Notably human factors are more apparent in attitude and commitment. Zakat institutions have essential role in attaining holistic economic and social development through United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals 2030 with 17 goals. The main thesis is the magnitude of impact to the zakat recipients to the overall wellbeing of the society and the economy. The recipients among poor and needy remain status quo. The divide between the rich and the poor is getting wider. Inevitably, it leads non- sustainable development socially as well as economically. This study investigates the views of zakat officers on the stickiness issues and challenges in making the society and the economy performed and sustained. The study uses semi structured personal interview with the informants. The results of the interview argued that bureaucratic thinking, process and attitude contribute to lack of sustainability in the development of the society and the economy. The informants suggest for transformation on the bureaucratic thinking and attitude at zakat institutions in Malaysia

    Ethics and social responsibility practices among entrepreneurs

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    Ethics and social responsibility are very important values in entrepreneurship ventures. This is particularly essential in decision making process. Ethical conscience reminds entrepreneurs to make trustworthy and profitable entrepreneurship decisions. Likewise, the social responsibility component sought entrepreneurs to make entrepreneurial decisions that can enhance benefits and repelling harms to the stakeholders. This paper investigates the perceptions of entrepreneurs that operated in Klang Valley regarding the practice of ethics and social responsibility among entrepreneurs. The study used personal interview technique with open ended interview questions to obtain the views of 20 entrepreneurs. The findings showed that one thirds of the entrepreneurs perceived that the practice of ethics and social responsibility is almost impossible due to the strong influence of external factors. Nevertheless, these entrepreneurs believed that these values are important. The remaining entrepreneurs viewed that ethics and social responsibility could be possibly practiced despite the strong external factors provided that entrepreneurs have strong belief. Nevertheless, the results of the study were not conclusive considering limitations on small number of interviewees and the location of the business owners. The study proposed that future research to use personal interview and self administered survey with more small business owners from other major cities