4 research outputs found
Potensi diagnostik pencitraan ultrasonografi pada otot perineal sebagai sarana diagnosa penunjang kesehatan reproduksi sapi
Otot perineal salah satu bagian tubuh yang dapat terpengaruh oleh perubahan pada organ yang disokongnya seperti ekor, kolon dan saluran reproduksi. Pendekatan diagnostik pada perubahan ini berpotensi sebagai teknik baru dalam penegakan diagnosa yang terukur pada ternak sapi. Pencitraan ultrasonografi otot perineal pada sapi dapat dikembangkan menjadi metode noninvasif dalam memantau perubahan yang terjadi pada saluran reproduksi. Ultrasonografi mode brightness dengan transduser linear berfrekuensi 5 MHz diposisikan pada otot perineal, yaitu otot coccygeus dan levator ani pada sudut pandang longitudinal dan transversal. Citra yang dihasilkan menampilkan variasi ekogenitas pada susunan jaringan kulit dan subkutan, otot coccygeus dan levator ani, dan peritoneum. Ukuran dan ekogenitas jaringan dapat diukur secara kuantitatif menggunakan perangkat lunak ImageJ
A study of integrated cattle-rice farming in rainfed fields in Jambi, Indonesia
The objective was to obtain information about the impact of innovation in rice cattle integration on farmers' income in Sarolangun District, Jambi by using technology IPM Paddy. A study was carried out on the utilisation of cattle waste for rice farming in rainfed rice fields in Pematang Kabau at Sarolangun District, Jambi, Indonesia, from October 2017 to February 2018. There were 25 cooperators in the Sumber Rezki farmer group divided into three treatment groups. The first group applied manure and inorganic treatment for rice cultivation and cattle maintenance with the intensive system, the second group applied inorganic treatment for rice cultivation and cattle maintenance with intensive system, and the third cooperator farmers applied no manure and inorganic treatment and cattle maintenance with extensive system. The rice variety namely Inpara 3 and Bali cattle were used in the experiment. Data was analyzed descriptively. The results showed the production of harvested dry unhulled rice in each treatment was 6.56, 4.75 and 3.51 tons/ha, and birth rate of calves was 84.6, 80, and 75% each treatment, respectively. The revenue farming analysis was Rp. 20,552,000, -, Rp. 18,606,250, - and Rp. 14,509,300, - and the RC ratio was 2.03, 1.85 and 1.64, respectively
Postpartum perineal muscle sonogram in Madura beef cow
Background and Aim: Ultrasonography (USG) is useful for non-invasively identifying changes that occur in soft tissue architecture. The objective of this research was to demonstrate postpartum (PP) uterine involution through the changes of perineal muscle intensity and thickness in Madura beef cow by ultrasonography.
Materials and Methods: Madura's breed cows used in the research consist of eight non-pregnant (NP) cows and three PP cow. The transrectal and transperineal USG imaging of NP cows was performed on days 1, 33, and 65. USG imaging of PP cows was performed every day starting from day 1 (24 h after parturition) until day 21 PP. Transrectal USG of the reproductive tract was performed for the cervix, corpus uteri, and cornua uteri. USG was performed transcutaneously over the perineal area for coccygeus and levator ani muscles at the longitudinal and transverse angles. Reproductive tract diameter and perineal muscle intensity and thickness were measured with ultrasound imaging.
Results: The analysis of the sonogram of PP cows showed that the diameter of the cervix, corpus uteri, and cornua uteri decreased within 21 days PP. The transverse view of the coccygeus muscle of PP cows showed decreased muscle intensity and thickness. On the other hand, the longitudinal view showed increased coccygeus muscle intensity and thickness. The transverse view of the coccygeus muscle of NP cows showed increased muscle intensity, while muscle thickness was reduced. Sonogram analysis of the levator ani muscle of PP cows showed decreased muscle intensity with increasing muscle thickness. However, imaging of the levator ani muscle of NP cows showed a decrease in both intensity and muscle thickness. There was a significant difference in the mean value intensity of the scanning view analysis results of the levator ani muscle of the PP cow (523.6 AU increased to 672.1 AU) and the NP cow (515.9 AU decreased to 465.4 AU). Furthermore, there was a significant difference (p<0.05) in the mean value thickness of both scanning view analyses of the coccygeus and levator ani muscles of PP cows (5.8 mm increased to 6.5 mm and 3.8 mm increased to 4.8 mm, respectively) and NP cows (8.8 mm increased to 9.1 mm and 5.9 mm decreased to 4.9 mm, respectively).
Conclusion: We found that the perineal muscles, namely, the levator ani muscle and coccygeus muscle, change in size, and intensity during uterine involution as demonstrated on Madura beef cow
Potential Utilization of Oil Palm Plantation Waste Supports Beef Cattle Development in West Sulawesi
West Sulawesi Province has oil palm plantation areas that have the potential to be integrated with beef cattle. This study aims to collect data on feed availability from oil palm plantation waste and the carrying capacity of beef cattle development in West Sulawesi Province. The research method used is the desk study method that uses secondary data from Statistics Indonesia in 2022 related to oil palm plantations, palm oil production, and beef cattle populations, as well as research data relevant to this study. The data collected were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that West Sulawesi Province has oil palm plantation areas in 4 districts (Polewali Mandar, Mamuju, Central Mamuju, and Pasangkayu). The availability of dry matter from the plantation and palm oil processing waste is 479,554.04 Tons DM/year with a capacity of 210,330.72 LU/Year and can meet the needs of 317.61% of the beef cattle population from four districts. The index of feed availability from palm oil waste was highest in Pasangkayu Regency, with dry matter production of 11,298.8 tons DM/year. West Sulawesi Province has the potential to support the development of beef cattle with an integrated system of palm oil and cattle