42 research outputs found

    Meretojan taudista uutta tietoa kansallisen potilasrekisterin avulla

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    Tiedot Meretojan taudin eli suomalaisen perinnöllisen gelsoliiniamyloidoosin taudinkulusta ovat tähän saakka perustuneet suhteellisen pieniin potilassarjoihin. Uuden kansallisen FIN-GAR-potilasrekisterin avulla voidaan paremmin kartoittaa taudin oireita ja niiden yleisyyttä sekä sen luonnollista kulkua. Potilasrekisteriin on tähän mennessä kerätty tiedot 235 potilaasta, ja siihen toivotaan edelleen täydennystä. Rekisterin mukaan ensioireet alkavat yleensä silmistä. Taudin ensisijainen diagnostinen löydös on potilaalle tyypillisesti jo 20–30-vuotiaana kehittyvä sarveiskalvon verkkomainen rappeuma. Muut oireet ja löydökset kehittyvät suurin piirtein samanaikaisesti, mediaanien osuessa 50 ja 60 ikävuoden välille. Naisilla oireet kehittyvät keskimäärin aiemmin ja erityisesti silmäoireet ovat yleisempiä kuin miehillä. Rannekanavaoireyhtymä, sydämentahdistin ja munuaisensiirrot ovat rekisterin potilailla huomattavasti yleisempiä kuin normaaliväestössä. Näiden tarkkaa patologista yhteyttä Meretojan tautiin tutkitaan ­parhaillaan.Peer reviewe

    Hearing problems in patients with hereditary gelsolin amyloidosis

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Background: Gelsolin amyloidosis (AGel amyloidosis) is a hereditary form of systemic amyloidosis featuring ophthalmological, neurological and cutaneous symptoms. Previous studies based mainly on patients’ self-reporting have indicated that hearing impairment might also be related to the disease, considering the progressive cranial neuropathy characteristic for AGel amyloidosis. In order to deepen the knowledge of possible AGel amyloidosis-related hearing problems, a clinical study consisting of the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ) questionnaire, clinical examination, automated pure-tone audiometry and a speech-in-noise test was designed. Results: Of the total 46 patients included in the study, eighteen (39%) had self-reported hearing loss. The mean scores in the SSQ were 8.2, 8.3 and 8.6 for the Speech, Spatial and Qualities subscales, respectively. In audiometry, the mean pure tone average (PTA) was 17.1 (SD 12.2) and 17.1 (SD 12.3) dB HL for the right and left ears, respectively, with no difference to gender- and age-matched, otologically normal reference values. The average speech reception threshold in noise (SRT) was − 8.2 (SD 1.5) and − 8.0 (SD 1.7) dB SNR for the right and left ears, respectively, which did not differ from a control group with a comparable range in PTA thresholds. Conclusion: Although a significant proportion of AGel amyloidosis patients experience subjective difficulties in hearing there seems to be no peripheral or central hearing impairment at least in patients up to the age of 60 years.Peer reviewe

    Finnish gelsolin amyloidosis causes significant disease burden but does not affect survival: FIN-GAR phase II study

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    Abstract Background Hereditary gelsolin (AGel) amyloidosis is an autosomal dominantly inherited systemic amyloidosis that manifests with the characteristic triad of progressive ophthalmological, neurological and dermatological signs and symptoms. The National Finnish Gelsolin Amyloidosis Registry (FIN-GAR) was founded in 2013 to collect clinical data on patients with AGel amyloidosis, including altogether approximately one third of the Finnish patients. We aim to deepen knowledge on the disease burden and life span of the patients using data from the updated FIN-GAR registry. We sent an updated questionnaire concerning the symptoms and signs, symptomatic treatments and subjective perception on disease progression to 240 members of the Finnish Amyloidosis Association (SAMY). We analyzed the lifespan of 478 patients using the relative survival (RS) framework. Results The updated FIN-GAR registry includes 261 patients. Symptoms and signs corresponding to the classical triad of ophthalmological (dry eyes in 93%; corneal lattice amyloidosis in 89%), neurological (numbness, tingling and other paresthesias in 75%; facial paresis in 67%), and dermatological (drooping eyelids in 86%; cutis laxa in 84%) manifestations were highly prevalent. Cardiac arrhythmias were reported by 15% of the patients and 5% had a cardiac pacemaker installed. Proteinuria was reported by 13% and renal failure by 5% of the patients. A total of 65% of the patients had undergone a skin or soft tissue surgery, 26% carpal tunnel surgery and 24% at least unilateral cataract surgery. As regards life span, relative survival estimates exceeded 1 for males and females until the age group of 70–74 years, for which it was 0.96. Conclusions AGel amyloidosis causes a wide variety of ophthalmological, neurological, cutaneous, and oral symptoms that together with repeated surgeries cause a clinically significant disease burden. Severe renal and cardiac manifestations are rare as compared to other systemic amyloidoses, explaining in part the finding that AGel amyloidosis does not shorten the life span of the patients at least for the first 75 years

    Uudet neuroimmunologiset vasta-ainehoidot - onko teho hintansa arvoinen?

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    Myocardial tissue characterization in patients with hereditary gelsolin (AGel) amyloidosis using novel cardiovascular magnetic resonance techniques

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    Gelsolin (AGel) amyloidosis is a hereditary condition with common neurological effects. Myocardial involvement, especially strain, T1, or extracellular volume (ECV), in this disease has not been investigated before. Local myocardial effects and possible amyloid accumulation were the targets of interest in this study. Fifty patients with AGel amyloidosis were enrolled in the study. All patients underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging, including cine imaging, T1 mapping, tagging, and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) imaging at 1.5 T. Results for volumetry, myocardial feature-tracking strain, rotation, torsion, native T1, ECV, and LGE were investigated. The population mean native T1 values in different segments of the left ventricle (LV) varied between 1003 and 1080 ms. Myocardial mean T1 was 1031 ± 37 ms. T1 was highest in the basal plane of the LV (1055 ± 40 ms), similarly to ECV (30.0% ± 4.4%). ECV correlated with native T1 in all LV segments (p Peer reviewe

    Cardiac manifestations in Finnish gelsolin amyloidosis patients

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    Introduction Finnish gelsolin amyloidosis (AGel amyloidosis) is an inherited systemic amyloidosis with well-known ophthalmological, neurological and cutaneous symptoms. Additionally, cardiomyopathies, conduction disorders and need of cardiac pacemakers occur in some patients. This study focuses on electrocardiographic (ECG) findings in AGel amyloidosis and their relation to cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) changes. We also assessed whether ECG abnormalities were associated with pacemaker implantation and mortality. Materials and methods In this cohort study, 51 genetically verified AGel amyloidosis patients (mean age 66 years) without cardiac pacemakers underwent 12-lead ECG and CMR imaging with contrast agent in 2017. Patients were followed-up for 3 years. Results Conduction disturbances were found in 22 patients (43%). Nine (18%) presented with first-degree atrioventricular block, six (12%) with left anterior hemiblock, seven (14%) with left or right bundle branch block and two (4%) with non-specific intraventricular conduction delay. Low QRS voltage was present in two (4%) patients. Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) concentrating on the interventricular septum and inferior parts of the heart was present in 19 (86%) patients with conduction abnormalities. During the follow-up, only one patient received a pacemaker, and one patient died. Discussion Conduction disorders and septal LGE are common in AGel amyloidosis, whereas other ECG and CMR findings typically observed in most common cardiac amyloidosis types were rare. Septal pathology seen in CMR may interfere with the cardiac conduction system in AGel amyloidosis, explaining conduction disorders, although pacemaker therapy is rarely required.Peer reviewe

    Medication adherence/persistence among patients with active multiple sclerosis in Finland

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    Objectives To explore adherence, persistence, and treatment patterns in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) in Finland treated with disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) for active MS in 2005-2018. Materials and Methods The study cohort was identified using the Drug Prescription Register of Social Insurance Institute, Finland. All patients had at least one prescription of glatiramer acetate (GA), beta-interferons, teriflunomide, or delayed-release dimethyl fumarate (DMF). Adherence was calculated using proportion of days covered (PDC) (cutoff >= 0.8). Time to non-persistence was calculated by the number of days on index DMT treatment before the first treatment gap (>= 90 days) or switch and analyzed with time-to-event methodology. Results The cohort included 7474 MS patients (72.2% female; mean age 38.9 years). Treatment switches were steady over 2005-2012, peaked in 2015. PDC means (standard deviations) were GA, 0.87 (0.17); beta-interferons, 0.88 (0.15); DMF, 0.89 (0.14); teriflunomide, 0.93 (0.10). Adherence frequencies were GA, 78.4%; beta-interferons, 81.3%; DMF, 86.9%; teriflunomide, 91.7%. Logistic regression showed that age group, DMT and the starting year, sex, and hospital district independently affected adherence. Patients receiving teriflunomide and DMF, males, and older patients were more likely to persist on treatment. There was no difference in persistence between patients prescribed teriflunomide and DMF, or between GA and beta-interferons. Conclusions Oral DMTs had greater adherence and persistence than injectable DMTs.Peer reviewe