1,532 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menganalisis Unsur Intrinsik Cerpen Melalui Metode Diskusi Jenis Buzz Group Pada Siswa Kelas VIII a SMP Dwijendra Gianyar Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012

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    This study is a classroom action research. It was conducted for the students at class VIII SMP DwijendraGianyar in the academic year 2011/2012. There were three cycles planned. There were 36 students. The object of the study was the improvement of ability in analyzing the intrinsic element of a short story through Buzz group discussion method. The results revealed that there was improvement in analyzing the intrinsic element of a short story after implementing Buzz group discussion method. It could be found from the mean score of the pretest was 4.2. It improved to 5.22 in the 1st cycle, then up to 6.22 in the 2nd cycle until achieving 7.38 in the 3rd cycle. It means that the standard-passing score (SKBM) that is 7.00 was achieved

    Influence of Pineapple Juice Addition with Different Volume to Snakehead (Channa Striata) Fish Sauce Quality

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    This research was conducted at Fisheries Processing Technology and Fisheries Chemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau, on September 2014. The research was intended to evaluate the influence of pineapple juice addition with different volume to snakehead (channa striata) fish sauce quality. In this research, the fermentation processed by addition of pineapple juice with different volume (10, 15 and 20%) to snakehead fish sauce from meat weight during 6 days fermentation. The parameter analysis was observed to organoleptic (color, odor and flavor), protein content, salt content, pH, crude fiber and total of fish sauce liquid volume. The best treatment was obtained in 20% volume of pineapple juice addition (A3) with criteria: brown yellow in color of fish sauce; spesific fish sauce in odor; delicious and salty in flavor; and protein content 8.63%, salt content 8.04%, pH 5.59, crude fiber content 6.05% and volume of liquid fish sauce 12.29%

    Utilization Pumpkin ( (Curcubita Moschata Durch) as a Color Enhancer for Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Dry Noodles

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    This research was intended to evaluate the effect of pumpkin on the color of Nile Tilapia noodles. Four types of dry noodles were prepared from a mixture of wheat flour (60,3%), soda ash (0,9%), salt (0,3%), water (22,3%), egg (9,5%), carboxy methyl cellulose (0,6%), Nile tilapia meat (6,0%); and the mixture was added with pumpkin paste at a level of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% counted from wheat flour weight. The noodles were evaluated for color, odor, texture, taste , moisture, protein, ash and total bacterial count. The result showed that the color, taste and odor value of the noodles improve until the addition of pumpkin up to 20%, but the texture was decreased. Moisture of dry noodles which added with 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% yellow gourd was 9,61%, 8,24%, 7,85%, 6,29%respectively; protein was 28,98%, 27,46%, 23,94%, 20,28%respectively; ash was 1,48%, 1,55%, 1,62%, 1,72% respectively; bacterial count was 3,7x105 sel/g, 3x105 sel/g, 1,8x105 sel/g, 1,6x105 sel/g respectively

    Influence of Ratio Molar Methanol on Making Biodiesel of Fish Oil Jambal Siam (Pangasius Hypophthalmus)

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    This research aims to know the influence of ratio molar methanol on making biodiesel of fish oil Jambal Siam (Pangasius hypophthalmus). The method used is the molar ratio of experimental methods i.e. methanol 1:1, 1:1.5 and 1:2. The parameters tested were the chemical and physical characteristics, which function to determine the number of acid, number of saponification, number of ester, density, viscosity, and flash point. The research results showed the influence of the ratio of methanol-diesel oil yield of fish against Jambal Siam (Pangasius hypophthalmus) the most optimum is 1:2 with biodiesel yield of 94.67% and testing characteristics in accordance with SNI 04-7182-2006 i.e. acid number (mgKOH/g 0.309), numbers saponification (4.099 mgKOH/g), Esther (3.094 mgKOH/g), density 40oC (0.822 g/ml), kinematics viscosity 40oC (5.186 cSt), and flash point (137.67 oC)

    Peran Unicef dalam Menangani Korban Gempa di Nepal Tahun 2015

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    This research explain about the role of UNICEF in dealing with victims of the earthquake in Nepal 2015. The research also describes how the impact of the earthquake in Nepal and how the condition of Nepal after the earthquake. The earthquakes in April and May 2015 took the lives of nearly 9,000 people. The earthquakes injured thousands and turned to rubble a huge number of homes, health posts and schools that faced the brunt of the quakes. UNICEF as one of the world institutions that fight for children's rights, has made many changes, working with communities and influencing governments in Nepal.This research theoretically has built with pluralism perspective on International Relations and supported by group behavior analysis, International organization theories, and also the concept of the role.The techniques used to collects data to study the case to library research in the form of journals, books, official document, article, and website. Formulation of all arguments, facts, and theoretical framework on this research is guided by qualitative explanation methods. Scope of this research is about UNICEF's role to dealing with victims of the earthquake in Nepal.UNICEF started its response to the disaster right from day one on 25 April 2015. UNICEF launched an emergency appeal to cover the needs of the immediate response and early recovery phase. By using resources contributed towards this emergency appeal, UNICEF supported a number of life-saving activities across the areas of health; nutrition; water, sanitation and hygiene(WASH); education; child protection; and social protection. In addition, UNICEF engaged in helping to disseminate messages to assist children and their families stay safe and healthy during the disaster, as well as information on relief efforts in their communities

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Internal Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Pegawai

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    The method that used in this research is descriptive with quantitative approach. The data is obtained through the closed-questionnaire to the 42 employees. The result taken from Weight Means Scored (WMS) shows that the general description about internal communication as X variable with the mean score as much as 3,02 (good) and the employee's work motivation as Y variable with the mean score as much as 3,15 (very good).The result of correlation analysis between X and Y variable obtained with score of 0,601 shows that X variable has a great influence to Y variable. The test result of determination by using SPSS 22,00 for windowa shows the score as much as 0,361, it means that the internal communiation influences the employee's work motivation as much as 36,1% while the 63,9% is the other influence factor. The test result of regresssion shows that Y=18,73+0,601x which is significant and linear, it means that every internal communication will improves the employee's work motivation as much as 0,601. The conclusion from this research is showed the positive and significant influence from internal communication toward employee's work motivation at Education and Training Hall IV of Ministry of Public Work and Housing
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